Do Conservatives Hate Labor Unions And Why

Why do conservatives hate organized labor?

I'm liberal and I hate organized labor. I see a need for it in some industries, such as construction, which is seasonal in many areas. In cases like this, unions can help the workers keep their benefits as their work fluctuates. It allows them to keep their jobs without having to reapply every spring and start at minimum wage every year.

For other industries, such as retail, unions actually are not helpful to the worker nor the consumer. The unions require dues, which are set and not based on a percentage of your paycheck. So if you are a part time worker, you keep even less of your paycheck. Because the unions make demands on the business, such as vacation, sick time, and pay rates, the business needs to accommodate and increase their prices in order to remain in business. Also, unions often cause workers to be mediocre or average. Your pay rate is usually increased at a set rate. Merit based pay gives workers incentive to be more productive since they can get paid more.

Unions have their place. Their place isn't everywhere. It's in specific industries. Unions have become such big business that they are no longer working for the worker. They are working for themselves.

Why do conservatives hate Unions?

Because Unions extort money from Corporations. Sometimes they cause the bankruptcy of companies like they did the Steel mills and the airlines. Their demands are so heavy and their tactics moblike, causing companies to move overseas.

Unions cause inflation. The price of everything goes up when a company is forced to pay $78.00 per hour, per person. That's why automobiles, housing, food costs (including union transportation) are sky rocketing.

Unions are financing the Democrats for their re-elections and with their lobbyists. Therefore, Democrats are beholden to them and make decisions for our country that benefit the unions. Like the appropriation of our tax dollars for the unions in construction, loans, and earmarks. That's why our taxes keep going up.

The Unions want to run the company, instead of vice versa. There was a time the Unions extorted businesses for the priviledge of staying open by threatening them with fires or violence. They are still using those tactics, only they are more sophisticated.

Why do conservatives hate unions so much?

Unions were originally a good idea when they were implemented but many are corrupt now. Some unions very well may be still helpful to workers, but too many unions protect too much. For example, a worker can be extremely lazy and not do work properly or just in general not do his job but he cannot be fired by his employer because a union will protect him. Is this fair? Why should a good worker be paid the same and protected the same as a lazy worker? Unions demand higher wages, benefits, etc. and have their members refuse to work while they strike. Teachers unions, construction unions, etc. striking throws everything off course. Workers who SHOULD be proteced (ie. hard, non-lazy workers) CAN be protected without unions.

I'm for worker protection and all, but unions aren't the way to do it.

Why do conservatives hate unions so much?

@Richard I worked at a union job for 2 and a half years, I did my job thoroughly and steadily all that time, and was rewarded with a mild pay raise every six months for my hard work and loyalty. Just got a non-union job, supposedly get payed incentive (the harder you work the more you get payed, rate changes monthly). Except, they just slipped through a pay reduction where my rate is less valuable and they also increased my minimum work load. On top of that, I will never receive a cost of living increase. And to answer your question, it's free market because it does not involve the government, it is the people choosing what works.

@Pakbwl42 Devaluing labor is how you win the race to the bottom. Paying laborers a living wage means they have the ability to consume. And in a consumer based economy, that's sort of important.

@Stereotypemebecauseyouknow Wow, took just over 5 minutes for a conservative to bring up Hitler? Why so long?

@chevypirate They cared about their B

Most Conservatives in the United States are vehemently anti-Union, with the sole exception of police unions. Moderate compassionate conservatives generally are sympathetic to labor, but most conservatives actively work against labor to benefit business interests (which have been the Republican Party’s main constituency since the early 20th century). Donald Trump campaigned on being pro-labor but is likely to support the Republican Party’s efforts to dismantle labor unions and is likely not to increase the minimum wage and to reduce labor regulations that benefit workers.In my opinion private sector unions are necessary to place working class workers on a level playing field when bargaining with employers. Sometimes excessive greed ends up putting employers at risk of bankruptcy, as happened to the automakers last decade. There needs to be a balance between ensuring fair pay and treatment of workers and not bankrupting employers. I'm a bit more ambivalent about private sector unions, as government generally doesn't have a profit motive and is less likely to screw over workers, but it probably makes sense to have fair representation.

We’re anti “coerced union membership”.We fully support the use of voluntary collective bargaining in the marketplace, as this is a very capitalistic notion. Workers are just as much capitalists as business owners. They have different jobs and affect different amounts of influence on the marketplace at large, but they are all aiming to utilize scarce resources in the most efficient way possible. This includes utilizing labor, and anything that is demanded in the marketplace is also subject to a collective bargaining power attributed to the respective suppliers (workers).But that is not what modern unions do. They barely utilize collective bargaining. The vast majority of their funding goes towards political (re: progressive) campaigns. Further, many unions in the country force membership. In other words, they force you to pay for the privilege of contributing to a political cause you may or may not agree with (re: it is inconsequential whether you agree or not).This is immoral, pure and simple. It is theft and “ ideological opposition” contribution without consent. Most unions are disingenuous — they aren’t trying to help you realize your true worth in the marketplace. They, like every other bureaucratic institution, attempt to amass more power and control over certain political and economic processes.You know the service you provide is poorly designed when you have to use the threat of the government sword to get people to use that service.Once again… Immoral. It is similar to forcing conservatives to pay for abortions in the form of Planned Parenthood. Or forcing liberals to pay for foreign wars or state-sponsored religious organizations. You can argue that it is necessary (it usually isn’t but that is a different topic) but you can’t argue that it is just.

As a left leaning person, I  am philosophically pro- union , pro-labor.  However, like others have said, that doesn't mean that all unions are the same, or that I agree with everything that all unions and union members do. There, got that out of the way. Let me get something else out of the way. I think being a police officer is a very difficulty job, and like an public job where you are in the public eye, scrutiny is part of the job.  I am grateful to people who have honorably chosen law enforcement to spend their work life.I personally have had mostly positive or neutral experiences with police officers.As someone else expressed frustration with percieved anti cop rhetoric,  I also get frustrated that concerns of civil liberty violations, excessive force , possibly inadequate training  and corruption are seen as anti police. There is no profession , be it teacher ( and I love teachers ), soldiers, clergy, accountant, surgeon, CEO, or lawyer who are of a collective character. There are basic standards for professionals, and there are usually ethics / governing agencies for said professions. Not all doctors, teachers, soldiers, lawyers are of equal skill, judgement, and ethics, and I have to imagine the same is true for police officers. In Michigan, RTW legislation exempted police officers and firefighters, and I think  political leanings had a lot to do with it.  They weren't exempted in Wisconsin. it's not a blanket truism , most people drawn to police work are right/ conservative leaning. do think if I were a police officer, I would want to be in a union, because of the legal representation and the collective bargaining power not just for pay, but for work conditions. I do think it's pretty hypocritical for some conservatives who are rabidly anti teacher union to turn an eye to police unions. Yes, like most organizational entities  ( churches, corporations, government agencies) unions can fall prey to abuses of power or corruption.   I think this blind eye speaks to what certain types of conservatives see as " real world" work, traditional / sometimes authoritarian hierarchies ( most police departments even use military titles) and the high value they place on jobs similar to police work, like military/ combat service or physically/ demanding / high risk / archetypical alpha male type jobs ( I'm speaking to perceptions, not my opinion ).

Disclaimer: I am not myself conservative, but some of my conservative relatives have ranted at me about my (pro-union) opinions and why they think I'm stupid and deluded to hold them, so I can share what they've said to me.The primary criticism of unions I hear from people who don't like them is that all unions are parasitical spongers who abuse their middleman/negotiator role to steal ever-increasing piles of ill-gotten money for especially the people who run the union, and secondarily for the employees, while hampering all attempts by the employer to actually run their business profitably. They are also reported (by people who don't like unions) to use some of their piles of stolen-from-employers, embezzled-from-employees money to pay off politicians and ensure the passage of an ever-increasing tangle of pro-union legislation.In this view, no union has ever acted in good faith to protect its workers from rapacious employers, and no union has ever prioritized the good of its membership as a whole over the blinkered, provincial good of the leadership of the union. Also, all unions everywhere have as their mission to make their members completely unfire-able, so that a union member can luck into the job in high school and then sit on their ass not-doing the job they were hired for while still pulling down major cash.To sum up: They disregard my pointing out that before the rise of unions work was utter hell. They view the coming of the 8-hour day, the 40-hour week, child labor restrictions, and so on, as a natural consequence of "social progress" and ignore any role that organized labor may have played. In their view, it's all lazy, greedy spongers.