Do I Have The Mumps Or Cancer

Can you get cancer from a gunshot wound?

Cancer is basically the out of control production of cells (mitosis) there are usually "built-in" safeguards that stop this thing from happening. However ocasionally a mutation will break these safeguards and the cells will just continue to generate new cells untill it becomes a tumour. Thus giving the patient cancer.
Although you cannot "catch" cancer anything that makes the patient need to produce more cells (for example healing a gunshot wound) does increase the possibility of developing cancer. Not much but a fair amount.

Thats why in medicine, after someone has an invasive surgery the staff will often periodically check the wound for signs of infection / replace bandages. but for years later they will occasinaly take a look just incase they can spot any signs of tumours developing.

So I guess you could use this, but it may take a long time for the cancer to develop. (also not all of your readers may know this and may even seem unbelievable)

Another more "Classic" option is to have your character go in for an MRI or CATscan and then have them "discover" a pre-existing cancer. It would also mean the character would have to start Chemo therapy immideately.
This is used in quite a few stories and does happen in real life but is reasonably rare. (however it may seem more believable than the fist option!)

Hope that helped, good luck!

Hard lymph nodes, are they ALWAYS cancer?

If not then what could they be from? They have to be cancer right? I have 3 of them so its safe to say I have cancer? It can't be anything else, can it? I'm not sick and they've been swollen my whole life. Cancer right?

Theirs no way they could be swollen from anything else, its cancer. I have cancer and need to get it diagnosed now..

Has anyone ever had hard lymph nodes that turned out not to be cancer?

Throat cancer.... I'm sorta worried.?

A few days ago, I woke up with a strange pain in my throat. It felt like I had something stuck in my throat, and it really hurt when I tried swallowing. For the next few days it got a bit better, but I'm kinda worried it might be throat cancer. I'm a 16 year old male, quite healthy otherwise, and I'm not sure of throat cancer is common at my age. Do you know about any other sickness that displays those symptoms?

Do people still get the mumps? If so what are the symptoms?

When you eat a pickle it kinda hurts and tickles at the same time. There are only three things that cause the glands involved in mumps to swell...Mumps, Cat Scratch Fever, and you know where the gland is? Guess not mommy! Its on your cheek, in front of your ear....the parotid gland! How do I know? Had mumps twice, both times documented.......also had cat scratch fever.....

Can someone give me signs and facts on testicular cancer?

About testicular cancer
Cancer of the testicles is not a common cancer overall, and is responsible for less than one per cent of all cancer deaths. However, it is the most common cancer in men aged 20 to 34. It is important for men to be aware of the disease so that they can recognise the symptoms. If caught early, testicular cancer can usually be treated and cured.

Types of testicular cancer
The most common types of testicular cancer are seminoma and teratoma. Seminomas are made up of a single type of cell, whereas teratomas consist of more than one type of testicular cell. Occasionally, the cancer can be a combination of seminoma and teratoma. Other types of testicular cancer, such as lymphoma, arise from lymphatic tissue (tissue that forms part of the immune system) within the testicle. These are very rare.

What causes testicular cancer?
The causes of testicular cancer are unknown, but men born with an undescended testicle (one that remains in the abdominal cavity rather than descending into the scrotum) may be at greater risk of developing the disease.

Other factors that are thought to make testicular cancer more likely include:

having a brother who had testicular cancer
fertility problems
being from a wealthier social group
having a rare complication of mumps called mumps orchitis (painful swelling of the testis)
Symptoms of testicular cancer
The most common symptom of testicular cancer is a lump, irregularity or swelling in one testicle. Other symptoms that may be present are:

a pulling sensation or feeling of unusual heaviness in the scrotum
a dull ache in the groin or lower abdomen
pain or discomfort (which may come and go) in the testicle or scrotum
tenderness or enlargement of tissue in the breast area
a sudden collection of fluid in the scrotum (called a hydrocele).
Most lumps in the scrotum are not testicular cancer. However, anyone who notices one or more of the symptoms above should see their GP for advice.

How do I buy cuban vaccine which is used in lung cancer?

Don’t bother, because it probably is not what you think it is. This is not a vaccine that will prevent the onset of disease like an inoculation for mumps. This vaccine is a medication that helps stimulate the immune system after cancer is present to fight the cancer growth — but it is not known to be as effective as the immunotherapies we already have in the US. While the Cuban vaccine has promise, it has also been in use for years in multiple countries beyond Cuba without making much of a ripple. It does help extend the lives of terminal patients by months, but not as often by years. I believe there are — or more likely were — clinics in Canada or Europe that administer it, but again, it won’t prevent the occurrence of lung cancer and it won’t cure it, either. On the other hand, it is known for being extremely inexpensive and easy to tolerate, and there is at least one institution on the East Coast that is going to be doing clinical trials with it and using it as the basis for developing a (hopefully improved) version for use in the States. It will still be a long time before it is available here domestically in any form.

Why does a testicle shrink after getting the mumps?

One of the classic complications of mumps is orchitis (inflammation of the testicle) as in your case.  All significant inflammation may lead to tissue damage which the body then attempts to fix with scar tissue.  Scar tissue always shrinks as a way to reduce defects left behind by dead and damaged tissue and as a way to improve structural strength to the region.  This is why, over time, the damaged testicle has reduced in size and can be expected to have reduced or even absent function.CONCERNS:Assuming that the other testicle and associated structures are I ntact then your reproductive potential should not be at risk.However, you must continue (just like any other man out there) to feel the entire surface of both testicles looking for asymmetrical irregularities (something odd which you do not feel on the other) as a habit of self-examination for testicular cancer.  Testicles that are difficult to feel fully can hide an otherwise easily operate tumor.  This could have very serious consequences.  Moreover, non-functioning testicles have a slightly higher risk of developing a tumor.  Nothing to lose sleep over, only enough to stay vigilant about it.Be sure you discuss this topic and all your options with your doctor.  Perhaps some investigations are indicated (such a Doppler US checking for testicular blood flow).Hopefully this leads you to seek appropriate medical advice.Best of luck!

What is the difference between the measles vaccine from the MMR vaccine?

how they make the Measles vaccine, start at 5:00. "I found a CDC paper called 'Isolation of the Measles virus.' If we think a patient might have Measles get some fluid from that patient...and put in fridge. Next, get a marmoset monkey, kill it, take it's cells and put cells in cell culture because they are 10,000 times more responsive to measles than our human cells. The cell culture isn't ready yet to grow measles virus. Next thing is to make the monkey cells cancerous by exposing to radiation. Next give those monkey cells Epstein Barr virus, which is a horrific disease. Next, add a toxin to the cell culture that is so dangerous the advice is to wear rubber gloves, don't let human skin touch it. The CDC says at this point the cells are starting to fall off the sides of the vessel, in other words they are poisoned, they have cancer and EBV and they are falling over, they are ill. Give them 2 days to recover and add nutrients. Now get sample out of fridge and add to these diseased and cancerous cells. Watch with microscope for 2 days. If after this time 50% of the cells are distorted then you have an isolate of measles virus and you are instucted to put in fridge and keep to be used as vaccine. At no point is measles virus seen, at no point is the measles virus proved to cause the illness in the cells. We know they are poisoned, we know they have been given cancer & Epstein Barr syndrome. That is now ready to be made into a vaccine to be put into our kids. This noxious mixture is the basis that can be used in vaccines."