Do Left Wing Apologists Speak For

Why is Google so left-wing biased?

As Stephen Colbert has observed, reality has a well-known liberal bias.Engineering organizations tend towards so-called “liberal” positions because the practice of engineering emphasizes finding workable solutions, and you can’t come up with workable solutions without accurately assessing the state of the world.American conservatism, especially over the last 30 years, has come to value ideology over evidence. That’s fine if you don’t have to make anything that works. But if you’re concerned with functionality, as engineers are, you have to go where the evidence takes you. And to conservatives, that will make you appear leftist.Google does have ideological biases. The primary one is right there in its mission statement. Is making information universally accessible and useful is a good thing? It seems likely to me that it is, but it’s a lot harder to prove and disprove than other ideological positions, like “tax cuts improve investment and promote general prosperity,” which are provably false.

According to Glenn Beck's made-up political spectrum, is communism right-wing?

glenn beck is a moron.

in the real world:

on the economic spectrum both far-left (libertarian socialists) and far-right (libertarian capitalists) advocate no government, the difference being that far-left is for abolishment of private property while far-right views private property as holy.

on the political spectrum far-left is socialism, civil rights, equality, tolarance, internationalism etc and far-right is fascism, nationalism, segregation, racism, imperialism etc

Left wing radio station? Is there such thing as a left radio station?

I work in Utah and Wyoming (the two reddest states in the union). I cant take the right wing lies any more. I would love to listen to opinions that are not swayed by big business and corrupt people.

Where did feminism go wrong?

Remember the old 1960s and 70s hippie feminists, they had a cause that was worth fighting for they were truly trying to fight a sexist society with sexist laws.

But now its become like a good old fashioned lynching of men and percieved sexism, it seems like the feminist movement is riding on the fumes of their 70s counterparts but are running out of steam and ideas to keep their movements head a float.

Correct me if im wrong but the modern feminist movement uses nothing but shaming tactics on men and boys calling them misogynists and rape apologists at every corner claiming they are horribly "oppressed" when they are the most pampered group in the WHOLE WORLD.