Difference Between Puts And Printf In C

What is the difference between printf and NSLog?

printf() is a C standard library function, accepting a C string constant (const char *) as its format argument. printf() wirtes to stdout.NSLog() is a Foundation function, accepting a constant NSString as format, and has an extened format specifier set (for example, printf() does't print objects specified by %@, NSLog()does). NSLog() also prints the process name and date before it prints the actual format and writes to sdterr.Basically, we can say that NSLog() is an extended printf()-style function for Objective-C (more precisely, Cocoa and Cocoa Touch)-specific purposes.

What is the difference between printf() and puts()?

The main difference is printf() is a rather extensive generalization of string output, while puts is a simple string print function that prints its argument and a newline character.puts(string) is equivalent to printf("%s\n", string)It’s worth mentioning that puts() is generally quite a bit faster than printf(), which has to interpret its format string. This rarely matters in most uses of printf() to stdout, but is worth noting if you are outputting large amounts of data to files using fprintf() versus fputs().One “defensive programming” note: you should always use an explicit format string with printf()printf("%s\n", string);and never use plainprintf(string);
(Yes, the above aren’t exactly equivalent due to the explicit newline in the printf, but this is a good place to make this point.)The problem is if you happen to have a ‘%’ character in your string, printf() (and sprintf() fprintf(), etc) will interpret it and the next character, may expect an argument that isn’t there, and may try to read it from the call stack. This would result in unexpected output - if nothing else, the % character itself may go away - and possibly a program crash.I’ve seen this happen several times with logger code that used fprintf() to print strings to logs.

What is the difference between puts and printf?

Here are some main differences :-Puts do not require any format specifier like %d or %f or %c but printf requires format specifiers according to type of the output.In printf(),we have to use ‘\n’ to go to next line but in puts function, we do not require ‘\n’ ,rather we automatically go to next line.Hope you get these pointsThank you .

What is the difference between print () & printf() in C?

In every programming language, there are some predefined functions which make our job of coding of easier.printf(), printing fuction is one of them, which helps us to print desired message/statememts on the screen.print(), isn't a predefined function. You can define it to print something specific but it isn't defined so you cant use it. Yet.If you want to print without using printf(), Try this.write(1,"arrival\n",7); will write "arrival" followed by a newline to stdout (1 is the file descriptor for stdout) , and the last argument is the number of bytes to be written. It returns the number of bytes written, or in case of error, a negative value.Visit us! At PsychoCodes | Our Codes Our Creations

What is the difference between printf and tprintf?

printf is for printing single width character strings, that is, arrays of char. I never heard about tprintf? It will be surely _tprintf._tprintf is a define that resolves to printf if the symbol _UNICODE is not defined

What is the difference between cprintf and printf?

Basic difference beyween printf and cprintf is printf command is available in library, where as cprintf is available in .Speaking technically, printf command returns it output to both console and also to stdout due to its involvement in library whereas cprintf returns value only to the console and not both.

What is the difference in putchar and puts?

putchar() are single character functions.puts() are string functions.Header files for these above functions : “stdio.h��putchar() – prints a character to the screen.Example: putchar(b);The statement prints the given character on the screen at the current cursor position.So, it will display a character (‘b’) on the screen.puts() – writes a string on the screen and advances the cursor to the newline. i.e. it ends with a new line character. Example:puts("one");puts("two");The above code will print “one” and “two” in separate lines becausethe first puts()will print “one”and place the cursor at the new line.the second puts()will print “two”appears on this line and again the cursor is advanced to newline.Any subsequent output will appear on the next line.

What is the difference between "printf(…)" and "sprintf(…)"?

Different target printf, implied write to stdout, a well known FILE *, in turn a wrapper of stream, finally connect to a console, a file, or a pipe, /dev/null. like this:Well sprintf , explicitly write to specified buffer, or char array. Not so much polymorphism as stdout, it’s just writable memory. The char array of course has it’s buffer size limit.I spend some time to pick the right picture, to highlight the differences:Speedprintf maybe slow depends on the underlying output device, it maybe even be blocked, think about the other end of a unix pipe stopped reading.sprintf will be as fast as your memory bandwidth. sprintf works by converting the fixed, known set of data types to human readable ASCII format (%d, %f etc), or by just memory copy (%c, %s). Never involves specific device, file system, network etc.Securesprintf is vulnerable, that’s why snprintf exists. Search google with “sprintf buffer overflow”.

What is the difference between the printf and scanf statements in C?

PrintF will write data out to the command line. You provide a format string to put and data to insert into the format string. It'll convert numbers, and such to the format you specify.

scanf is used to do the opposite. You give it a format string and an input string and it will parse out the information from the input based on the format you give it.

Does that help?

Kimmie is not quite right. You can use scanf to process any string. It may have come from a file, or from a user, or anywhere.

Difference between cout and cerr in C++?

Use cerr for error messages. Use cout for actual output.

cout is buffered, cerr is not, so cout should be faster in most cases. (Although if you really care about speed, the C output functions such as printf tend to be a lot faster than cout/cerr).

If you run a program like this:
yourprog > myfile

What you write to cout will go to myfile. What you write to cerr will go to my screen. That's usually a good thing. I probably don't want your error messages mixed in with your program output. (Especially if some of your error messages are just warnings or diagnostic stuff).
It's also possible to redirect cout to 1 file, and cerr to another. That's a handy paradigm: I run your program, redirect output to a file, error messages to a different file. If your program returns 0 from main, then I know it's OK to process the output file. If it returns an error code, I know NOT to process the output file. The error file will tell me what went wrong.