Do I Have A Stress Fracture

Do I have a stress fracture?

Hey Jessica! I'm a dancer too and had stress fractures in my foot this I will try and help as best as I can!

***Stress fractures are usually characterized by continuous swelling, so if you notice your ankle has been swollen (even a small bit) for an extended amount of time, it might be a stress fracture. Also, pinpointed pain would be an indication of a fracture as well. A good way to test this is feel around the ankle area, when you press on it is there a certain area that really hurts when you touch that one spot? If so, it may be a stress fracture. If the whole area just hurts generally the same amount, it's probably muscular. You're more at risk for stress fractures if you do ballet or kick..where you are constantly pounding on your feet.

***When I had stress fractures it just felt like a dull ache every time I walked or stood, it didn't hurt though if I was just sitting. Also it would hurt at the beginning of practice and then during practice it would just feel like a dull ache. Then it would hurt considerable after practice and hurt and be quite sore especially after lengthy practices and competitions. So if any of those things sound familiar, it might be a stress fracture.

***If swelling or pain continue within a week or two, or they seem to be getting worse, I would get in to see a doctor! Also, I would highly recommend seeing an orthopedic (bone doc) because they will specialize in that area. I first went to a general doctor when I thought something was wrong, and they told be it was just a bone bruise so I ended up dancing on stress fractures for 2 more weeks which caused more damage. Stress fractures often, won't show up in x-rays until you've had them for a few be aware of that.

***Right now, the best thing you can do is just listen to your body. Make sure you elevate your ankle and ice it after practices. Tylenol and Ibuprofen will reduce pain and swelling. If you go to high school, I would see if you could get your athletic trainers opinion. That is how I got convinced to see a doctor. If you do have a stress fractures they may put you in a walking boot, or on crutches for 3-8 weeks. I was just on crutches for 4 weeks and then in a walking boot for 1 week alone, so it wasn't too bad.

GOOD LUCK with the ankle! I hope this helped! I remember being very frustrated when I didn't know what was wrong! haha

Do i have a stress fracture?

I have been longboarding a lot and I was going really fast on the road and was pumping a lot and my foot started hurting. Now It hurts a little when I am walking. What do I do?

How do you know if you have a stress fracture?

Sounds like it could possibly be a metatarsal stress fracture.

Check out this link to see what I'm talking about.

Don't wait to see a podiatrists (foot doctor). There's no reason to live with the pain.

Do you think this is a stress fracture?

On Friday I was in a relay for life and walked about 20 miles... all of a sudden I got this sudden pain on the outside of my foot. I had no idea what it was. I thought that it could have been a cramp, so I kept walking. After an hour of that, I couldn't take it anymore and had to stop walking. The pain was so intense when I'd put my foot down. Saturday, it was terrible and I could barely walk without getting tearied eyed. Sunday, my dad took me to the ER to get an X-Ray. I was searching stuff before I went about stress fractures and it seems like I have all the symptoms. I went and they X-Rayed it and said that there was nothing there. But while searching stress fractures, it is said that an X-Ray may not catch it until 3-4 weeks -- when it starts to heal. So today is Tuesday and I am still in pain. It's the outside of my foot. The pressure from my body makes my foot kill when I walk. I have some swelling on the top of my foot too. I don't know what to do.

Do I have a stress fracture in my foot?


First of all I am sorry that you have this pain which prevents you from walking normally.

It is difficult to say exactly what it is based on the info you provided. I would say though that it could be anything from a bruise to a case of Plantar Fasciitis.

In order to get a good diagnosis please answer these questions:

1) Is it sensitive to the touch/press on it?
2) Do you have high or low arches in your feet?
3) Is there any redness or bruising visible?
4) Do you have "extra" pain when you first get up in the morning and take a few steps?
5) What kind of shoes do you usually wear?
6) Where exactly is the pain located in the foot (closer to the heel)?

Here are a few things you can do right now:

1) In general you should be completely resting your foot - try to take a couple days without activity and see if there is some improvement.

2) Ice your foot at least 4 times a day, either by applying ice directly or by rolling a frozen bottle under your heel and arch when you sit down.

3) Massage the area to speed up healing.

Again, if you can answer my questions I would be happy to assist you further.
You can write to me directly if you prefer, my email is in my Yahoo profile or

Feel Better!

If you have a stress fracture do you get a cast?

First of all, if you really have a stress fracture, you need the x rays and diagnosis from the Dr. GO! No matter what else.

I've had 3 stress fractures, one in my foot and one in each ankle, and I've had better luck with podiatrists taking care than orthopedists. But either will do. You can probably go to an Urgent Care place and avoid the emergency room hassle.

The general rule with a fracture is to immobilize, with the boot if the fracture is not too bad, with the cast if it's more than a stress fracture.
There is a two week acute healing period when they may tell you not to walk on it at all. Then generally the Docs think 6 weeks for bone healing but you might be able to walk on it. Or they may put a cast on it for 2 weeks and then go to the boot.

Only the MD can figure it out because you have to see the fracture on the xrays first.

Please go TODAY and then let us know. Good luck!

Do I have a stress fracture of the fibula?

I believe I may have a stress fracture of the fibula on my left leg I do a lot of high demand sports with hard landings off high drops and trampolining which I guess puts a lot of stress on my leg bones.
Over the last few weeks I have had a worsening pain ont an area on the fibula, the pain has become increasingly worse and is really really bad now. Walking hurts now whereas it didn't when the pain started and running hurts quite bad but if I squat, when I come back up again to a standing position I get a really sharp unbearable pain, the pain is only unbearable for about 5 seconds then it dies down but the pain is still there all the time now. You may say don't squat but I am an army cadet an when on patrol or patrol practice we a lot of squatting and crouching. If I press on a certain area on the fibula there is a sharp pain, there is minimal or no bruising and very little swelling but the pain varies sometimes there will be none when Im sat down but usually I get sharp shooting pains down the fibula area when sitting.Could I have a stress fracture?