Do I Stand A Chance To Get A Job At Mcdonald

How good are my chances of getting a job at McDonald's?

If age was a factor, they wouldn't have called you in for the interview in the first place. They're probably looking to hire a person that seems to have their head screwed on straight and appears to be the most dependable and friendly... seeming the job deals with customer service. They want someone who will make THEIR job easy. Someone eager. Eager means showing a lot of interest by shaking their hand (before and after) and ending with telling them, "Well... thanks for your time. I really appreciate you considering me for the job!" That goes a long way.
Next time, don't do an app online. Do it in person and ask for the manager so you can personally hand it to him/her. Tell the manager, "Hi, I'm xxxx xxxx. I was hoping to get a job here, so I just wanted to turn this application in to you." That's all you really have to say. Also, on your application, handwrite an asterisk on the top left of the first page and write "EAGER TO WORK" next to it. If you're feeling saucy, go ahead and draw a little smiley face next to it. All this stuff will make you stand out to the person hiring and help put your friendly face in their mind. You'll already have a leg up on those other applicants. It makes it easier for them to hire you. They want that.

Oh, and definitely call a couple days after you turn in the application and ask to talk to the manager. Say you were just calling to follow up on the application you turned in to see if they had considered anybody for the position. Now they'll know you're serious about doing what it takes to work there.

You're still young. As you get older, things like introductions and naturally initiating a handshake will be like second nature to you.

Good luck!

How easy is it to get a job at McDonalds?

I live in Australia and work at McDonalds. I am not sure if the recruitment process is different in other countries. I work as a crew person, not a manager. I found applying to McDonalds was quite simple honestly. I first typed "McDonalds jobs" into Google and clicked on the McDonalds website. After scrolling through some of the FAQ's, I submitted an appilication. It asks you which postion you are applying for (crew person, manager, etc) , whether or not it is your first job and if not what was your past job, any achievements you have in the food business and the locations you are applying for.Then they give you a couple of situational questions with multiple choice answers. You just need to pick the ones that feel correct to you.They will notify you within 2-7 days whether you have gotten an interview, if you are on the waiting list or just not needed at that time. After an interview they will tell you whether or not you got the job.  If so they'll run you through orientation and give you a uniform. Then you'll start training.

What are my chances of getting hired at McDonalds?

Since there are 5 McDonald's hiring, go to each and ask for the manager, like one poster stated.

By going to all 5 in person, you will stand out vs all the other applications sitting on a managers desk.

It is a hard market out there with so many people unemployed. But, the majority of them, just fill out a application or just submit the resume, and then "wait" for the phone call.

One last thing. When you go, do not go during rush times, like early morning, lunch or dinner. Go around 2 pm to 3 pm, when most people are still at work.

good luck

What are the chances of McDonalds hiring me?

As long as you have a work permit and a food handlers permit you have a pretty descent chance. But a lot of places don't like to hire 15 year olds because there are so many restrictions on them.
i.e. the hours they can work. the stuff they are allowed to work with. they are not alowed to stand in front of windows...

Can I get a part time job at McDonalds with a 2.2 GPA?

I'm sixteen years old and I'm thinking about getting a part-time job.I really slacked off my first 2 years of high school and my gpa got really low. Right now things aren't going very well around my house and the only person working is my mom. I really want to try to help out and get some money. I'm working really hard to get my grades up but I really want to try working ASAP. I don't want to wait another semester to raise my GPA.

How much does McDonalds actually care about GPA? Is a 2.2 acceptable? Is there another place I can try to work for that doesn't care as much (Chick-Fil-A, Sonic, etc).

What else can I do to raise my chances for getting a part time job?

Should I work at McDonald's or Subway?

I started working at McDonald's a week ago, and it's really hard on me. I just cannot stand working 8 hour shifts there. The one 5 hr shift I worked was fine - it was actually awesome. But since I'm over 18 I'm not sure if the one I work at offers anything below 8 hrs regularly (all the people I work with 18+ work 8 hrs). I got a call for an interview at Subway today, and I'm thinking of going to the interview and giving it my best shot. I work the front counter/register at McDonald's, and the whole lunch rush thing is okay, it's just I'd rather not work 8 hr shifts and there's too much to do in 8 hrs and only a short break.

Would Subway be more likely to offer shifts ranging from 4-7 hrs? Also, are they a more comfortable place to work at compared to McDonald's? (I.e. less busy, a little more relaxed environment...just a better atmosphere?)

Please please please respond! I'm trying to look for another job anyway, but I'm afraid to ask for a shift/hour change at McDonald's if I do decide to stay, just because I just started and I don't want them thinking I'm lazy or dislike the job. It's just too much for me with my current schedule to work 3 8hr days on the weekend and everything. :/

I got fired at mcdonalds?

Try applying and telling them a family emergency made it impossible to contact your work, you were embarrassed and never went back in. That your family life is more stable now, all they can say is no, they may not even ask you why you left. be honest though and put prev employer mcdonalds, reason for leaving family emergency. If they like you enough they may not contact the other mcds.
I do not usually tell someone to lie about something, getting a job is different, and it hurts noone, it might get you a job. Understand the difference.

I can't even get hired at McDonald's and I feel discouraged. I'm 16. What should I do?

You've got a good instinct to want to work, and that's very commendable. And it can be very discouraging to not even be able to get hired at McDonald's when you're 16.But having owned and operated my own restaurant, I can tell you a little secret. I didn't hire everyone who applied. I didn't even always hire the person who looked the most qualified on paper. When I did hire, I did so for two basic reasons:I had a position I needed to fill.I hired someone to fill the position who seemed more than half-hearted about having it.I, and everyone else who has ever run a restaurant for more than 20 minutes, recognized that whoever you get to work for you is probably not that enthused about working there. It's a fact of life; low-level restaurant work can be hot, difficult, and demanding, and it really doesn't pay that well. I tried to pay better than average for my area, but there's only so high I could go.So I know that no one is really motivated to be there for any reason other than it's a j-o-b. I'm under absolutely no illusions otherwise. But you need to be able to muster enough fake enthusiasm to show up once every few days after you turn in your application, looking and acting reasonably presentable, to check up on whether the manager has considered it yet. Otherwise, what would your work ethic be like if I hired you? Would you lose interest and quit the first time you were given a hard task to do? I don't want that, and really, neither do you. That would just waste both our time; and on my side of it, anyway, I may have lost out on the right person because I was too busy giving a shot to the wrong person.The point is, if you get discouraged just looking for a job, you are going to be very easily discouraged doing the job; so put forth the effort. How hard you work to get the job is how hard you're going to do the job.Pro Tip: When applying, and when checking back on your application, do so on weekdays between the hours of 2 and 4 pm. That is virtually every restaurant's down time, so you stand a better chance of talking to someone who doesn't already have a dozen things he needs to be doing right this minute.

Should I apply at McDonald's online or in person?

I'm inclined to go in person because I always feel like it gives out a good image, because they can "put a face" on the application, but i'm not sure if it's "done"? Some places only take online applications and if you go in person it would just be weird.
So would that be the case with McDonald's or do people go in person to apply all the time?