Do Our Voices Go Together

Does a person’s voice change as he or she gets older?

Well yeah! People mature as follows:Child’s voice - Till about 13During Puberty - Voice gets deeper and Larynx drops20s - Somewhat youthful but getting deeper30s - Most people go into a complete adult voice somewhere here40s - Solid man’s voiceAfter this the voice just gets more and more beat up decade after decade. People usually have a sort of groggy old person’s voice eventually in their 50s and 60s. It just starts sounding rougher and rougher. But sometimes things work differently. I know guys that are 26 and they sound like their 40 on the phone but they are football player size guys. I know a 40 year old at work and his voice sounds like he’s in his late 20s. Usually from what I can tell guys start sounding much older as early as 26; that is, they start having deeper and more gritty voices. Shit I know high school kids with deep voices as if they are 25. It’s crazy actually.I’d actually say the problem for men is that their voices mature too fast in America. It is quite rare to see someone like that 40 year old I mentioned with a much youthful voice.

When do girls voices change?puberty?

well like guys go through puberty and their voices get lower and you could tell. im a girl and 14 and it it seems my voice is pretty high and never changed(ive always had a high voice) and i sing in a chorus at school and im in glee club and i want a nice grown up sounding voice( i always get stuck with the high parts) will my voice change? i hate it

How can we make our voices heard?

So many people want to see changes in America. How do we make our voices heard? Issues with healthcare, illegal immigration, and foreign policies are issues for everyone. Are petitions effective? How do you think it would be beneficial to show our government how so many of it's citizens feel?

Do men's voices deepen with age?

I assume you mean past the changes that occur in puberty? yes and no.males vocal ranges don’t really settle until mid twenties, but the most change occurs during puberty. there might be slight fluctuations as we get older, but only by a whole step or two. we can strengthen our notes, but if a pitch is unreachable without considerable vocal manipulation, it is unlikely to become accessible as we age.In fact, as we get older, our voice tends to atrophy and move toward a neutral pitch (women’s voices lower, men’s rise)[1]If you are concerned about the natural timbre of your voice, i would advise you to think less about how low your voice is, and more about how you use it. Americans in particular tend to have very wide, thin vowels compared to our european counterparts. you can counteract this by focusing on forming words with taller vowels (think about opening your mouth more vertically and reducing the horizontal action.)also, raising your soft palatte can add some warmth to your voice. the next time you yawn, notice how a portion of your mouth (the squishy part at the back, where your mouth meets your throat) seems to rise and become dome-like. that is your soft palatte, and singers regularly manipulate it to create a more mature sound without undue throat action.i strongly advise against trying to darken your voice with your throat. it requires a lot of throat tension that un-naturally fatigues your voice and can actually lead to the development of vocal nodes.Footnotes[1] The Voice and Aging

Why does your voice get deeper when you are sick? And is there any way that this change could become permanent?

I believe it is because phlegm makes your vocal cords denser. This would make your voice appear lower (whereas, for example, helium is less dense so you experience high-pitched talking when inhaling helium). I do not think this change will become permanent unless you have a chronic condition where you constantly have lots of phlegm in your respiratory system.

Why does your voice go high when you are about to cry?

emotional response causes a release of adrenaline, adrenaline contricts the muscles of the neck and throat. its the exact same thing that happens when people do a speech and get nervous. look up 'fight or flight' response. :)

Why do our voices shake when we're nervous or upset?

Along with what everyone else has said about adrenalin, I’d like to add something.When we face a threat, adrenalin prepares us to either fight or run away (fight or flight response). Whether you flee or stay and fight, you will need muscles to do this. Your muscles are posed for action, which is why people who cannot control themselves during anger will lash out and punch things, stomp or otherwise show the usual actions associated with anger.Your breathing will also increase to deliver more oxygen to your muscles.Your voice is shaky because your breathing is shaky. Your breathing is shaky because you need muscles to breathe. Your muscles are shaky because your muscles are posed for immediate action, like a compressed spring ready to expand at a moment’s notice.

Why do we lose our voices when we get sick?

Two main reasons for this:Our vocal folds swell to be point that they no longer make sufficient contact with each other, so we get a breathy, hoarse sound. Phlegm and mucous can also be present to the point that when we speak our sound is distorted a bit by extra phlegm sitting on the vocal folds. Also, if you add to the mix medication, coughing, throat clearing, infection, etc you'll have all kinds of factors changing the sound of your voice. I have more info about singing and voice related topics at my blog at -Chris

Why does my voice crack when i cry?

When you're upset your throat muscles tighten which makes everything in it tighten up as well, such as your voice box and esophagus, which is why you may also find it hard to swallow and food or drinks when your upset