Did You Hear That Cnn Will Not Be

Did you hear about the gift card scam ?

I read this on the net about 2 or 3 weeks ago. CNN is late as usual.

It also said that many of the people doing this were carefully opening packages where the numbers ere hidden then taking them back to the strore waiting fot them to be sold.

It was recommended that you only buy gift cards that are from in back of the counter not one that the public has access to.

Does CNN suck or what ?

I am a big liberal and even I thing CNN sucks. I want NEWS, not politics, not bias, just information. I live in a small town in North Carolina and even we had +500 people attend the tea party. That is probably more people at the tea party than any other down town event. I ate dinner near the event and they were not disruptive and most of the speakers, we could hear some, were very informed and well spoken. There we many african-americans at the tea party also. that shocked me. The fact that CNN is so one sided and so is our local newspaper is just bad. No such thing as jounalism there. Just opinion.

I do think that Andersen Cooper needs to stop tea-baggin himself (would be fun to watch) and do some real reporting.

Did you hear on the news you can die from box pancake mix?

Its true only if you have an allergy to mold, specifically the types of mold that can form in pancake mix: Penicillium, Fusarium, Mucor, and Aspergillus. Better play it safe and just throw it out after its expiration date, or if you have an opened box that's been sitting around. Check out this link for details.

Do you trust CNN news when it comes to real emergencies?

Of course. Contrary to the on-going (and rather silly) feud between Mr. Trump and CNN, that network is not, and never has been, “fake news.” However, that does not mean CNN is perfect, and like any media source, they can make a mistake. Generally, they correct those errors and try not to repeat them. Also, even though CNN is a reliable resource, that does not mean you shouldn’t also check out other sources or fact-check what you hear/read/see.In addition, factor in ratings— CNN is a commercial network and some stories lend themselves better to visual journalism than others (in other words, some stories are more exciting or compelling to viewers). And like many TV networks, CNN can sometimes obsess over one story (like a plane crash, or a natural disaster). But that said, there is absolutely nothing wrong with watching CNN during a crisis. Their reporters are well-trained, and they do try to be fair to the facts.However, here’s a friendly bit of advice: don’t confuse CNN’s reporters (who strive to tell the story accurately) with their commentators (who are hired to give often-partisan opinions, and may not always have facts to back those opinions up). Otherwise, my experience with CNN is the network makes a good-faith effort to be neutral when covering big stories; they are one of my media choices when I’m seeking thorough reporting on a breaking news event.

Do you think CNN is fake news?

The 2016 Milwaukee RiotsIn August 2016 Sylville Smith was the victim of an officer’s bullet, and Milwaukee quickly became ground zero in a series of riots. CNN was on the scene to keep their viewers up to date. They were able to capture footage of smith’s sister begging her community to end their violence . However, instead of showing viewers the real footage, they showed an edited version of her plea. They completely forgot to add the part on the end when she tells the rioters to bring the violence to the suburbs.Hands up, don’t shoot!In August 2014, Michael Brown was killed by a police officer. The details surrounding the case were unclear at the time, but that didn’t stop CNN from promoting their narrative. Some anchors at CNN went on the air and put their hands up as a symbol against police brutality. The only problem is, “hands up, don’t shoot” never happened.WikileaksIn March 2016, Wikileaks released thousands of emails that were sent and received through Hillary Clinton’s private server. (For those who don’t know, Wikileaks is an organization that publishes secret information, in an attempt to make the public more aware of corruption.) Anyway, when Chris Cuomo went on the air to share the information that he obtained from Wikileaks, Cuomo told viewers it is illegal for anyone outside of the media to see those emails. Cuomo lied to the public.Those are a few of my favorite examples of CNN being dishonest and misleading.So, is CNN Fake News? No.Does CNN have a massive bias? Absolutely.Does CNN rush to conclusions without facts? Of course.Do some news stories end up false? Yes.Are they really “The most trusted name in news”? Hell no.

Can you prove CNN is more biased than Fox?

Well, that's the thing.
The left says that CNN is balanced, while the right says that Fox is fair. They then go around and say that the other station is bias against them.
Now, if you can find enough people on the right who say that CNN is fair, while Fox is not, or visa versa, then we wouldn't be having this constant argument.

Why do Democrats think that free press means CNN can lie unchallenged?

Because Democrats are nothing more than The Degenerate Party these days. They'll even throw the porn industry under the bus if it suits the Liberal media agenda, like what happened with August Ames at the end of 2017.