Do Republicans Realize That If They Stopped Being Racist .

How can the Republican party stop being perceived as racists?

When I was very young, my mom told me a very creepy story. There was kid in the beach that appeared to be drowning. Everyone swam as quickly as possible to help him, but in the end, they realized it was all a joke. The boy pretended to be drowning just to have some fun.The second time it happened, a few decided to help him. Again, a joke. The third time, however, he was actually drowning. That time, though, his screams did not matter, as no one believed him anymore.This story is similar to what the Brazilians leftists and Democrats are doing. They are using the terms white privilege, classism, homophobia to designate the typical American/Brazilian white worker over and over, and that is pissing them off.Don’t get me wrong, I do believe that society is filled with those issues, but overusing those words only make them lose effect. I’ve seen people comparing the mayor of Rio de Janeiro (a conservative bishop) to Hitler. Come on, as much as you hate him, this comparison is utterly wrong and useless. The thing is: next time someone rightfully compares a politican to Hitler, people won’t take it seriously (we’ve seen just that recently).Racism is one of those words. White people are tired of hearing this word and it doesn’t make them vote for Democrats, but for Republicans.Look at the situation right now. The Republicans have the House, the Senate and the Presidency. They have everything. Being labeled as racist over and over only helped them. Democrats will only stop calling Republicans racist when they both share the same view, which is completely pointless for the GOP.That’s my outsider opinion.

Why don’t Republicans realize how out of touch and racist they appear when they go on about the Democratic Party starting the KKK? It's old news and not relevant.

You’re not saying it right.Party line politicians say stupid things like “Democrats started the KKK,” “Republicans hate women,” “Trump is Hitler,” or “Obama wasn’t born in the U.S.” because those words get a rise out of us. Generally speaking, no one believes all of it so literally, nor cares. We care about issues that matter to us; but Clinton/Reagan/Fox/MSNBC said it so it must be true!So you’re saying or hearing it wrong because what the average person is doing is reacting with exasperation to debates and media attention over things that are being argued but aren’t true or don’t matter. The average Republican (you do realize that “republicans” don’t all think the same way, yes?) is saying such a thing to diffuse narrow minded debates. You have to have a huff in your voice and an eye roll, “yeah, but the Democrats invented the KKK.”That’s how it is usually said so you’re inference that they mean what they say is inaccurate.Follow me? Let’s get in closer to how it happens:“Republicans are attempting to cut welfare and fighting healthcare that could provide abortions… they must hate women and minorities.”*huff* *eye roll* “you do know the Democrats invented the KKK don’t you?“what? That’s stupid, that’s old news and not relevant.”“…. Ah, but making a broad, basely assertion about the entitety of thr opposing party is valid.”Both sides do it! We’re simply talking about Republicans since you asked.

Why do Republicans deny their racism?

In 1980, Ronald Reagan told biographer Laurence Burrett the 1965 Voting Rights Act was a "Humiliation to the South"

"If an individual wants to discriminate against negroes or others in selling or renting his house, he has the right to do so" - Ronald Reagan, 1966

In 1980, Ronald Reagan said Confederate President Jefferson Davis was "A hero of mine"

Michele Bachmann Signed a Pledge that Stated "A black child born into slavery in 1860 was more likely to be raised by his mother and father in a two-parent household than was an African American baby born after the election of the USA's first African American President"

"I hate those gooks. I will hate them as long as I live" - John McCain

"Now I don't want to even be associated with Obama, it's like touching a tar baby" - GOP Rep. Doug Lamborn

"There are times when abortion is necessary. I know that. When you have a black and a white, or a rape" - Richard Nixon

"Hugo (Chaves) is a nice little Guatemalan man who is doing some painting for me" - GOP Senator Conrad Burns

"If you belong to an organization called La Raza, in this case, which in my point of view anyway, is nothing more than a Latino KKK without the hoods or the nooses" - Former GOP Congressmen Tom Tancredo

"Figure this out, Madame Speaker: We have a very, very urban Senator, Barack Obama, who has decided he's going to run for President, and what does he do? He introduces legislation to create a whole new Pigford claim" - GOP Rep. Steve King

"And Barack Obama says no. Well if human life is not a person then I find it almost remarkable for a black man to say 'now we are going to decide who are people and who are not people'" - GOP Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum

"And if private lunch counter owners want to prevent blacks from eating there, that's their right" - GOP Senator Rand Paul

"Do you have blacks, too?" - George W. Bush to Brazilian President Fernando Henrique Cardoso

"And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this-this (Slight Chuckle) is working very well for them" - Former First Lady Barbara Bush on Black Hurricane Katrina Victims

"I have been nervous about this interview with you because what I feel like saying is, 'Sir, prove to me that you are not working with our enemies'" - Glenn Beck to Muslim US Congressman Keith Ellison

If you're not a bigot or racist, how can you stand to be a Republican?

The same way that everyone has to deal with crazies. I personally try to reign them in, make sure they don't harm anybody, then let them do whatever floats their boat.I know recently their have been skeletons dug out of the republicans closets’ but both sides will say some insanely stupid things. Personally I tend to be more republican due to my personal views on government policy but yes this year’s republican ticket isn't looking hopeful. In all honesty while I do tend to side with republicans the “basket of deplorables” might not be wrong.Anyways you hear most racist and bigoted people say downright stupid things. It's just something you have to deal with. Also Being from California you develop an idiot filter. Here's what my senator said.Every month that we do not have an economic recovery package 500 million Americans lose their jobs.Guess what's great about that quote by Nancy Pelosi? The fact that we have at most 350 million people living in the US. Eventually when you have idiotic stuff like this daily you just have a stupid statement filter. I make my choices based off my own political beliefs not party loyalty, so when I'm in agreement with republican I support hem, for democrats I will support them, and of course I'm hoping libertarians win this year.

When will Republicans stop being racist, sexist, homophobic, biphobic, cisphobic, transphobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic and/or misogynistic?

About the same time the DemocratsStop playing the victim card.Stop getting ‘triggered’ every five seconds.Can actually talk and debate like grown ups and not screech like an autistic toddler.Realise that not all BAME people are wonderful and quite a few are repugnant.Realise that not all homosexual people are wonderful, and again quite a few are repugnant.Accept that being straight, white, CIS, religious etc. is not a crime and never will be a crime - get over your racism!Accept that quite a lot of people are worried about Muslims for good reasons - we don’t think every Muslim is bad, but until ISIS calls it quits (or are forced to quit) there will be tension. However, most decent Muslims accept this fact and are now standing up for the West.Realise that most Republicans/Right Wing people are not obsessed by a person’s skin colour/gender and perhaps it is those people that are which are the real bigots with personal issues. Maybe they are the real racists/idiots?Call for black racists and hetereophobic and aphobic people to be jailed.I guess we’ve got a LONG wait, folks!

Why are republicans so sensitive about being called racist?

Most of the people that say that have their heads so far up their asses that they don't know where one starts and the other ends, so, it doesn't bother me at all to be called a racist. As in everything, you have to consider the source. If it comes from garbage, it probably is garbage.