Difference Between Pre

What is the difference between pre-tax basic and pre-tax supplemental in my 401k plan?

I'm guessing that you are actually talking about 2 different types of plans. The Basic would be the 401k and the Supplemental would be a SERP (Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan). The SERP is a non-qualified plan that may or may not be invested in the same manner as the 401(k). The accounts are NOT combined. The 401k is covered under ERISA law and is highly protected. The SERP does not have same protections. In fact, I think there has to be a risk of loss in the SERP for it to be valid.

Essentially the 401k money is deferred and put into a trust. The compensation shows up on the w-2 when it's actually earned for social security purposes but it's not taxable for IRS purposes. When it comes time to pay it out you receive the cash and a 1099-R. That's when it becomes taxable for IRS purposes. The money is real and the balance is tangible. The SERP, however, is typically a phantom plan. You defer your pay but the money does not go into an account for your benefit. The "comp" does not show up on your w-2 and is not taxable for IRS purposes. It's as if you never earned it. The deferred comp money remains with the company. They may choose to invest it and let you direct it but it remains under their ownership. When it comes time for the payment, the money is paid through payroll and shows up on your w-2. That's when it's taxable for IRS and earned for social security.

Generally how it works is people who are highly paid, max out their 401k contributions and then are stuck. Someone makes 225k can only put $15,500 which equates to 6.89% of their pay. Hard to achieve an equivicable retirement income if you're limited to that 15.5k. The SERP allows them to put more away...But, as I said the assets belong to the company so there is some risk here if the company goes under. Those in the SERP stand in line with all the other creditors.

So, if you know you're going to hit the 15.5k figure for the year then put a percentage into the Supplemental Plan. But if you aren't going to hit that number anyway don't bother.

What is the difference between pre-mRNA and mRNA?

pre-mRNA is not spliced (has introns and exons) while mRNA is spilced (has only exons).

What is the difference between pre-mRNA and mRNA in a eukaryote?

Pre-mRNA is the initial copy made directly from the DNA. mRNA is the final, post-modification, form of RNA that is translated into protein. mRNA has had the introns removed (and possibly one or more exons), as well as other post-transcriptional changes.

Best wishes.

What is the difference between pre-reproductive,reproductive and postreproductive stage?

pre reproductive is before you can reproduce
reproductive is while you can reproduce
post reproductive is after you can reproduce

in humans this would be prepubescent, adult, post menopausal

What is difference between pre -op transsexual and post-op transsexual?

Pre-op is before the sex change operation - whether it's male to female or female to male. This is also the period of time that the person must live and function as the gender they want to become. They also receive hormone shots, testosterone for female to male, and estrogen for male to female. Males becoming females must dress as a woman and learn to function in society as a woman.

Post-op is after the sex change operation. During this period the person adjusts to having altered sex organs and continues to function in society as the gender they've become.