Different Scenarios To Become A Burden

Why do my friends treat me like a burden when I am going through tough times?

Been there!There are two scenarios:Your tough times may be tough mainly for you. Your friends may be supportive initially. But typically for the person going through the tough time, everything may seem hard. It is natural for us to find solace in such times by sharing with friends and sometimes doing so repeatedly or sometimes by depending too much on friends. Your tough times and problems are magnified for you and you alone. Good friends would be supportive but of course with limitations.The other scenario is when friends are not at all supportive: This is usually not the case. If it is so, you’re in the wrong group :)But in either case, it is very natural for others to not think from your perspective. It is not even reasonable to have such expectations. Our problems appear magnified and way too tough only for us. This is quite common. Everyone feels that their own problems are the biggest and it is natural for one to start feeling very low at times when there is none to share or help.Take a step back and look at the positive side of things. Such tough situations in life make you emotionally strong. It could be that you’re over thinking that they they feel you’re a burden. It could also be that you’re depending too much on them. Either way, it is a useless thought. Rather than spending time on this useless thought, focus on how you can get over the situation yourself. It will only make you stronger. Things will only get better with this attitude.

What are the different scenarios where one would need to have health insurance?

While we cannot define the scenarios to make a wise purchase. Here are some scenarios why Indians buy health insurance -Many purchase health insurance to help a friend/relative achieve his general insurance sales target.Some purchase it because their neighbor, a health freak, was recently hospitalized and it costs him Rs. 3 Lakhs to settle the hospital bills. Happy Realization Day!!Some just like the voice of the telecaller and give in.Some make a forced purchase to save government tax, as advised by their accountant.A very wise few, make a decision based on the importance of Health Insurance.We, Indians, love to live under compulsion. Just because it’s a legal mandate, we invest in motor insurance. Just because it’s a law, we wear helmets while riding. Just because we have no choice, we stand in that long serpentine queues for Aadhar Card formalities. On similar lines, until the government passes a regulation to have a health insurance, we would still prefer to be ignorant about its benefits. Just like your car needs to be insured to protect you against its damage or repair costs, I believe your body should also be your priority.You can read a simplified version here - Health Insurance India- Simplified

What are the differences between civil and criminal cases?

Firstly, let us understand the philosophy of law. A crime is considered as the crime against the entire society where as a civil wrong is a wrong vis - a -vis another individual. Civil case - Illustration - A sells inferior quality goods to B. This is a wrong against B. B can sue A for compensation. B will do so personally with the help of his own lawyer. This will be a civil suit. Criminal case - Illustraion - A murders B. Crime is against the entire society. Never against just the victim. So, there will be a police investigation. It will be the Prosecutor (The government) which will charge the Accused and the victim shall not get to appoint a lawyer of his choice. It will be the government's lawyer who will fight it. The name of the case itself will give you a clue. A civil case will be -Mr. A v/s Mr. B. A criminal case will necessarily be- State of Maharashtra v/s Ajmal Kasab. So, the reason why 'State of Maharashtra' comes into picture is because a crime is always considered as a crime against the entire society. (There are private criminal cases too. But I am not including that here in order to not complicate.)Punishment / CompensationYes, you know this already. The prayer of a civil case may be monetary compensation or other things. But not a jail term. The prayer of a criminal case would be a jail term/ punishment. Burden of Proof - Burden of proof is the obligation to prove in the court of law. A general principal of evidence law is 'you will have to prove whatever you allege'. So, whoever says whatever, will have to prove it. In a civil case, the burden keeps of shifting. For instance - A sues B for breach of contract. A's burden is to prove how B breached the contract. Once A presents his case, the burden will shift to B to show how he didn't breach the contract. So, the burden shifts. In a criminal case, the entire burden to prove beyond all reasonable doubts that the Accused has committed the crime rests on the Prosecution. The accused is presumed innocent until proven guilty. If there is a benefit of doubt, that will always be extended to the Accused.If you found this answer informative, you can follow my blog about Indian laws - Blawgniti

Essay example Can knowledge be a burden rather than a benefit? ?

Yes, it can. The examples given by muttlover are great - knowledge of negative events/facts can definitely be a burden - especially when they are situations you do not have the power to change. Other examples include:

* Some studies have found that too much knowledge can be bad for some types of memory - kind of like information overload. See, for example:

* More knowledge may be a burden for some investors because more frequent disclosure of portfolio holdings can compromise managers' trading strategies and hurt average investors - see the article link below.

* Knowledge that childhood beliefs - such as Santa Claus, imaginary friends, etc - are not real can be a burden because they destroy childhood excitement.

* Overhearing people gossiping or saying nasty things about you can be a burden you do not want. Or if you hear something negative about someone close to you it can be a burden - for example, the knowledge that one of your parents is having an affair - do you tell the other parent?

* The acquisition of knowledge can be burdensome - for example, for children who do not enjoy school. Also the price of knowledge - such an the cost of a university education - can be burdensome.

* Knowledge possessed by someone who does bad things can be a burden for the people this knowledge is directed at - for example, knowledge used to create bombs and weapons.

* More intelligence knowledge - for example of security threats - could cause you to become anxious.

Is there a difference between "letting go" and "forgiving," in your opinion?

i had a discussion with my sister about this...she was uncomfortable using the word "forgive," saying she preferred to "let go." i have since had some clarity. i see forgiveness as "embracing," while letting go "severs," almost as though the letting go does not go far enough, but gives validity to something by denying it. Forgiveness, on the other hand, removes the distance through seeing all as one, the other as self. In this sense, forgiveness recognizes, ironically, that there was nothing (no thing) to forgive in the first place because there is no separation in Reality. i and the murderer are one, i and the biting dog are one, i and my supposed enemy are one.

To use the biting dog as an analogy, if i untie the dog and shoo it on its way, the connection is broken. But if i untie the dog and befriend it, my spirit is recognizing and embracing its spirit. While doing this with a murderer might seem another thing altogether, it is not. There is no specialness in the Mind of God/Source/All That Is. i and my brother are one, and when i forgive the other i am really forgiving myself for allowing the "illusion" of separation. After all, perhaps the dog bites and the murderer murders because i have originally seen myself as special, different, above, better than, etc., and, therefore, i have broken the Truth of our original, eternal connection that is our shared nature.

i'd like to hear your experiences and comments. Can you take this further than i was able to do...Thank you, "one and all."

How is it possible to be found innocent in the criminal court but guilty in the civil court? Isn't that unfair on the defendant?

No, it's not unfair. The two proceedings have different burdens of proof. This difference reflects the differences in the punishments.In a criminal case, the state must prove your guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. This is a high bar. In theory at least, this means that some guilty people will likely go free. This burden reflects the importance we place on liberty. It reflects the state’s awesome power to imprison you. Though we tolerate error, we don't tolerate much.In a civil case, though, the plaintiff’s burden of proof is usually a preponderance of the evidence: stated simplistically, 51% of the believable evidence favors the plaintiff. The defendant most likely did it, so it's fair to impose money damages for the harm.

If everyone became a vegetarian tomorrow, who would take care of all the cows, chickens, pigs, etc. that would suddenly be an enormous financial burden for the farmers and ranchers?

No one. What would likely happen is that they’d all be put down ASAP so they didn’t cause any trouble, and the ranchers would have to find other work, perhaps farming all the newly needed veggies.Of course, they’d have to sell their newly useless land, which isn’t useful for vegetable farming, and buy new land which is more appropriate, which would be impossible as no one would want their old land, so they wouldn’t get any money for it, and the new land would suddenly be much more valuable, so they wouldn’t be able to afford it. They’d likely have to get out of agriculture.Thankfully, this whole scenario is ridiculous. If vegetarianism became that viable, it wouldn’t happen that suddenly. Herds of whatever would be reduced over time, until they ceased to exist.The original question is something a child would come up with, who has been told by some idiot that vegetarianism is the way to go. It has its benefits, but it doesn’t have all the proteins we need, so until we can grow meat w/o animals, or find another way to generate the needed nutrition, vegetarianism is not realistic. Personally, I find I do better when I eat more vegetables. Too much carbohydrates are bad for anyone.

What does suffering teach you in your life?does it help to make you become a better person or not?

Jesus suffered and died for us we are to take others burdens and pray with them and i feel it does help keep us humble. God Bless!!

Are junior developers basically just a burden in their first year?

No, not always, in fact, in my experience, there are probably only a couple of occasions where this has happened.Sometimes you get a new hire, and yes, they are a burden, in the sense, they cost more time than they contribute, of course, the hope is, once you get past this, then they are productive team member.I’ve actually know a ‘junior’ who was productively contributing within a week.I put ‘junior’ in quotes, because there is junior as in the title on their business card, and there is junior in terms of ability.The two are surprisingly distinct, I’ve had a junior working under me who was creating, completing, and shipping whole projects by himself, with basically no assistance.He was a ‘junior’ because it would be a slap in the face to the other team members who had been there for years, when he had been there a few months. We had to wait a bit to give him the pay and title that he deserved.However, that said, I’ve had a junior who we had to fire after 3 months, as he was a burden, showing zero sign of improvement, or even desire to improve, he thought he was awesome and beyond improvement…