Did Tsunade Ever Have A Crush On Orochimaru

Did tsunade ever have a crush on orochimaru?

I would like to think so XD But sadly, no, I highly doubt she had a crush on Orochimaru. I only recall her saying that she would rather be with Orochimaru than Jiraiya when they were like, what, 10 years old.
There are exceptions to these parallels. Such as, Konan for example liked Yahiko, who is the parallel of Naruto, not Nagato, the "bad boy", unlike Sakura/Rin who liked the bad boy. We don't know if Mito liked Madara when they were young, probably not, she ended up with Hashirama instead, another parallel exception.

Did Tsunade have a crush on Orochimaru?

No she never had any feelings for him. As kids, she once told Jiraiya that she'd rather date Orochimaru over him, but it was just a jab at Jiraiya and not serious. She's never liked Oro in that way.

Did Orochimaru have a crush on Tsunade?


Why did and how did Orochimaru save Tsunade?

While being inside Kabuto, Orochimaru became interested as to how sasuke's life would turn out.He never was an enemy, just a (mad) man who would do anything to reach his goals.  So didnt have any reasons not to help Tsunade, also thinking that the 5 kage would come to be useful in the going battle, he chose to save Tsunade.He used karin to save all of them as By biting and consuming an Uzumaki's chakra, the said Uzumaki can heal the injuries of others as well as themselves.

What is the relationship between Orochimaru and Jiraiya?

They are team mates. Two of The three Sannins.But that’s pretty obvious, isn’t it? So I’ll take the liberty to go all philosophical here. Why? Because Naruto is life and I can’t let this opportunity slip out of my hand. Not everyday we come across questions about Jiraiya and Orochimaru’s relationship, people. So bear with me.Orochimaru was to Jiraiya what Sasuke is to Naruto. In other words, Orochimaru was Sasuke that Naruto could not save. They are team mates and Jiraiya always considered Orochimaru as a close friend. Orochimaru was strong and Jiraiya always worked hard to compete with him, just like Naruto and Sasuke.However, Orochimaru had his own goals to achieve and he did not care about the means to achieve them and defected from Konoha. Jiraiya, being his team mate and friend, always felt that it was his responsibility to bring Orochimaru back to the village and convince him to walk on the right path. Just as Naruto wanted to do bring Sasuke back to the village. But Jiraiya could not convince him and he blamed himself for it. He always thought that it was his weakness that he could not bring his friend back to the path of righteousness. This was part of the reason why he turned down the position of Hokage. He tried finding a deeper meaning in Orochimaru’s betrayal to the village. He believed if he could understand the reason then he might be able to convince him to come back. He kept following Orochimaru’s movements and kept trying to somehow convince him to come back but could not. That always remained his regret.There are very subtle moments in the show where the relationship between these two have been portrayed beautifully. In a way that it pains to see them growing apart. For Jiraiya, Orochimaru was not just a team mate but his best friend, a brother, someone he really wanted to save but could not. For him, he was a lesson, a regret, a goal, an unfulfilled story.

Was Tsunade in love with Jiraiya?

Was she in love with Jiraiya? Well…that’s clearly debatable. And for the vast majority of her younger years, I would say no. She certainly had feelings that could be construed as romantic later on, namely right before Jiraiya sets off on his mission to the Hidden Rain. Her blushing in his presence could also be construed as the budding of the seeds of romantic love (at least on her side, because it’s no great secret how Jiraiya felt about Tsunade).Did she love Jiraiya? Yes, obviously. He was, prior to his death, one of the few constants in her life, even if he wasn’t necessarily around. He and Orochimaru seemed like a couple of characters who just couldn’t die, and in contrast to Orochimaru, Jiraiya would have been a source of fondness and support for Tsunade, especially when her little brother (and probably Dan, too) died.This idea also supports the romantic parallels drawn between the personalities of Minato and Kushina, as well as Naruto and Sakura.My conclusion: She’s loved him for a very long time, but then ended up falling IN love at what was arguably the most inopportune time, when she was Hokage and busy with her duties, and Jiraiya either off with Naruto or hunting the Akatsuki, and not long before he lost his life to Pain. It’s almost like Dan all over again…

In which Naruto episode does Tsunade show Ino and Sakura what she looked like younger?


what you saw wasn't an actual episode, it was just an omake, an omake is like a tiny little clip that shows at the end of the episode, it doesn't really have a purpose nor a big story line, its just for laughs and to entertain us for a minute or two

the one where tsunade shows herself younger is the special ending of episode 169 of naruto shippuden

most online sites cut out the omakes which is why a lot of people havent seen them but has the full epsiode so you can view them there

here it is on youtube though:

and yes, it was HILARIOUS XD

hope i helped :)

If Jiraiya was alive, could he and Tsunade end up together?

Certainly they could have! People change over time, and Tsunade would have eventually overcome her emotional difficulties with loving someone again. How? She would literally have outgrown such a self-centered take on life through having been forced to expand herself in so many ways in the role of Hokage.As for Jaraiya, if he appeared again tomorrow, none of us would have any right to be shocked. Everyone else comes back from the dead once in a while (Orochimaru, are you listening?) and who knows, Pervy Sage could be next. All it would take is for the writers to start running low on story ideas and decide to bring him back. They would come up with a cover story.For example, maybe Master Jaraiya was rescued at the last moment by the Toads (of course), who took him back to the most secret corner of Toadville for a 21-year rehabilitation… or that enemy dude whose life Jaraiya the Master Torturer spared because he was running out of tickling feathers, remember him? He owed his life to Jaraiya, so maybe he or his wife or other relative had some means by which they saved Jaraiya by putting his spirit in suspended animation or something. And then they had to clone his body and grow another one, which would take a couple decades at least.If Jaraiya came back to the Hidden Leaf Village after Tsunade had gotten her new job down pat, then she would have had room in her heart for him. He would have settled down and been less of a perv, becoming a one-woman man for the sake of Tsunade. Naysayers may say them nay on this, but I say they would go on to be the happiest, most fulfilled couple in all of Middle-earth.The Return of Master Jaraiya, and his grand marriage to Tsunade, would be the social event of the year - or there, in Westeros, perhaps of the decade - since they have known so much war and death in the past generation. I can’t help it, I am just a natural optimist. It’s my nendo - my Ninja Way! BELIEVE IT! Now I’m ready to go hunt down a bowl of Ramen! Who’s with me?