Do I Have A Compulsive Disorder

Do I have obsessive compulsive disorder..?

Several of my friends have been pointing out that I act really OCD these days. It's true that I do certain things way more than normal, but I'm not sure if it's classified as OCD.

One thing I do a lot is brush my hair. I don't have unusually messy or ugly hair, but I feel the urge to brush it all the time. I often brush it 4 - 5 times in one class period. I panic if I don't have my brush with me.

I also insistently pick at my face, even when there's nothing wrong with it (I don't have acne, scarring or clogged pores). I've spent hours in front of the mirror, even when there wasn't anything wrong with my skin, and I have no idea why.

I'm also obsessed with the number 3. I've had this obsession since I was little... If I do something once, I usually end up doing it 3 times. It's always something stupid too, like poking someone or the number of ice cubes in my glass. If it's not 3, it bugs me.

My family thinks I'm nervous and insecure, but I have a pretty high self esteem. Is this common or OCD? o.o

Do I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?

Wow. You didn't mention how old you are now, but I would definitely go see a psychiatrist. Even if you don't have OCD, you could still talk it out. There are definitely some OCD symptoms in this list, but I am no doctor. I do, however, have a mild form of OCD. There IS such a thing! My parents are the exact same way. My mom doesn't believe in it. But there's only so far it can go before you start to wonder ... She is just trying to downplay your problems because they're not as "serious" as your brothers. Go to a doctor. They're the only ones that can help you. Good luck!!

Do you have obsessive-compulsive disorder?

ur not alone girl.. i have OCD too! my symptons are thinking EVERYTHING is dirty!!! i wash my hands at least 50 times a day and i will take a shower any chance i get, when i take a deep breath, i inhale from one spot then turn my head and exhale the the other way! when my clothes comes outta the dryer and IF it fell on the ground then i will NEED to re-wash it, other wise i cant wear it because i think it has bateria on it now. i can NEVER EVER walk around the house bare feet because im afraid i might catch something and i never sit on the ground (carpet) either! i can go on forever with my symptoms!! i tried so hard to stop thinking about does annoying thoughts but seems like i just cant get rid of it. girl.. dont even worrie about it! its not a big deal, people dont understand because they're not in our situation, its not like we wanna be this way! just be yourself!

Do you think I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)?

Well not really if you had any real form of obsessive compulsive disorder you would realize it much more. I knew someone with this but they had it really bad. They had to put the exact amount of tooth paste on there tooth brush and everything in the house was always the same. Perhaps they had an other disorder or more then one disorder.

I am the same way with mosquitoes and other flying bugs or even walking bugs. When I go to sleep there cannot be any bugs in my room of any kind. Even if I spend the next 2 hours getting rid of them useing raid or picking them up or crushing them with something.

I have other things like that as well. I cannot go to sleep without looking under my bed and in the clothest and any other place someone could hide in my room. And the door must be securly locked when I am sleep. But I do not think I have OCD because other things I do not care about. I am not dirty but I do not care if I put a water bottle on the floor etc and my work or school notes are very messy.

What on earth is obsessive compulsive disorder?

Im sorry to hear about your classmate.

I myself am a sufferer of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Its a form of an anxiety disorder and convinces the sufferer that is some rituals are not carried out a negative problem will occur not just necessarily to a family member or loved one.

It can also cause in intrusive thoughts.
where the sufferer can be talking to someone and suddenly an image of the being killed or stabbed will occur in their head, they cant control this, its not that they want to do it it is just a problem the have to deal with themselves.

Hope this helped x

What should I do if I have obsessive compulsive disorder?

If you know that you have OCD, then you must have been diagnosed by a professional. If your OCD is severe enough that you cannot function normally, like you can't keep a job, you can't get proper sleep, or the people around you say that you're driving them crazy, then you definitely need to find a specialist. The professional who diagnosed you should be able to give you a referral. I have a very good friend of over 20 years who seems to be OCD about certain things, but in fact she has Borderline personality disorder and CPTSD. So make sure you get the right diagnosis. True OCD is not something you can fix by yourself, it literally is a malfunction in your brain that causes you to be stuck in a horrible loop that you cannot break out of. And it tends to get worse without treatment.

What do you think about obsessive compulsive disorder?

OCD, is a common, chronic and long lasting disorder, in which a person has uncontrollable, reoccurring thoughts (obsessions), and behavior(compulsions), that he/she feels the urge to repeat, over and over(more than average).Obsessions are repeated thoughts, urges, or mental images, that cause anxiety.Compulsions are repetitive behaviors, that a person with OCD feels the urge to do in response to an obsessive thought.

Did Walter White have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?

I can't imagine any justification for believing that he does. He exhibits no compulsive behaviors/rituals that I can recall. Up until the start of the series, his life was ordered, but not unusually or obsessively so. And his willingness to blow up the structure of his life seems counter to any suggestion of OCD. He was entirely willing to get dirty when necessary, both figuratively and literally. He exhibits no irrational fears (his fears throughout the series are pretty much entirely reasonable, given his circumstances).He's methodical and rigorous, particularly with his science, but that part of his personality and philosophy, not evidence of some disorder. That he becomes obsessed with building his empire and legacy is just garden-variety pride and ambition taken to extremes. The whole "Fly" episode does exhibit an irrational obsession with purity and perfection, but it's clear in the episode that's he's cracking under the stress that's on him, and obsessing over the one thing he can control (the quality of the cook), because he can't handle thinking about all the forces that he can't control that could destroy him at any moment. You don't have to have a disorder to exhibit strange behavior under those circumstances.

Do people with obsessive compulsive disorder have issues with relationships?

sometimes they do and at other times they don’t. It depends totally on the context and what the “issue” is and the behaviour of the person with OCD is with the family members.Often family members resent the fact that the PWOCD seems so “selfishly” centred on his/her own concerns, which seem too trivial and unnecessary to them, esp to the children but even spouses.Family members get fatigued trying to “understand” the PWOCD, and their forbearance and patience are stretched and they can increasingly become harsh and sarcastic. They may characterise PWOCD’s behaviour as amusing to downright hateful.Sometimes PWOCD are able to get their way with their family members and may dominate them and force them to become a part of the compulsions. A lot of resentment and helplessness builds up around this.Things get really bad when PWOCD have not insight into their illness and refuse to accept any treatment.