Do People Smoke Weed At Penn State Parties

Army National Guard & failed drug test.?

My son who just turned 18 was planning on joining the Army National Guard, till he went to a friend's grad party and got in a car where they were smoking marijuana. He failed his drug test and was told he had to wait 45 days before going back to MEPS to do the test again. This was all in Pennsylvania where I let him stay to graduate with friends while I moved to Texas. I had already bought him his plane ticket to Texas so I could see him the ticket I bought was his 45 th day. I told him we would transfer it all down here to Texas. Texas recruiter is now saying he can't join because he failed the test. I am totally confused why 1 state say ok while another says no. He made a mistake by crawling in that car but we all make mistakes if we didn't we would be robots. My son does not use drugs he was just had a stupid moment. Can anyone help me/my son and tell us what we can do?

Why are some people put off by other people "not drinking/smoking weed/party"?

I will answer this as a person who comes from one of the hardest drinking cities in the hardest drinking state of the US. We are also notoriously famous for our lax drunk driving laws.UW-Madison has the dubious reputation as being one of the biggest party schools in the US. In our student newspapers you can see examples of tweets from people who brag about their 0.25% BAC. The atmosphere downtown on a Friday night is so saturated with alcohol you better not light a match.I'm not a teetotaler and I can enjoy a craft brew as much as anyone, but when you get as old as I am, I just can't handle that kind of partying anymore. With my friends it's the same, people just slowed down or even totally quit and the few who didn't ended up alcoholics.The way I look at it, I don't feel anyone has to give an accounting of their personal choices when they are not impacting other people and not going to parties is certainly in that category.Perhaps some folks who do partake automatically assume that those who don't have an attitude of superiority. It also could be they are looking for validation of their choices. It really doesn't matter if “some people” (who are those people anyway?) act superior about not drinking or smoking. No one should make an automatic assumption that a non-party goer is Mr./Ms. Goody Two Shoes.The way I look at it, “That just isn't for me” is a plenty fine explanation and I would hope a true friend wouldn't be put off by that.Now as for “gaming parties”, I still do that and for those it's all about the gaming, not the chemicals, unless you count the chips and salsa….

Smoke weed with no smell.?????

ya i smoked in my room from a bong...didnt work out too well.
i wouldnt recommend it if you have no windows cause theres no where else for the smell to go except into the rest of your house. and while your in there you will start smelling too.
try your room and sit next to the window. i would also recommend doing it after they go to sleep. or if you wanna do it before school make sure you dont have to see them before you go and keep the windows open a crack all day. just be carefull. and i hope you know that if you smoke weed regularly, doesnt even need to be that much, you WILL get caught. i dont care how good you think you are at hiding it. it will happen so be ready. its not as bad as you think though

How would you describe the culture at Penn State Main Campus?

I’ve been living here for 24 years so I know all about it. When I was young, State College was a small college town with college students doing typical college things. After graduating from Penn State in 2018 and living the culture for myself, I can tell you that this town has become overwhelmingly overpopulated. There’s not enough growth and expansion to accommodate all these people. Tons of people from Jersey who have yet to learn the Pennsylvania traffic laws (You can’t jaywalk and expect cars to stop for you. Unlike Jersey, pedestrians never have the right of way unless in a crosswalk). Also tons of international students who are living on a $10,000/month allowance from their parents but also drive $200,000 cars. Then there’s the rich Americans who spend 90% of their money on partying and 10% on food with frequent calls to mom and dad begging for more and then blowing it all on crap and destroying their concept of money. A lot of the rich “daddy’s girls” who live in $2,000/month per person apartments are some of the rudest people you’ll ever encounter. They walk around with a stick up their ass expecting everyone in the world to give them what they demand. On the weekends, there are crowds of obnoxious drunk people who are falling over in the streets, walking out into traffic, etc. Drinking is the main focus of students. They work extremely hard just to feel better about themselves when they blow their allowance on cocaine and alcohol on Friday and Saturday nights. Those two nights are the biggest drinking nights but many people drink every day of the week. Adderall is also a huge deal. Tons of people take it to study and do well on exams. There’s also a smaller non-party scene that just likes to chill, smoke weed, and have a good time with friends. I’d say in a nutshell, Penn State is the definition of the phrase: Work Hard, Play Hard.

My teenage step daughter lies and sdisrespects her mother constantly?

Plain and simple, your step-daughter has been given too much power. This is something that was done, most likely, long before you were in the picture. Thumbs up to you for trying! However, her mother needs to be there right beside you, or better so, two feet ahead of you. It is rough being a step-parent. It's also too bad that she speaks to you that way and tells you that you're not her father. But I hope that you never take that to heart and in turn insult her father. When she says that to you, kill her with love. Tell her that it hurts you when she says that because although you're not her father, you still love her very much. Don't ever use that against her by reminding her that her father is crappy. You have to be the calm one, and you and your wife need to be in control.

First, if she has any type of cell phone, take it away . . . FOR GOOD.
Second, get to know her friends and monitor who she hangs out with.
Third, know EVERY detail of what she is going to do when she leaves, and if you don't feel comfortable, tell her she can have her friends come over.
Forth, be her only sorce of transportation.

It will take a lot of time, but with the right amount of love . . you can do it. You also want to make sure that you and your wife are doing more than yelling at her. Plan some family activities together that she will enjoy, although you may not. There doesn't seem to be a family bond there at all. This needs to be created as it is the foundation for respect in the home.

Good luck!

What happens to party animals after they graduate from college?

like what happens to those people who...
major in communications or sociology or some fluff major, go to arizona or a big party school, are a part of some stuck up sorority or obnoxious fraternity, and drink and party almost every night of the week. What happens to these people when they graduate?
Do they go home and live with mommy and daddy and smoke weed and drink all day? or do they actually do something with their lives?

I go to an ivy league but now I am studying abroad in spain and people here from arizona, penn state, colorado, and similiar such schools just do that every day all day and all night. Then, they come to class hung over as hell and spend the whole class time messaging on their black berry messenger or go on facebook the entire time talking about how smashed they got last night or how so on so threw up everywhere, etc. Apparently, this is daily life for many people at such state schools according to many which surprised me because going to an ivy league, partying was limited to fridays and saturdays with the occassional thursday.

Does everyone at The University of Colorado smoke weed?

"There is a time and place for everything and they call it college! "
College Students said it before Chef!
Don't believe what you read. They smoke but everyday is different.
My best guess at this unknown # is 1 to 2% might smoke marijuana daily.
Choose for the School environment, the program of study, the professors and the people.
Penn State is the #1 Party school and many top schools fill the top 10:

Good luck!

How different are parties in college than high school?

I am going to UNC Wilmington next year. It is a really big party school. I go to a party or two just about every weekend. They usually consist of:

a) Beer pong and sitting around and talking. Occassional liquor appearances. Large group of people (30ish), most of which are friends.

b) Beer pong, kings, adventures, hooking up. Small group of people (15ish), all friends.

c) Dance party. My favorite. A lot of liquor, a case or two of beer. Small group of 10 or so friends.

What can I expect in college? Obviously in high school there are distinct cliques that restrict parties somewhat. I really enjoy just being with my friends though, where everyone knows each other well. In college, does that go away? I'll have all new friends, but will there be distinct groups like in HS? Are the parties much bigger? Smaller? Different games? Different beer? More dancing? More hooking up?

Thanks in advance.

What are my legal options if I have a neighbor who is smoking marijuana in a state where it is still prohibited?

You have the right to contact the police, but first ask yourself why. There are certainly legitimate reasons but you should evaluate your own motivation. Keep in mind that this person could face severe fines and or jail time.This person is hurting you and/ or your property. If the small of marijuana is too horrible to be endured or it will stink up your property I would recommend talking to your neighbor in order to inform them of your displeasure. If they do not change their behavior, contact the police.You are worried they are hurting themselves. If your concern is for the health of the other person by all means have a chat with them about their actions. Keep in mind that if they are older than about 25 years old it will have virtually no effect on them long term and in many ways weed seems to be healthier than alcohol or cigarettes.They are a public menace. If you know this person and you truly believe that their choice to uses weed makes them a wholly bad person and a danger to society then contact the police.Good luck.