Did You Know That Snowden Is The Result Of Obama Becoming

How do I become like Edward Snowden?

For sure you’ll want to become excellent at statistical analysis. At the same time, you will want to hang out with as many Russian and Chinese foreign students as possible. If you’re fortunate, you’ll be contacted by the Russian or Chinese equivalent of the CIA. They can then help manage your early career as you try to find a spot in sensitive areas of American policy. At some point, once you’ve come across something inflammatory (not that difficult, since every government on the planet does things that are certain to upset large portions of the local population), you can work with your handlers to unveil embarrassing secrets - but not really damaging to the American intelligence apparatus - in public, all the while handing the juicy and harmful intelligence to the Russians and Chinese.Probably sounds more difficult than it is.

How do you feel about Snowden and Putin's conversation?

Here are Snowden's motives, in his own  words: Vladimir Putin must be called to account on surveillance just like ObamaThere  is a risk - which Snowden certainly is aware of - of becoming what's  usually described as a "useful idiot" - useful to the enemy, that is.  Now, pretty much nobody would disagree that an individual in the U.S.  has more freedom than one in Russia. The question we're wrangling with  is that some people (like those running the NSA) seem to genuinely  believe the mass surveillance modern technology allows is necessary to  defend these freedoms, while others believe that said mass surveillance  either inherently infringes on these freedoms or in the wrong hands is a  very serious threat to them.If  the NSA is closer to being right, Snowden ends up being a useful idiot -  useful to the totalitarian countries because the U.S. imposes more  limits on surveillance, can't defend itself as effectively, and in the  long run is weakened. One way to try to avoid that would  be to also try  to stir similar debates about mass surveillance in other countries -  and in a country like Russia where the press is so restricted and  controlled, throwing the leader an apparent softball question that MAY  later backfire due to leaks or revelations, live on TV with millions  watching, may be the only opportunity to seed such a process.Personally, I think Snowden is a genius.

Why is Obama scared of Putin?

Putin is a scary dude.

Did Putin REALLY say this about Obama?

He probably didn't but he did make O his whipping boy. He spanked him, ate his lunch and was last seen doing donuts on O's front lawn. He made O look weak in front of the entire world and in a few days pulled Russia to the position of the most influential country in the world. Thanks, O, great job there. Jokes over can we get a real president now?