Did I Jam Or Sprain My Finger

Can I crack a sprained finger?

Rub it firmly (without causing pain), keep on doing that till it cracks.

It might not be good to do from a medical point of view, but hey- I do it all the time!

Why do i keep spraining or jamming my fingers?

Part of your problem is that after your initial injury, you are not allowing enough time for your finger(s) to heal, so the finger(s) are kind of slow and not reacting and behaving as they normally would if they were healthy and not hurt. They are then more prone to injury again because your brain cannot judge exactly how your fingers will react when they are hurt and injured. Best advice I have is ibuprofen (advil) and ice, immobilize the finger(s) with a popsicle stick and tape, rest, and if they still hurt after resting the hands from play for about a week, get an xray to rule out a broken finger. I used to play dodge ball all the time when I was young and experienced what you are talking about; my joints in the fingers are kind of gnarly but then again I am a girl and it is more of a concern for female hands.

What is the difference between a sprain and jamming your finger?

They are the same thing. Stating that the finger was "jammed" just tells the story of the direction of the blow that caused the sprained finger. A jammed finger sustained a blow from the tip of the finger toward the hand.
A sprain or a jammed finger are both acceptable ways to describe the same injury.

How to tell if your finger is sprained, jammed, or broken?

Unlike other appendages, fingers and thumbs tend to swell the most when they're broken. Even a hairline fracture can cause serious swelling. The swelling itself could cause circulatory issues in some people and depending on where the injury is. A sprain in a digit can cause swelling, but it usually less and goes away more quickly.

There's no way to tell if it's fractured without an xray. Without knowing if and where it was fractured, there's no way to tell how long it would take to heal.

If you cannot even write, you need to be seen. Tell your parents. If you've managed to fracture thru a growth plate, it can require surgery. If you further injure an already injured digit, it can cause permanent damage and affect the use of your obviously dominant hand.

Is my finger broken, jammed, sprained or fractured?

Well, A good way to tell ( not always 100% accurate but pretty damn close) is to take a tuning fork ( used for music or something that vibrates but not a big vibration like a cell phone) take it and strike the tuning fork so it is vibrating and then touch it to the top of your finger that you think is broken. If it is fractured this will really hurt because what it will do is make the two parts of the broken bone rub together. The reason this doesn't always produce a right anwers is because you may have another type of fracure like an avulson fracture or a fracture that the two bones are compressed together to much to cause pain when this is done. I was an athletic training student for awhile and this is what we would do if we weren't sure about broken fingers. Remember this is not 100% and your finger could still be broken even if this test is negative

One more thing to remember is if you are doing a buddy tape with your finger (where you tape the bad finger to the uninjured finger next to it make sure you put something between to the two fingers to prevent rubbing.

How do I make sure my daughter heals well from a finger sprain?

Have her see an orthopaedic hand surgeon. He can give her the best advice, and therapy. On average fingers take four to six weeks to heal. The problem with jam fingers is that they may not be just a simple jam. We had two patients who were told they had jammed their fingers and both of them needed surgery because the bone cracked through the joint so that the finger wouldn't bend correctly. One of them was told by her best friends father who happens to be a medical doctor that it was just a jam finger and it will do fine. She didn't bother getting an x-ray and ten days later she still couldn't bend it. Ten days in orthopaedics is way too long to set a broken finger. She ended up needing surgery to take apart the fracture in order to set the bone correctly.

Another incident involved a second base softball player and she was told by her athletic trainer that it was just a jam. Her finger was worse because the joint was fractured and dislocated and the hand surgeon was pissed because he had to explain to the parents who were so into getting her daughter back on the field because she was a senior in high school that they wanted to just fix it enough so she could play. The parents were real assholes about it and he told them to see another doctor because he wouldn't concede on doing that. He told them it would be even more difficult to fix if it were allowed to heal even more. He told them it would be malpractice. It's like cement and once you pour the cement the cement starts to harden and the longer you wait the harder it is to fix.

Playing volleyball with a sprained finger?

1st pull the jammed finger up by open and closing your jammed finger. There probably swelling so your should do R.I.C.E. which stand for Rest,Ice, Compression, and Elevation. To stabilize the jam finger you use the finger next it to help support it as a splint. Wrap them together with medical or athlete tape.My Setters jam their finger all the time and check to make sure there no bone or ligament danger.
Ice the finger for about 10 to 20 minutes and let them practice setting. If they feel fine we good to go.

How can I know if my finger is jammed or broken?

I wouldnt worry about it too much .Your BRAIN and body are equipped with a type of sensor system that will send a message VERY VERY fast to your BRAIN , if your finger ever breaks .Same if your finger is jammed .Your brain will tell you “ OH MY GOD SOMETHING DREADFUL IS WRONG *F*********K AHHHHHHHH….. THE PAIN IS HORRIBLEEEE ………AHHHHHHHH …………MY FINGER !!!!!! ……..AHHHHHHHH !!!!!! ……WHYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!! . WHYYYYY IS MY FINGER PUNISHING MEEEEEE “Thats what I imagine your brain telling you in either of those cases .

Why does my jammed fingers never fully heal?

All of our joints are amazing pieces of natural mechanical and electrical engineering. But like any complex engineering they can be damaged in many complicated ways and be beyond the body's natural ability to repair. (Trust me on this—I have 5 joint replacements—including my right thumb.)At this point you have given it plenty of time and you are not achieving the return to full functioning you hoped for. It is time to seek a orthopedic doc or neuro surgical doc WHO SPECIALIZES IN HANDS. Your general orthopedic surgeons should have alerted you to the difference. You can easily look up hand specialists in your area and their credentials and patient reviews. “Live with it” is not an answer—-especially as no one has clearly told you what exactly is wrong. (…because they don't know!)If you heard strange noises or sensed erratic steering performance from your car you probably wouldn't wait to see if it was just a fluke. You also wouldn't accept “live with it” from your mechanic. And certainly you would expect to be told exactly what was going on.If I'd taken the advise of the first few “specialists” I saw I'd likely be in a wheelchair—which is what my current docs have told me. You must be your own advocate—you're the one who is experiencing the change in function—so persevere!The answer may still be physical therapy (which is procedurally a proper early step—surgery is for when less invasive cures are proven ineffective.) If so do everything your physical therapist tells you to do. This is 2 incredibly successful knee replacements talking. But never accept “live with it” without knowing exactly what “it” is.