Did We Ever Find A Way To Use Black Ops 2 Bus Route

What are some slang terms used among police officers?

The most derogatory terms for the bad guys and citizens who are just pains in the rectum:A.H. = Adam Henry (A-dam H-enry) If you don’t get it…..sometimes you will hear it as “Jack Hole”… what starts with an “A” that ends with HOLE ?RICHARD CRANIUM= What starts with a “D” and is a nickname for Richard ? What is the non-medical layman’s term for the Cranium ? Do these clues HEAD you in the right direction ?

How to play Black Ops 2 TranZit?

I haven't played much with Zombies gamemode in earlier Call of Duties. I never knew how to turn on the power and what that is good for.

I got Black Ops 2 and I REALLY DON'T KNOW what to do in TranZit.
What is the bus good for? When does that start going?
Sometimes there are 'parts' that you can take but I don't know what's the aim of this thing.
There could be much more questions but I think it is easier to say that I would like to know the most about this gamemode. With my knowledge it is nearly unplayable.

EXACTLY where is the bowie knife in black ops 2 tranzit?

I know the bowie knife in black ops 2 zombies is between the power plant and town, but I can't find the cabin. I always stay close to the wall on the right where the train car is. where VERY specifically is it? Thanks!

I want to go into the military as a sniper, which branch would be better?

Some things to keep in mind:1. Snipers are almost always drawn from non-commissioned (no officers) members of the Infantry. (Yes, the Navy has snipers with the SEAL teams but I'm an Army guy so I'm going to approach this from the Army perspective.) That means in order to be even considered you will have to not only join a ground force like the Army or Marines etc but specifically the "Black Cadillac" (combat boot) marching straight legged Infantry. If you are confused as to what the Infantry is, the Infantry is the fighting force. Your duty isn't to fix trucks or operate tanks, it's to fight, mostly on foot, and to close with and destroy the enemy.2. Snipers are drawn from the BEST of the Infantry. Sniper positions are competitive so you need to not only be a good shot but also a highly ranked solider with your unit. You need to be in top physical shape, a "team builder", a potential future leader, and a master of your craft (basic soldier skills and tactics). Yes this sounds like a lot but for those that are selected to be snipers, they all hit those boxes.3. Don't get ahead of yourself. I am assuming you are still a civilian and have yet to start your journey in the military. We have all seen plenty of wide eyed enthusiastic recruits walk through the gates of the base to only be put on the first bus back after the pressure is turned on and the screaming starts. In order to be even considered as a sniper candidate you will likely have to be in for at least 2-3 years and have completed all of your basic and some of your advanced training (mountain, winter, mounted and dismounted warfare, basic and advanced recce etc). All of these courses are extremely hard and make basic training seem like Sunday tea. What I am trying to say here is you got a long way to go and you should be focusing on finishing your basic training and your basic infantry training. If you haven't washed out by then (and plenty of people do wash out) then start to think about what you need to do to become a sniper. If you are switched on your chain of command will be more than happy to help you with that goal.You are probably not unlike many people who aspire to great things in the military - enthusiastic, and with your heart in the right place but trust me on this... You have no idea what you are getting yourself into. Like I mentioned previously, focus on finishing and excelling at your basic and basic Infantry training and then evaluate where things are stacking up.Good luck.