Did I Do The Right Thing By Breaking Up With This

Did I do the right thing by breaking up with my boyfriend?

The past is meaningless here. And please take that seriously, because I am primarily an Historian by training and bent, so when I say the past doesn’t matter, it’s significant.Now. Here is WHY the past doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter, because you are making a decision about what you are, and what you want, RIGHT NOW. Yes, the past is what caused you to be who and what you are now, but the “causing” is over.Here’s the main question I have for you, based on what you’ve said here, and you need to answer based only on RIGHT NOW.Do you respect him? As a man, and as a mate? If not, then no decision is needed. No one can make things work with someone who they don’t respect. It doesn’t matter how much you love them, how much you like having sex with them, how long you’ve known them. It doesn’t even matter WHY you don’t respect them as a mate. It only matters THAT you don’t.And the LAST thing anyone should do, is to stay with, or worse, marry someone who they are only with because they feel SORRY for them.

Did i do the right thing breaking off my engagement?

I have just split up with my fiance, and at the minute i'm still in floods of tears. He is the last man on earth i would ever want to hurt. Everyone is going to think i am crazy for breaking up with him, he is fantastic around the house, he adores me and i've never had anyone love me the way he does. Plus he has taken my 6 year old little boy on as his own son, even to the point of having him for 4 months while I was out in Afghanistan. But something just isn't there for me passion wise, I have kept this a secret from everyone for a long time, trying to convince myself that i can just carry on without that part, because he is such a perfect man. I don't know why it isn't working for me, I just know I can't see the rest of my life with him anymore, I was hoping things would be different after being away for 4 months, but it's still the same, and today i confessed it all to him and broke it off. He is devastated and is in a right mess, seeing him like that makes me want to take all his hurst away, knowing i'm the one who has done this to him, so have I done the right thing, or should I have just kept going, because lets face it, finding a man like him is pretty much impossible these confused!

Was breaking up with my boyfriend over porn the right thing to do?

Regardless of the p*rn thing, you and he just don't sound sexually compatible at all. You're not getting what you need and want from him, and it's bad enough that you're willing to throw away your own enjoyment of sex... which you shouldn't have to do in a normal sexual relationship.

Even if he never watched p*rn, I honestly don't think it would solve the compatibility issue. Sometimes two people are emotionally and intellectually compatible, but the "spark" of sexual chemistry just isn't there. Trust me, when you experience the spark, you'll know. Sex with someone who you have that spark with isn't ground-shakingly amazing all of the time (we're only human, after all!), but when you're with someone with whom you have that compatibility and you care about them, sex is usually pretty good, and quite satisfying. It just doesn't sound like you have that with your guy... and yes, that is a perfectly valid reason to break up with someone.

Did i do the right thing?

My girlfriend got raped and beaten. I broke up with her right after she told me. This is what happened:

>Dating girlfriend for 7 months.
>She wants to go to this sleazy club with her friend.
>I told her I didn't want her to go.
>Had an argument about it. She was like "You don't own me and I can do what I want." and that ********.
>Told her if she went then I'm breaking up with her.
>She said she wouldn't go and dropped it.
>Saturday came.
>Hadn't heard from her all day.
>At 4AM on Sunday she calls me crying.
>She says she got raped and beat up.
>She went to the club anyway. Apparently she left alone with some guy and his friend to go to a party. They took her somewhere and beat her up and raped her.
>Had many feelings about this, none of them pleasant.
>I told her if she went to the club that I'd leave her and I told her we were over.
>She started freaking out and saying she needs me right now and that she was sorry.
>Told her never to call me again.
>Have been getting rabid hate from her friends and my friends think I was way too cold.
>She broke my trust, went somewhere I said not to, was probably going to end up cheating on me anyway and got raped and beaten over it and I'm suppose to feel sorr

I'm a christian btw.

Did I make the right decision breaking up with him?

No you didn't make the wrong decision. You sound EXACTLY like me when I was with my ex. However in my case, I stayed for THREE YEARS because he was good to me and he really didn't do anything to warrant me breaking up with him. So for a long long time I was miserable, and felt exactly the way you did with yours. There just wasn't a romantic spark, or connection like that. And I kept trying to wait it out, to see if it would come, but it never did. And he fell in love with me, and I felt too bad, and too guilty to just dump him out of no where. Eventually I had to because he was talking marriage, and moving in together and I didn't want that at all.

Trust me, there ARE good guys left out there. I currently have one, been together over two years and the spark is STILL there! And he's nice, and kind, and a gentleman, and amazing, and so good to me. Don't think your ex is the only one out there. He's not. And if you don't feel that connection with him, then it just wasn't meant to be. Don't feel bad.

Just don't let him continue talking you into getting back with him. My ex did that and I would become even MORE miserable. It was awful. You won't regret leaving him, trust me. You'll find someone amazing, and you'll have that connection.

I feel numb am i doing the right thing?

The truth of this matter is that no one gets pregnant by accident now a days in this time. Anyone who gets pregnant wanted to and for a purpose, but I feel for your loss because a pregnancy is terrible to lose at any time. I am telling you that you took that step to try to make him a Father and things didn't go well, even though he would have stayed with you in time it would have ended up bad, he would tell you that you did that to him. Also he would have at one time ended up leaving you.

The best advice is to move on and even if you love him, he does not love you enough at this time to give up anything for you. You are way to worth it to sit around waiting for him to make up his mind, if he does not know it right now then that means he is thinking what if something better comes along and I am married.

Am I doing the right thing by not breaking up with my girlfriend?

Yeah rough patches are not very attractive are they? I can understand you don't love her, since she actually agrees, she doesn't love her too.Although... you want her to be happy and you are even willing to stay with her and help her to be better and feel better. And when she is strong you might break up with her.Well... somehow that sounds to me that you do love her. Maybe not the way you pictured it. But I think you do love her. The way you write about her does not make me feel you stay out of guilt. You just think it is not a good idea to break up now, and you are right and you do not say that you would feel terribly guilty about it. So it is not fear...Again it sounds more like love to me then no love at all or guilt of fear.When somebody is in deep shit, they are not really lovable, it is difficult to love someone who is depressed and has low self esteem. And as what you say she is extremely clingy too. So I would find it very difficult to love someone who is like that.But you did not walk away...So my advice is this.The way you have to find is try to both fall in love again with her. You with her, and she with herself.What does it mean? It means that you stick around just like what you have planned. She needs to get better. She needs to know that. She needs to be willing to get better. I would give it 6 months up to a year. If she is not willing or is not making any progress  in that time. You don't even have to say that you don't love her. (which I don't believe by the way) You can say that you do not want to live with someone who is that depressed or does not love herself and doesn't want to get any better. Well, but it is true isn't it? No one can do that... even if you love unconditionally and completely, it would be almost impossible. Yes well maybe when you are married for 20 years... maybe then yes.So, she needs professional help, counselor etc.Fast.Good luck.

Am I doing the right thing breaking up a six years of relationship?

(My answer will be very general based off the fact that you didn’t provide any details about your relationship)It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been with somebody. What matters is the content and substance of the relationship. You could stay in a relationship for years for the wrong reasons .. maybe out of fear or maybe from feeling too comfortable. Does that mean it’s right? No. Don’t ever settle because you think you’ve invested too much time in a relationship already. You could invest another 6 years and have nothing change, leaving you to still feel like breaking up.If you have legitimate reasons to break up, or even if you just don’t feel the same connection anymore and something in your gut tells you to break up, then do it. As long as you’ve been wanting to break up for a while and it’s not a sudden random urge, then you shouldn’t feel guilty to do so.