Did That Obamacare Versius Affordable Care Spoof Prove That It Is About Obama

What is so bad about Obamacare?

I am not American, but from I what I read Obamacare is just a way to improve the healthcare system and make sure everyone has access to healthcare. What is so bad about it?

How did Barack Obama get reelected?

Obama was a beatable incumbent, meaning that Romney had a fair chance at winning when looking at Obama's record, the state of the economy and his popularity.  Obama ran a good campaign to get reelected where he hit hard, effectively wooed the Hispanic and Women's vote, and got his voters out to vote.  He didn't run a perfect campaign where Romney had no chance at winning, but one where Romney would have to run an excellent campaign if he was to win.  Ultimately, Romney didn't present himself as a viable alternative.  He ran a subpar to mediocre campaign and not nearly good enough to beat the campaign Obama ran.  I attribute this to the fact that he had to run way too far right during the primaries that he lost his appeal to centrist voters. The biggest of the Romney gaffes was the "47%" comment which was a result of trying to get his right-wing bona fides in order.  If he was able to simply run on his record as the governor of Massachusetts, he would have been a much stronger candidate.  However, he couldn't have won the Republican nomination with that record.I think this is not really Romney's problem, but the problem of the current Republican party's primary electorate's decision to not be a be a big tent party and instead to toe the line of ideology.

How is 2010s different from 2000s?

2000s:Young people watched television for news.The 80s nostalgia revival was in full swing.Reality TV was at its height.Athletic wear was acceptable everyday wear, as Juicy Couture tracksuits became all the rage.The majority of music artists had established rappers and pop superstars that belonged to major record companies, like Britney Spears or Kanye West.Most people used MySpace and FaceBook, and the idea of a YouTube star had yet to fully realize its potential.Most people owned flip phones or Nokias.2010s:Young people read Twitter for news, and this has lead to a crisis of fake news and misinformation.The 90s nostalgia is in full swing.Instagram models and YouTube stars have replaced Reality TV stars, although, it's absolutely possible for a reality star to cross over into the social media scene, and get influence that way.Much of music is made on GarageBand and put online. The need for big music producers has decreased.EDM and Trap have taken over the music industry, and every artist has some influences of this. Many artists seldom use real instruments.FaceBook is still around, but Twitter and Instagram have become more important to young people, as it thrives on ingesting small bits of information.Most people own iPhones or Samsungs.