Do Dreams Mean Something Dreamt About A Girl I

Dream meaning?

Serious dreaming...

The first dream was you looking through somebody else's eyes in a real life event occurring at the time of the dream. I have these all the time, and if they are about somebody nearby to me they always come true. There have been 2 Coup de Tats in Asian countries in the past 3 weeks in the world, what do you think was your connection to the person in the dream?

Maybe the first dream person is somehow connected to the person in the second dream?

The second dream could be like the first, you seeing through somebody else's eyes, or it could be your own future, or she could represent a country, or a creative source, like a muse. Try to figure out through the symbolism who or what. There could be a connection that is important to you. For instance, what comes to mind when you think of DePeche Mode? The word "Mode" is the most suggestive, but it could have something to do with music or a style of music. Maybe your "muse" is telling you that a type of politically based grass roots music will be expressed through you or your ideas. In the dream, SHE loved YOU, so she sought you out, not the other way around. If the spirit seeks you out, embrace her and try to fulfill her need. Countries, peoples, races, religions, belief systems, politics, geographical areas can all have "spirits", almost in a literal way. Like the "Spirit of St. Louis", the American Spirit, the spirit of the American people, etc. The people of New Orleans have a spirit that is depressed right now, but she has been exhuberant and beautiful. Maybe music can help to restore her.

It never seems to matter what sex I am in prophetic dreams, I can be looking through the eyes of anyone. (The weirdest was being a guy during the conception of his second son, [I'm female]. It turned out to be my next door neighbors, and yes the child was male and born exactly nine months later.)

Good Luck.

It is a good thing to explore your dreams and your creative subconscious, for therein are revealed the hopes of the world and the ideas of future promise.

What does it mean to dream about a girl you've never met?

For a few nights, I've dreamt different dreams, but the recurring theme I'm noticing is the presence of an attractive girl whom my subconscious seems to have just made up- I've never met any of them. In the dream, I act like I know the person, but in the waking world, they're strangers to me. Generally, they're my age, attractive, and we are have good interactions.

In one of the dreams, I suppose the girl was an imagining of a girl who texted me from somebody else's phone, but whom I'd never met. (In the dream, she mentioned the conversation, and I asked, "So you're the one who...?" To which she nodded." She wore pink clothes and had straight black hair, and spoke Russian, which I found odd. We sat around at a party somebody was having, with a huge number of guests.

The second dream was a different girl, but still the same feeling of familiarity, at least within the dream. I met her dad, the quintessential football coach in a tracksuit with a mustache. And for most of the dream we walked around on a strange terrain- it was like jumping between rooftops like Mirror's Edge.

Is there any interpretation for the elements of these dreams? Attractive girls I've never met, parties, rooftop-jumping, and so on? I placed in details that might be irrelevant, but thought it'd be best to include everything I can remember.

What does kissing a girl, you have never met, in a dream mean/symoblize?

I believe we are all the symbols and people in our dreams.

To interpret your dream, first you need to explore what kissing means to you. My guess is passion. (For me, it would also indicate a level of commitment and intimacy - which is why it's important to think about what it signifies for you, personally.)

The girl you don't know, is something new in your life.

Are you feeling passionate about a new endeavor, project, or relationship in your life? Something that feels totally new and different from what you've done before or the sorts of relationships you've had in the past?

I dreamed about a girl/guy person I never met. How can I find her/him/them?

Hi, i also dreamt about this girl many times, i've never seen her before, i always dream that we are together, once i dreamt of us dancing and playing around under the rain, and once i dreamt of us married and having a little child i remember this dream the best, the grass was green the house a white house and she was wearing a white dress, every time i dream of her i feel so happy like this is my life this is where i belong with her, i also tried to find her on the internet, in real life i travel a lot and go to a lot of places hopefully to meet her, it has been like this for years, it's funny how much i love her and i don't even know if she exists tho, i got tired of waiting to meet her i tried to date an other girl i did for few days and  i broke up with her cause i just couldn't, i felt like i was cheating on the girl i dreamt of , Stupid i know, but then i stopped dating cause no girl can make me as happy as that one in my dream did, if she's real or not i don't really know, all i know is i really wish she's real and i'll meet her someday.

What does it mean to dream of a girl you like?

Dream symbols are made for you to interpret. But there are a few good ways to figure out your own dreams. Describe the dream in one sentence. Was it a happy dream or a difficult dream? What was your relationship to the girl in the dream? Did it feel good or bad? Did she remind you of someone else or some general feeling you have about women? People often represent more than who they are in dreams. She may represent how you feel or what you believe about women or relationships or the future of the relationship. If a dream is confusing, give it time to settle in your mind. Something might happen in your life that helps you understand what the dream was about.

What does it mean if I dream about a girl I don't know?

Dream Interpretation:A woman is one of the most common dream symbols, especially in the dreams of men. If you dream about a woman, it may be because of your day time thoughts that revolve around females. A woman can be a number of things in a dream. She could be your friend, lover, or even your mother. The significance of a woman in dreams lies in her being a healing agent. If you know the woman in your dreams, it reflects your own feelings towards her.Psychological/emotional perspectivesA woman in your dreams reflects the feminine qualities in you. These include nurturance, love, care, and passivity. It also reflects your own sexual desires and temptations. An old woman in your dreams means you are concerned about aging and graying. She could be a mother figure symbolizing female power. If you see a woman in your dreams, it reflects the other half of your personality. This is the sensitive, caring, and nurturing side of yours. According to Sigmund Freud, seeing a woman in dreams for a man is indicative of his repressed sexual desires. He attributed this phenomenon to the sexual wishes of the individual that seek fulfillment in these dreams. Another famous psychologist called the woman in the dreams of a man Anima, the other side of the personality of the dreamer.Since ancient times, a woman in dreams has been interpreted as a messenger of good luck and the kisses of this woman have been deciphered as monetary benefits for the dreamer. If the girl in the dreams is well dressed and well behaved with modesty, then she reflects your goodness and chastity. If the girl is young and beautiful and behaves like a servant, it indicates good luck, prosperity, and joy for you. A well dressed young woman with manners indicates good news for you.Original MeaningWoman in dreams is often a result of sexual desires and wish fulfillment according to famous psychologists Freud and Jung. She is also the other side of the personality fo the dreamer also. Such a woman is often yourself that you do not recognize. She appears to remind you of the feminine qualities like nurturance, passivity, love and care that reside inside you but are not known to you. If she is an old lady, she represents a mother figure that you hold in respect and high esteem. She is an angel if you know her name and title. She comes as a guide and healing agent for you.

What does it mean when a girl confesses to dreaming about you?

It does indeed sound like she's interested in you, but just be cautious she isn't playing you for a fool.Remember, you barely know anything about her. In my experience, it's VERY rare that a woman likes a guy she barely knows unless she's:1) naive (as in inexperienced, not stupid) & is infatuated with you based on a romanticized view of you.2) attracted to something superficial about you, that she wants (i.e: social status, money, exceptional looks, etc)3) desperate and/or clingy. Usually means she's carrying a lot of emotional baggage, so be prepared if you aim to pursue.4) genuinely likes you & is playing the classic game of Western romance; play coy, throw hints, but never straight out tell him bc 'that's the guy's job'.Anyhow, play it safe, use your head more than your crotch, and best of luck to you!

What does the phrase "a girl can dream..." mean?

it means that a girl can dream about something she wants even if it is highly unlikely she will get it

Why did I dream about breastfeeding a baby girl?

I had a dream I gave birth to a baby girl. The next day I took a pregnancy test that came back as positive. I now have a beautiful baby girl that looks like the baby from my dreams.Dark hair, light skin, blue eyes, long lashes, ect.The weird thing is… in my dream I almost died after hearing her cry. Whwn I gave birth I heard her cry and I was dying. I was almost rushed up to the OR for an emergency hysterectomy at 19 years old. Yep.Dreams mean something to me. I never doubted a dream again.

What does it mean when you dream with a person you never met.?

I had a dream with a girl, she was not super model or anything but she was the most beautiful girl i dreamt with, for some reason i dreamt with her many years ago, or so I think cause that face was very familiar and i still remember the 1st time had a similar dream that impacted me so much. How do i find this girl of my dreams. Or what does this dream mean?