Do Psychedelics Act Stronger On People Who Have Vivid Dreams

If people have vivid, realistic dreams during REM sleep, why don’t they act out those dreams.....?

During waking states, sensory information going from your sensory organs to the brain and motor (muscle/movement) signals going from the brain to the muscles mostly has to go through a brain structure called the thalamus. I think I remember reading that the motor pathways through the thalamus are largely shut down during sleep. This means that signals for motivated movement originating from the cortex during sleep are not able to be transmitted to the peripheral nervous system (ie., most of the muscles in your body). This is why you don't act out your dreams.

Yes.Before I continue, there's no evidence that any of the most popular and well-known psychedelics have will have permanent physiological effects resulting from occasional, responsible use.However, any experienced psychedelic user will agree that the unique alterations of perception provided by these drugs can be used to prompt permanent, meaningful alterations in our psyche. These effects are not unique to psychedelics, though. The experiences, thoughts and perspectives provided by psychoative drugs of all kinds can prompt significant changes in how one sees themselves, others and the significance of their actions.These changes, however, are more common with psychedelics and drugs like MDMA due to their powerful entactogenic and empathogenic effects. It's not uncommon to hear people say they have come to terms with or have figured out the solution to certain problems in their lives following psychedelic use. More rarely, a person under the effects of psychedelics will go through something they equate to a true spiritual or supernatural experience, and carry that idea for the rest of their lives.Personally, I don't care for the whole spiritual thing, but psychedelics and other drugs have helped me improve my sober self. They have made me be more direct about my feelings, helped me understand what defines a good friendship, made me quit drinking, made me realize that my best friend is the best thing that's happened to me, made me more confident, made me accept that submitting myself to social situations I don't enjoy is a monunental waste of my time, and made me understand that two conflicting ideas that have defined my life can actually be seen as mutually beneficial.So yeah, I can confidently say that psychedelics can permanently change you. I will be eternally thankful for that.

There was a period in my life where I was receiving weekly vitamin B-12 injections as well as taking a daily dose of 5,000mg of vitamin B-12 in methylcobalamin form. I took LSD on at least two occasions during that time. I do not recall any change in those LSD experiences from any of the prior dozen or more experiences I’d already had prior to my vitamin B dosing regimen. I do not believe vitamin B doses significantly affect one’s LSD experiences, although deficiency in this nutrient might have an affect.The only two supplement regimens I have ever found to interfere with or enhance psychedelics are 5-HTP, which appears to interfere with ayahuasca and vaporized DMT (reducing visions), as it may create an abundance of molecules which compete for the same 5-HT/5-HT2 brain receptors that DMT has an affinity for. Also, there is a multiparty supplement regimen described at Research-backed MDMA (Molly/Ecstasy) education that does enhance MDMA experiences when followed. And with MDMA, proper scheduled dosing of 5-HTP can improve the recovery period.

I think I have very vivid dreams?

think I have very vivid dreams more than most people. I can sometimes talk about a dream I have had for 20 minutes with my family. I can remember so much detail like I have feelings that I have never had before like I have had dreams where I feel pain but the pain dos not feel like it dos in real life. I have seen colors or shade of color I have never seen before in real life, or I can remember parts of dreams where I feel a emotion I have never felt before its like I had my emotions blend in with my other senses. like I get a strange feeling when I think about a forest I saw in a dream. I don't know how to describe it. I once had a dream where I felt my heart beat stop and I was on the verge of passing out and the world around me was slowly fading away and it was like my mind went blank and I had one last thought to take a big breath. So I took a huge breath and I felt my heart start up again. Any way my question is do you think I have above average dreams and do you ever have similar dreams or the same strange emotions you have in dreams.

No. Of course not.Dreams are not real.Only an idiot would make life decisions based on dreams.If God is real why can’t he turn up in the middle of the day and ask me in front of witnesses?Why can’t he rearrange the stars to spell out my name and ask me to go to Galilee and have astronomers call me with the good news?If God exists then why does he need anyone to do anything? He can just do it himself with a thought. Ping! Done.In short: Nope :)

There is so much literature on this topic, I am surprised you are asking us random online strangers for advice. What have you already read on this topic? Are you asking out of naive curiosity or are you experienced and want an explanation for what you went through?We have two fundamental aspects to our cognitive processes which work together: the act of paying attention, and the mental events we pay attention to. The brain works on electrical currents facilitated by chemicals in and between neurons, so the introduction of certain chemicals will bring about changes in how those currents flow, their intensity and what mental events they stimulate or suppress.Psychedelics appear to both boost our attention (increase amplitude, or voltage) and stimulate the part of the brain where dreaming takes place (brain stem, both attention arousal and dream action). Even without those chemicals, our attention is attracted to the mental events and imparts a bit of energy to them, making them vivid and seem real to us. Imagine having an intense dream while being wide awake.

Could you please give me tips on how to make a lucid dream last longer?

Nice only 2 weeks and your already lucid dreaming, I'll give you some tips which i use to maintain my lucid dreams. First off your first lucid dream wont be long considering your probably very very excited you just need to remember to keep a cool head and act like it's real life. Now also like you said rubbing your hands together helps alot because movement engages your brain and helps by not letting you awake. Weirdly looking at your hands seems to help me I don't know why but try it. And what I find to help out alot is in your dream scream outloud increase lucidity x 1000 or something along those lines. If you notice that your dream is slipping away engage the logic part of your brain by doing some simple math such as 9+2. Once you got more proficient in lucid dreaming try spinning for some reason it helps stablize your awareness of the dream but warning it can also make the scene go black hence the reason you should only perform if your more advance in the art of lucid dreaming. Good luck :)