Do I Have Cancer Im Scared

I have cancer, im dying, im scared...?

Alaina, everything will be alright darling. If you believe in Christ and trust in him, you'll go to heaven and enjoy a life far superior than anything you could ever imagine here on Earth. No one wants to die because we're all scared and feel uncertain of what comes after this. But this is just a passing place for everyone, love. We're all here only for a short amount of time, though you might be taken sooner than most. Spend time with the people who love you, and don't think about it. Hope for the best, but don't dwell or fret about anything. God loves you, Alaina. And if you ever feel lonely, pray for his comfort.

Listen to great music, experience new things, and don't be afraid to do everything and anything you've ever wanted to! This is how we should ALL live life. Enjoy every minute of every day. Wake up early, and smell the air, take in the sunshine. Tell everyone you care about that you love them, and regret nothing.

You will be fine, love. Don't worry.

What can i do, im scared about cancer?

You need some facts about cancer:

Most cancers occur in people who are over 60.

The reason it seems more people have cancer these days is that, thanks to better health care, more people are living into their 60s and beyond.

In fact, survival rates are improving - fewer people, not more, are dying from cancer.

Cancer that is 'in the family' is very rare; fewer than 10% of all cancer cases are hereditary. One family member having had cancer is NOT hereditary. A sign that cancer MAY be hereditary is when several members of the same side of a family have had the same type of cancer, especially if some of them were diagnosed before the age of 50.

Talk to your mother or father about your worries.

I was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 50; I'm so glad I didn't waste a single one of those 50 years worrying about getting cancer.

Try to enjoy your young life, and not waste it worrying about something that may never happen, and is statistically very unlikely to happen to you for many, many years.

Im scared Ii have lung cancer at 19 please help!!?

Ive been smoking hookah since was about 16 yrs old on and off and i started getting upper back pain today. It is dull mild pain and I've experienced this before but it went away and now its back. Im gonna quit smoking for sure now but I'm so scared it means i have cancer i can't sleep. I also occasionally get sharp chest pains on my left side but idk if thats angina or related to this. Please help me!! Can it be from poor posture or irritation or is it something serious like lung cancer

I'm scared, Do I have colon cancer? Please help?

Hi, I'm 20 years old female and I'm really scared. Last year I had food poisoning and the effects were terrible diarrhea and vomitting. I experienced stomach ache every morning and slight nausea but I still don't know what the causes were. I went to a private clinic and the doctor just told me it's normal and gave me painkiller. However, I have also been experiencing pain when pooping at the anal/rectal area which I've been assuming could be hemorrhoid.

This year I went to have blood test and the doctor told me my blood result is okay. However, I always look pale and it's really noticable. I'm also losing weight eventhough I don't do exercise or on any diet plan. I lost 10kg(22 lbs) I went to see the doctor again and he said my stomach/intestine is inflammed. He didn't do any test except by telling me to lie down as he pressed the area on my stomach. the doctor then gave me salazophyrine which aims to reduce the acid level in my stomach. I noticed if I were to eat spice food, I'd get diarrhea the next day. I experienced blood in stool before but not anymore. I don't have constipation, I'm just having a hard time pooping because of the pain that the hemmorhoid probably caused. my bowel movement has also been changing (I'd poop twice a day) and I've been feeling gassy and I don't have pencil thin stool. I'm really scared! Do I have colon cancer? Please help. I don't experience any vomiting anymore (that was last year), just horrible nausea. The hospital here sucks, I can't make appointment and if I did, I'd have to wait for almost half a day just to see the doctor.

Thank you in advance!

I'm 14 and could have cancer. What do I do?

You avoid looking for answers in anonymous Internet forums and instead spend time talking with your doctors. An oncologist is the best person to discuss treatment options with, and you should have those conversations as soon as possible if you really have cancer. Before you go any further, however, get a real diagnosis.Then, if you do have cancer, don’t panic. Most cancers are readily treatable, and most cancer patients live long, healthy lives. It is important not to let the scary word bother you before you actually gather any data about what you will be dealing with.Then, if you do have cancer, also consider joining a support group. There is even an app out there to connect young cancer patients, which is called Instapeer. I don’t use it (being a bit older than its target audience), but I’ve heard it is good. Even better if you have a local group to attend in person with your family.Stay grounded. Stay positive. Avoid using Dr. Google or looking up statistics (which are mostly useless, anyway). But do talk openly with your family and your doctors.Also, avoid any so-called natural or alternative cures — these are almost 100% snake oil and they never really work, though a few things may help you feel better while you undergo medical treatment. Your best bet is to try being as healthy as possible now — eat a balanced diet, exercise and get enough sleep. Then, no matter what comes your way, you will be in a better position to deal with it.

I'm 14 and I have cancer. I'm scared that the best years of my youth might get ruined by cancer. Will I ever be normal?

I’m sorry to hear that.No, you will never be “normal”. At best, you’ll always be somebody who had cancer at age 14. And that’s not “normal”.There are many more important things in life than being “normal”.Friends, family, experiences, joy, accomplishment, satisfaction - these are all vastly more important than being “normal”.Get used to the idea of not being “normal”.Instead, think about how you want to live your life.Nobody lives forever. Your cancer may get cured, and you may live to be 100.Or, you may get run over by a bus an hour from now. That can happen to anybody - even cancer patients.Or, you may die from your cancer in a few weeks or months.I don’t know what will happen, and you probably don’t either.So - make the most of your life while you can. Spend time doing things you like with your friends and family. Read important books. Do the things you always wanted to do.Make every day count.Good luck.

Do i have colon cancer?? im only 15?

OK, calm down and listen to old Aunt Kelly. First, you are extremely young to have colon cancer. I was 46, and I was considered very young (they don't usually even start colonoscopies to screen for it until age 50). Polyps like your mom had are not necessarily cancerous--in fact they usually aren't. They can be removed during the colonoscopy and tested to be sure. Even if what you had was similar to colon cancer, there are many other diseases that have similar symptoms, like irritable bowel syndrome. First try eating more fiber, and start taking a stool softener. If that doesn't help, then see your doctor to see what else he can recommend.

I wasn't having just constipation when I was diagnosed with colon cancer, and I never had any of the other symptoms you've described (could they be side effects from any medicine?). For several months I alternated between constipation and diarrhea, and some people also have very small, almost pencil-shaped stools. By the time it got to stage 3, when I was finally diagnosed, I was having intense pain, alternating between feeling like the worst gas you can imagine and blinding pain that bent me over (and don't trust doctors that tell you at that stage that you're just constipated, like I did).

Your mom may be right about the hemorrhoid--they aren't always right on the surface, and the brighter the blood, the further down it is on the colon, so it's close to the end. Also, by your having such bad constipation, it's also more likely.

Colon cancer is not as terrible as some believe. I was lucky--they did surgery as soon as they found it, and my oncologist told me that even without chemo, at stage 3 60% of all patients are cured. With chemo your odds increase to about 75%. At stage 1 it's well over 90%, and at stage 2 it's over 80% even without chemo.