Did I Do The Right Thing Help

Did I do the right thing?

My little sister, is 16. I'm 21, and happily married. Well, my sister has this boyfriend, whom she wants to be engaged to. They discussed it and everything, and they went to pink out her ring, but when he looked in his wallet, he didn't have enough money. Well, the reason he didn't have enough money, is because he spent his pay on "weed" and then, when him and his "buddy" were high, they went to buy some oxi-kodine pills. It really pissed off my sister, and to me, that's like saying she's not good enough, or that his drugs are more important than her or something. She trusts me and tells me everything, but I feel that with him, she's going down the wrong path. He might get her to be that way also. She told him to stop herowin, and he did...she said the only thing he could do, was "weed" and I told her that she shouldn't have even told him that. He's 18 with no drivers license or permit, no car, and the only job he has, is farm work. I know she cares about him a lot, and loves him. Her schoolw ork has even improved signaficantly. Anyhow, I worry about what her future holds. She trusts me, but I had to tell our parents about it, then, let them decide what to do. However, I feel guilty for telling them, because I know how much she cares about him, and I don't want to betray her trust. But it's for her better interst. So, did I do the right thing by telling?

How do you know what the right thing to do is?

Right thing, a tricky question to answer because right thing is subjective it changes from person to person but still there are times in our lives when the most difficult things are right thing and we do it just because they are right.Let me enumerate the factors that give a clear idea that what we are doing is right.You will always have “ Peace of mind”, right thing always yield positive energy that will help you restore your strength even in adverse circumstances,You will feel “fearless”, no matter whether people are against you, verbally slam you,backbiting about you these things will not deviate you,it may cause stress but always remember that greatest lessons are learnt the hardest way.You will “never regret” your decisions or conversations if it was the right thing to be discussed or told.You will have deaf ears to how and what people talk about you because its common that when you are right you often get rivals, and they work together to shatter you, thats the time when you sheild your esteem by being deaf to badmouthing that goes around about you.Thus whenever you feel the adrenaline rush or an intense mood to decide what is right or wrong may be above points will be of help, its what I treasured through life experience. A skill to define “right”.

I helped my ex-girlfriend. Did I do the right thing?

Be clean about what you do or don't do it. She can't make you give away your integrity. You knew she wanted to use you, did you want another round of heartache? Where you hoping she might come back because you were nice? Why aren't you learning? If anything you could have traded it for a straight answer from her. That at least would be something you could use in your search for a suitable partner in the future. Why did she drop you? Was it you or her? How did you miss, she was a user?Don't get caught up in teaching people lessons. They don't learn what you intend and now you just practiced being a meanie. Who do you want to be?The best thing would have been to just beg off and let it go. She's a user and you know it. It should have been a confirmation of your conclusion. She takes, you give. The end!

I tried to help my friend, did I do the right thing?

I read it all, I'm not quite sure I fully understand to be honest. I think being concerned is a part of being a friend, I find it hard to step back when a friend is possibly putting themselves in danger - I find it even harder to reconcile with when they push the help away - I mean, why did they tell me in the first place if they don't want my help and know I'm concerned? End of the day you can't help someone who won't help themselves - you can't save people from themselves, and it sucks. It doesn't sit well with me not knowing how things are going to turn out, it's easy to get and be invested, it's hard to un-invest. I don't know how to do that to be honest. Most Aspies are loyal and protective friends - sometimes to our own detriment. If you really think she's in danger go to an authority figure, your friend might hate you for it but she’ll be safe.

Please help me do the right thing here. Thanks.?

My friend in high school Wanda and I were talking one day and she told me she had a step sister Connie that was 18, beautiful, and had never had a date. I asked her how that was possible. She said Connie was sexually abused when she was younger and she was afraid of all men. Wanda asked me if I would take her on a date and show her that not all men were pigs. I was very reluctant to do that as I did not know anything about sexual abuse. Wanda said “Please, it will help her lead a normal life” so I agreed to do it.

I thought I knew on my date with Connie the most romantic thing I could do was hold hands. However Connie had other ideas. She wanted to cuddle and kiss a lot. To my untrained eye, it looked to me like she was trying to make up for all those lost years of not dating. I thought to my self, how could this be for someone that was sexually abused when she was younger. We both had a good time on our date.

The next day Wanda called me and said Connie REALLY ENJOYED the date and wanted to do it again. I like to help people when I can but I am in way over my head in knowing how to treat someone that has been sexually abused. The LAST thing I want to do is cause her any problems after all the problems she has had in the past.

Can someone give me some advice on this please. I like her but I am scared to death I will do the wrong thing and cause her a problem. Should I just treat her as any other date and follow her lead.


Did I do the right thing calling CPS?

You did the right thing. I am in a profession that is a "mandated reporter" meaning, if I know of possible abuse or neglect, I have to report it, or lose my license. All doctors, dentists, teachers, principals, speech therapists, occupational therapists, counselors, and nurses are mandated reporters. Just about anyone who works professionally with a child is a mandated reporter. I would have reported this. When you report SUSPECTED abuse to CPS you are not saying it definitely happened. It is up to them to investigate it. I have reported suspected abuse before and nothing came of it. CPS went out, investigated and decided that what was happening didn't live up to the level of abuse. A lot of people want to turn a blind eye to abuse because it brings out some of their own fears and issues. They are afraid that their own parenting style might be considered abuse. But it takes a lot to live up to the standard of abuse and besides, other people's issues aren't your problem. The fact that your mom pressured your sisters into lying makes me suspicious that the abuse could still be happening. That's the way abusers operate. They intimidate their victims. They are helped along by people who will never turn in an abuser. If you ignore it, you're morally responsible to that child who is bullied and abused and who won't speak for herself.

Abortion and PCOS...Did I do the right thing???? Please help me!?

I am nineteen years old and I just got an it has been four months and it is finally coming down on me, I suppose my mind did a good job of blocking it out. But I am realizing that I would have been showing by now... the gift of a child that I vacuumed out... that I PAID to have vacuumed out for CHIRSTS SAKE... OMG WHAT is wrong with me???? I had a BABY inside of me oh my god... I was only four weeks along and the only reason I chose abortion is because the doctors all told me the baby would have probably died anyway (I have Poly-Cystic Ovarian Syndrome and my uterus has a scar inside of it because of this). If anyone knows what PCOS is and what it does to the body than you will understand why the doctors told me this. My thought was that I would rather get an abortion than miscarry and bleed my baby out if it was going to die either way, but the "what if's" are killing me. What if my uterus could have supported the baby? Am I just a murderer? Did I just kill a tiny child?!?!?! I am hurting so bad what if it survived??? The doctors told me my life was at risk if I choose to continue the pregnancy as well, but was I being selfish? I am the idiot who was not careful enough with sex, so did I punish a tiny baby for my own mistakes? I am very pro-choice but it is different when it is your own child.... and I guess I just want to know if I am a murderer? Did I destroy something beautiful? Even though my life and the life of my child was at risk, should I have at least tried? Please be kind, I am already breaking up because of this, but please give me your opinion. Because of PCOS I may never even be able to get pregnant again in the future, I had to get my right ovary removed for Christs' sake because of PCOS, so this is a huge worry for me... did I do the right thing? OR did I PAY to have the only preganancy I might ever have vacuumed out?? Oh my god... please help me.

I dump my cheating bf, am i doing the right thing?

I've lived with my ex for a year in NYC n we moved to SF cause i got a job there, after five months i had to go back to NYC cause of family reason n he have to stayed in SF cause he already got a job there, he couldn't moved back to NYC with me. But we decided to do ldr. After like a month, i went back to SF to celebrate his Bday and found out (i read his texts) that he's been involved with several other woman. I dump him but i couldn't let him go, i want to remind friends cause i still wanna cling to the hope that we could be together again someday. When I'm bout to go back home, i found out that he slept with someone the night when i was there. it hurts me so bad. i decided to cut him out of my life for good, i dont want to deal with his lies, deception, manipulation anymore. i suffer enough.

I still miss him and think about him sometimes. it still hurts and make me sad everytime i think bout it.

Am i doing the right thing here?

Did I do the right thing? Please help? Suicidal thoughts on it. No one cares to listen.?

Ever since my dad left my mom has always yelled at me over the things that are wrong with her life whether she loses a job or becomes addicted to alcohol, she blames me for all of it. What happened today I decided I had enough. Tonight I realized i ran out of my sleeping and anxiety medication (sleeping disorder) so I went in her room to check if she had some, waking her up when looking in her medicine drawer. I asked her if she could refill my prescription in the morning and she told me to leave her alone and she won’t be harassed by me. I went back downstairs to look for medicine i can take to get me to sleep when suddenly she comes storming downstairs and yells at me “pick up your mess you ******, you give me anxiety” and she walks back upstairs. I sat there quiet for a minute and something snapped in me and I went upstairs filled up a cup of water and went into her room and splashed her and said ”no one deserves to be treated like that”. She then yelled at me that she’s kicking me out of the house and how screwed I am now that I did that.