Direct Sunlight Makes Me Sneeze

Does sunlight make you sneeze?

This might be what you have: Photic Sneeze Reflex!

Photic sneeze reflex is a genetic autosomal dominant trait, which causes sneezing when exposed suddenly to bright light, possibly many times consecutively. It is also referred to as photic sneeze response, sun sneezing, photogenic sneezing, the photosternutatory reflex, being photo sensitive, ACHOO syndrome, and "Achooism," with its related backronym Autosomal dominant Compelling Helio-Ophthalmic Outburst syndrome. The condition affects 17 to 35 percent of humans.

The probable cause is a congenital malfunction in nerve signals in the trigeminal nerve nuclei. The fifth cranial nerve, called the trigeminal nerve, is apparently responsible for sneezes. Research suggests that some people have an association between this nerve and the nerve that transmits visual impulses to the brain. Overstimulation of the optic nerve triggers the trigeminal nerve, and this causes the photic sneeze reflex.

Another theory suggests that tears leaking into the nose through the nasolacrimal duct are a cause of the photic sneeze reflex. The speed of the reflex seems to favor the first theory, as it happens much too quickly for tears to be generated and drain into the nose. In addition this sneeze reflex can be brought on by a sudden inhaling of cold air or a strong flavor such as a strong mint gum. This implies an overstimulation of any nerve close to the trigeminal nerve can cause the sneeze reflex.

While this phenomenon is poorly understood, recent research has shown that antihistamines being used to treat rhinitis due to seasonal allergies may also reduce the occurrence of solar sneezes in those people suffering from both conditions.

Why does looking into bright sunlight make me sneeze?

It's called the photic sneeze reflex; it's genetic, and results from bright light on the eyes, sending a signal up the optic nerve, which triggers the nearby nose nerves that govern sneezing.

Is there a reason why I sneeze more easily when I look into direct light or sunlight?

Yes, very possibly: Photic sneeze reflex - Wikipedia

Why do I want to sneeze when I'm exposed to bright light?

About 20% of people have what is called photic sneeze and I am one of those. Interesting is, after having sneezed (for me at least three times) the effect is gone. And it only happens when I go from shadow to very bright. It doesn't need to be the sun. A bright lamp does the same. It's still not fully understood although it's known for centuries. It’s not related to skin color, eye color (I have dark brown eyes) or tears but with how the nervous system reacts to rapid and sudden increase in light intensity. In people with this condition the body confuses different signals and translates light as something irritating to the nose. Both nerves (from eyes and nose) can be very close to each other in these people and signals go crazy. So people with photic sneeze literally smell light and it makes them sneeze.

What is the link, if any, between sneezing, hay fever and bright sunlight?

Sneezing after exposure to bright light is a common genetic oddity found in as many as ~1/3 of of us.  This "photic sneeze reflex" is likely due to something like a crossed connection between the trigeminal nerve (nose) and the optic nerve (eye). The temporary loss of vision with sneezing attacks can be dangerous to drivers and pilots.I know of no link between allergies and photic sneezing, other than that some people may have both common conditions. For more info: answer is for general informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or (in the United States) 911 immediately. Always seek the advice of your doctor before starting or changing treatment. Quora users who provide responses to health-related questions are intended third party beneficiaries with certain rights under Quora’s Terms of Service.

Do all people sneeze more easily when looking at the sun or at a very bright light?

Nope. This is a pathological condition although much attention has not already been paid to this photic sneeze reflex due to the fact that it does not cause much trouble to the individual. Sneezing is a the reflex expulsion of air through largely nose and also mouth. When the nasal mucosa is irritated by foreign body or histamin release sensory impulse is generated to the brain stem back to the various muscles in the pharynx, neck and chest mainly through trigeminal motor nerve pathway. Soft palate is lowered and the back of the tongue is lifted so that expulsion of air through mouth is limited.The exact mechanism of photic sneeze reflex is not well understood, yet it is suspected that this is due to autosomal dominant inheritance of single gene polymorphism of chromosome 2. This condition affects around 25℅ of population and treatment is unnecessary as it alleviate with time.Over and out

Do caterpillars sneeze?

They don't have a nose or lungs. They breath through their skin. So no, they don't sneeze.

Why is it that so many people use sunlight or bright lights to bring on a pending sneeze and what is this phenomenon called?

Actually, not many people sneeze by looking into a bright light. There was a study on this I came across not too long ago about how only about 30% of the population sneeze by looking into a light, and is actually a genetic reaction. The scientific term is called your Photic Sneeze Reflex. (PTR) for short. Research the ACHOO syndrome to find out more.