Did I Lose Weight To Fast

Lose weight fast!!?

1. 20 minute walk ( NOT RUN ) everyday. walking or tread mill speed less then 3.0 possibly with incline will burn fat do not run. running will do cardio. you want weight loss.

2. park far as you can at work, grocery store, use manual door, useless elevator. ( this alone can shave off 5lbs in a year.

3.Drink water at least 8 cups a day. no more pop. diet soda is worst than regualr soda, aspertane is really really not good for you.

4. when you eat. do not watch tv, talk on the cell phone..etc.. focus waht you are doing, eat! enjoy the flavor. listen to your stomach. when it say i'm full stop

5. let the fork down while chowing!! slow down don't inhale food.

6. eat when you are hungry. do not starve your self. REMEMBER #4.

7. Always leave something on your plate. even if it's a bite.


for your graduation....

here is a trick. volumetrics..

how does your body know when you are hungry or not?

when your stomach is full, it's not hungry..

your job is fill your stomach with low calororie high volume food.

if the food is close to natual state, it's less calorie per same size, ( corn < corn mill < cerial < bread)

eat raw veggie, oatmeal, you will eat meat but lean meat, not fast food,

NO LIQUID CALORIES beer, coffee, soda, your bod'y does not count those calories because it goes right throw you.

AVOID CORN SYRUP. it's worse then sugar.


work out...

swimming is great and so is basket ball..

watch your diet..

add low fat burning accersices.. incline tead mill at low speed. / YOGA / and bodypump.

if you are serious about loosing weight in two weeks..

EAt breakfast, and work out everyday. ( treamill)

Why do I lose weight so fast!?

I'll start off by stating that I'm a 17 year old male who NEVER does exercise. Whenever I've dieted, I've been able lose around a pound a day, and even up to 10 pounds in a week. It's not water weight, and I'm not starving myself either. On a diet I'll have around 1300 to 1400 calories a day; it's all extremely healthy foods, like spinach and fruit. A lot of these calories are carbs: pasta, rice, and beans, and I drink lots of water too. I do not exercise either. And yet, I'm able to lose weight so fast, that it makes celebrity weight loss look pitiful. Is it because of my metabolism, or is it because of something else? And, I'm not fat either. I've been in the overweight level before, around a bmi of 29, but never past that, and I was able to get from that to a bmi of 19 within a summer. That's over 70 pounds in one summer. No exercise, just eating healthy. People can't normally do that.

How did you lose weight fast?

If you really want fast results, just do a simple six or seven day water fast. They work wonders for me. Simply drink only water for six or seven days, but make sure that you eat smaller amounts on the days before and after so that you dont shock your body and can ease into the fast.

I typically lose about a pound a day per fast. You can also drink green tea during the fast to help jump start your metabolism. Just make sure to take vitamins as well.

Dont buy into the bogus about a fast equalling starvation. In reality they are quite healthy and simply remove unneededsugars etc from your body and then work on your fat reserves. Fasting only becomes 'starvation' after about thirty days.

Just remember that the first two days are the hardest as you crave food. But after that you simply stop getting hungry

Good luck

Why am I losing weight so fast?

Check your blood glucose level. Your body might have a deficiency in adequate insulin production (a condition known as diabetes). This results in shutting down your ability to convert food into energy. Since your body requires energy for living, and it cannot receive this energy from the food you eat, it will seek this energy from alternate sources within the body - fat and proteins stored in the tissues. This results in literally burning down your body for fuel, and a resultant rapid weight loss. You can lose several kilo/pounds of body weight within a matter of 2–5 weeks.Other symptoms of insulin deficiency are:Constant urge/need to urinate because your kidneys are working overtime to eliminate glucose from blood, since all the carbohydrates you consume ends up as glucose in your blood with no place else to go.Constant thirst, demanded by kidneys to keep the blood volume high and prevent the body from dehydrating.“sugar” (glucose) in urine.Weakness, lack of energy, lack of enthusiasm/vim and vigor.sores developing in eyes, body and genitalia due to excessive sugar excretion via. urine, tears and sweat.If you eliminate insulin deficiency as the most probable cause for weight loss, please consult a endocrinologist or physician to find out whether a hormonal imbalance (thyroid) might be the cause for sudden weight loss.

How fast do anorexics lose weight?

That is simply not true, what the person above me said.
You lose weight, and fast. About a pound a day (assuming they just started). Most anorexics exercise like crazy as well so it speeds it up, and they may lose 2 pounds a day.

I know this because of experience, I've done the whole not eating thing for weeks and I dropped weight FAST, this was in high school.

After high school, I was a heroin addict, and barely ate, was basically anorexic, even though I wasn't trying to be. I lost even more weight than I had in high school. I went dropped like 30 pounds in a month in a half.

I dont know why people always say on here that you don't lose weight if you starve yourself, whether it's on purpose or not. YOU DO. So don't listen to them haha. It's not true.

Have these people ever watched Survivor,The Colony, or anything like that? They're on an island for 40 days, barely eat, and they all lose around 20 pounds, depending how big they were in the first place.

That's why being anorexic is so dangerous, you lose weight, and it's so fast that your body starts shutting down. There are some real dumb people on here.

How fast did you lose weight on adderall?

My experience has been very similar to Sara M.'s. I've also gone several days without eating. Taking it and not eating really CAN make the pounds come off fast - and that can be good if that's what you're looking for (like if you're getting married soon & want to look good or something like that).

But if you just think you're overweight & want to lose it, I think it works out better in the end if you force yourself to eat *some* food of high nutritional value - and you will have to *force* yourself to eat because you really won't want to. If you just totally don't eat for days at a time, and you do this for a longer period of time (I'd say several months or longer), you may start looking unhealthy - in a crackhead sort of way.

I started off on 60mg a day (40mg first thing in the morning & 20mg about half-way through the day). I lost about 40 lbs. (195 down to 155) in about 3 months (maybe a little longer, but not much). During this time is when I routinely went several days without eating & had to force myself to eat. Toward the end of that time, I also started looking crack-head-ish.
I backed off to 40mg a day (20mg morning & afternoon) and started eating better. My weight went up to about 165 or 170 but I looked much better. I've maintained this for several years.

How fast did you lose weight with anorexia?

I've been struggling with this for 2 years. I started at 5'8" 160-165ish. I remember the exact day I decided to start this "diet". From October 19th to December 12th I lost 25 pounds. That was with heavy restriction. Then I wasn't losing as easily so I started running at least 4 miles a day. It took me until February 24th to lose another 20. Once I reached 120 restriction and exercise wasn't enough, so I began to fast and that's how I reached my ultimate low of 113. Living like this is absolute hell and I really hope you're not considering this. I'm not going to lie, I am skinny....but I also have dark circles around my eyes, my hair falls out, I dont get my period, I'm weak, blurry's just not worth it in the end. Take Care.

How do anorexics lose so much weight so fast?

Well it depends. There are anorexics who barely eat anything. So if someone consumes under 300 calories a day that's a deficit of 1700 calories a day = -11900 calories a week. Even if their body's metabolism slows to a snails pace, the body NEEDS food to survive and ends up using up stored fat anyways.
When people's weight is in the healthy range and they starve themselves on occasion to try to lose weight, this is when it doesn't work because the metabolism is so slow when they eat normally again they gain weight.
Both ways of looking at diet are extremely unhealthy and disordered. I'm SUPER PROUD that you are in recovery :) Food is awesome!