Do Marxists And Communists Everywhere Consider Obama To Be Right Wing Like They Did With Fascism

Was brazil ever communist?

Well they just elected a Marxist president so its on that road to communism- They are not even helping the Flood Victims- their Govt doesn't care. Those floods are worse than Katrina damage was, and when its on the news you can't see anyone from Brazil Govt anywhere in sight helping those poor people dying in those floods.

Why do liberals think that Nazism is right wing extremism?

Nazism grew out of and was aligned with conservative movements. Read a history book instead of online comments; there was no disagreement.Germany was a multiparty democracy before the Nazis took power, and Hitler rose to power with the help of the other more-moderate conservative party inside Germany, opposed by the left while the moderates mumbled.Internationally, the Nazis were openly allied with conservatives and in conflict with the left.* There was some degree of mutual respect between many of the conservative parties and the Nazis. Fascist sympathies in France are arguably one of many reasons for France’s poor preparations. The left-right positioning was especially obvious and important in the Spanish Civil War. In the US, the Nazis were most vociferously opposed by the left, opposed by FDR — while the “America First”** movement (including, most famously, Charles Lindbergh) were typically mildly pro-Nazi conservatives (with a range from actively Antisemitic pro-Nazi right-wing to people who were just against the war … it’s not entirely simple.)It’s really bizarre — a symptom of feeding off some very bad news sources — that anyone would take this completely non-controversial basic history and get it bungled. Everyone from right to left knew this, before the internet. Stalin was left-wing extremism, Hitler right-wing extremism, as basic as you can get.* briefly with some really bizarre garbage-politics when Stalin signed a non-aggression pact with Germany that both leaders knew was a lie but not all the pro-Soviet far-far-left was clueful was lie. WWII saw a much greater degree of consensus in the US, at least until now — before the war, there were significant Americans who thought Nazi Germany was cool, others thought that Stalin’s USSR was cool.** it’s very strange to hear Trump using terms previously used by people who though the Nazis were pretty much ok and definitely not worth fighting.

Neo-Nazi's vs. Neo-Communists... WTF?

This is a manifestation of the schizophrenia in the Democrat Party. In the 1960s Democrats claimed "the parties switched sides" however, they forgot to tell the Republicans. And during this period, over 100 years after the Civil War, Democrats assassinated Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and lynched Mr. Medgar Evers for being Black Republicans fighting Democrat aggression. Actually this was the schizophrenia within the Democrat Party between Conservative Democrats and Liberal Democrats. The Conservative Democrats wanted to keep to their Ku Klux Klan (white, Democrat racists) and later created the Hutaree Militia (more White, Democrat racists) and F.E.A.R. (yet more Democrat racists). Liberal Democrats created the Black Panthers (black, Democrat racists), the New Black Panther Party (more black, Democrat racists), MEChA (Hispanic, Democrat racists), La Raza (more Hispanic, Democrat racists), the Weather Underground (Democrats who hate everyone) and the Occupy Movement (anti-Semitic, Democrat racists).

So what is going on now is that the Libiots on the left of Libiocy are idolizing the Soviet Union, as Socialists or Communists, while the Libiots on the right of Libiocy are idolizing National-Socialism, as Nazis. During the last election the American Socialist Party, the American Communist Party, the American Nazi Party and the American Fascist Party all endorsed Obama. Amazing isn't it?

To further demonstrate the schizophrenia of the Democrat Party, President Bill Clinton and the Democrat Congress created the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy for the military and Defense of Marriage Act in 1996, yet when President Obama removed both, Democrats celebrated the victory . . . against themselves. The GOP had accepted the Gay Community back in 1977 with inclusion of the Log Cabin Republicans who are Conservatives.

The final exhibit (so far) on Democrat schizophrenia is with the "birther" movement. Libiots blame the GOP on this, however, as usual, they forget where it originated. The original "birther" is Hillary Clinton who started questioning Obama's origins during the 2008 Democrat Presidential Primaries. Her supporters are the birthers and thus more inter Libiot rivalry. Imbeciles aren't they?

What we have now are Libiots confused as ever, and at war with each other as always. So, tomAto, tomato, potAto, potato, Hitler, Stalin, it's all the same to Libiots. Their bottom line is POWER by any method necessary.

Can someone tell me what pure Communism is in a nutshell?

Just curious. I don't want to just accept the system I've grown up under here in America rather than learning what else is out there, and I want to get an UN-BIASED account of what Communisms goal is, how it seeks to accomplish this and what the pro's and con's of a pure communist system are. I realize there are variations of communism as well, if anyone wants to expand on those as well, that would be great.

Why do so many people misunderstand Socialism?

For several decades--at least since the 60s--Republicans have used the word 'liberal' to mean anyone they disagreed with or anything they didn't like. In primary campaigns they even called each other liberals! They have spread the lie that Hitler was liberal, also Stalin, also Mao, Pol Pot, etc.

After 40 years, the l-word lost whatever original meaning it might once have had. So starting with the election of 2008, they ratcheted up the rhetoric. Now Obama, Hillary, etc. were 'socialist', 'marxist', 'communist', etc. etc. They all mean the same thing to Republicans, also 'fascist'. Socialist and fascist mean exactly the same thing! They mean simply 'We don't like him'.

Socialism has always been a dirty word in the US because our culture is 'owned' by the wealthy and corporations and their views are the standard ones aired in news and social commentary. The Powers That Be in the US were desperately afraid of Communism, because it might cost them their control over the country. In fact when Russia had its revolution in 1917 both the US and Britain sent troops to fight on the side of the Czar.

The fact is, none of the modern, developed, successful, 'rich' countries are 100% capitalist or 100% socialist. All are some combination of the two. In the US we are probably the most capitalistic country on earth, but we have 'socialized' education, roads and bridges, police and fire protection, electrical and water projects, etc. etc. Only because we've found this is just the best way to do these things. More and more Americans are coming to believe we should do health care this way too, because EVERY other developed country socializes either health care or health insurance, and they all get about the same care as we do for about half the cost, plus it's available to everyone.

As it is, though, if some right-wing 'pundit' wants to bash Obama, rather than explain his objection in detail, in a calm rational argument, it's much easier for him just to say that Obama is a 'socialist' and leave it at that. To conservatives in the US, being called a 'socialist' is like being called a servant of The Devil. 90% of them can't really explain just why they hate Obama, his real crime is simply in being of the other party.