Do I Look Young For My Age 21 How To Look Older

Do you look young for your age?

How old are you?
What age do people think you are?
Do you find it annoying or do you take it as a compliment?

Me I'm 22 people say I look 15-18, I have four younger brothers the two older ones (19 and 17) look older and are taller than me. Whenever someone tells me I look young for my age I ALWAYS take it as a compliment.

Do you look older than your age?

No I look younger I am nearly at the age were I leave school but I am only 4.9ft and many of the teachers at school have thought I was a new year 7.
One of my teachers was wondering why I didn't take music and I said I didn't choose and he went but in year 7 you have to do music and then he looked at me and then went whoope your not a year 7 are you.
I had a teacher come and say to me wow you know your way round here very well to have only started today do you like being in year 7 and I went I know my way round here because I have been here for 4 years and she was just like oh my god I am so sorry.
And kids in year 7 come up to me and go my brothers sister best friend mate said you in year 10 but I said you not and they said you are what year are you in I tell them then they just run off lol.

The good side to it is I can still get past for a 10 year old and get in places for cheaper and meals for cheaper or sometimes even free!

Do you look younger or older for your age?

Oh this is a fun topic for me. For the sake of my thumbs and your precious time I won’t go too far into detail. I am 12 years old but the age people think I am varies from 16 to mid 20s. My dad is 44 and looks way younger, he still gets carded (so does my mother) and they routinely get carded for alcohol ( in the US) and R rated movies! (he looks about 20 to 30 in my opinion). Now comes the fun part, I’m often mistaken as his SISTER or even better, his WIFE! He is 31 and a half years older than me but we look to be around similar ages. Deadass people try to serve me alcohol (I live in France so rules here are more relaxed as people almost never get carded) someone also asked if we were expecting (we were out to lunch just my dad, me and my grandparents)! So yes, I’d say I look older than I am.And as you can see I wear minimal makeup but this happens on days where I wear a ton of makeup or none at all. People also say I act older than I am as well so they don’t even question R rated movies and such ( when I was younger like last year, here the minimum age is 12 so I don’t worry about it) it’s downright hilarious when meeting new people and then telling them my age and seeing the immediate shock on their faces is priceless.EDIT:I have gotten a haircut and now look even older! I love my new hair and feel like it makes me look better.

Look older than my age. Advice please?

I m 21 and was told I looked 28 today :s. Other days I m told I look my age, or younger, but this is something new. Maybe her opinion is an outlier and I need not obsess, but if not, I d like to know what on my face makes me look so much older.

I m thinking perhaps it s due to the big cheek bones and the small hollows under my eyes that are created by them? Just a thought.

Thanks in advance for honest opinions. This is not an "Am I attractive?" question, so please no harsh comments on the appearance. Thank you.

I am 19 years old but look lke I am 25..what can I do to look younger?

Inner beauty matters first.To look more attractive and beautiful, people often make their life disturbing.Their are many people in this world who were facing problems regarding their beauty. One should never think about others,because others opinions can��t ruin your inner beauty. An individiual soul is much more beautiful then their face flaws and curves.A person’s success is measure by their hard work and by their talent, not by their beauty.Whatever beauty you holds within yourself,it is sacred and you should accept it .We should accept each an every flaws,curves,spots of our face,because inner beauty is much more important than showoff.Loving and caring yourself will give you happiness and this happiness will make you more beautiful by your soul as well as by your heart. Happiness will motivate you to teach the beautiful lesson of kindness to others .You should stop impressing others by destroying your own happiness .

Why does a 21 year old look older than his age?

As someone who drinks a lot and has generally had an unhealthy lifestyle for several years, I'm a great authority on the subject.Apart from genetic factors which do have some influence on a person's appearance, lifestyle is the most common cause for unnatural aging. Since I don't know the context of the question, makeup can also obviously make a person look older. Perhaps that person is going for that image.Drinking can cause a person to add fat on the face, which when bloated can cause a person to look older. General overeating can do the same. I hope that helps.

I am 18 years old I look much elder than my age. What should I do? I do exercise and jog. Its my face that looks matured what should I do?

These tips will help you :Wear pants, not shorts. While guys of all ages wear shorts, they're less formal and more commonly associated with boys and athletic wear. To look a little older, it's best to wear good quality, form-fitting pants, and to leave the shorts for the gym.It's especially important to avoid baggy cargo shorts and athletic shorts of any kind. Especially baggy shorts will always look young.Wear collared shirts, not T-shirts. Wearing a good-fitting button-down shirt looks older than a T-shirt, one hundred percent of the time. Plaid shirts or plain-printed dress shirts are good looks, whether you want to look 17 or 70.Make sure the shirt isn't too big for you, or you'll end up looking like a kid wearing his dad's clothes. The sleeves of collared shirts need to come to the wrist when your arms are out straight at your sides. No further.Only wear sneakers for sports. People of all ages wear tennis shoes and sneakers, but if you already look young, they'll make you look even younger. If you're trying to pass as older, wear some more adult shoes. You don't have to wear old-man penny loafers, but more basic leather or faux-leather shoes will always look older than sneakers.If you're shorter than you'd like to be, you can make yourself taller with Doc Martens, or motorcycle or cowboy boots that have heels, or slightly-raised platform soles.Wear clothes that fit your body properly. Baggy clothes and tight-fitting clothes will make you look younger, either way. Adults know how to pick the right sizes that flatter their body-type. Spend some time at the store, trying on clothes, to figure out what looks right. Don't just wear the first thing you find.Wear clean clothes. Kids often wear wrinkled shirts, clothes that look like they've been pulled rumpled out of a clothes hamper. Adults wear nicely-pressed, clean clothes. Look like you are how you look and put yourself together with a clean set of clothes.

Would I look older if I wore my glasses?

I'm a 16 year old girl and look young for my age. I had to get glasses a few weeks ago so I could get my drivers' license. I can see good without them but was wondering if people would think I was older if I kept them on all the time.