Do Some People Just Have Bad Genes That Causes Them To Be Violent And Never Change.

Is it possible for a violent person to change?

I believe it is, but one must be very careful here. The old adage is true: One must want to change. In the majority of cases, my experience tells me that violent people mostly want you to believe they want to change, but that they don't really want to change.

By definition, a violent person is someone who thinks others must change. They impose force on others to get their will. There is something deep within their personality that projects their weaknesses and their problems onto others.

If you're talking about a marital situation or something like that, I would recommend immediate separation. If the violent person really wants to change, they will do work on themselves. They should be attending therapy, whatever. First of all, they must acknowledge that the violence is their fault and their fault alone. Unwillingness to take this important step is tantamount to unwillingness to change. Protesting separation on the grounds they need the other person to change is again denying responsibility, that they are the ones with the problem and that they are the ones who need to change.

So yes, but the problem is these people are very seldom truly willing to.
And there is no point to being co-dependant to someone with this kind of problem. Standing around and being a punching bag for an overgrown child is of no help to anybody.

You are actually asking two separate questions, not necessarily related. Violent people can, and often do, change. Usually their violent tendencies are a result of the environment they grew up in (mine was an abusive father). These people are typically lacking something emotionally that causes them to lash out at everyone around them. These feelings of emptiness can manifest themselves into hatred toward society in general.I'm not a psychologist, but I am a formerly very violent person, so I can give a little insight. Usually, violent people can find inner peace through counseling, or by finding a healthy way to channel their anger. For me, it was boxing and martial arts, because I'm one of those dicks who don't believe in counseling…for myself anyway. Counseling, however, is probably the most sure fire way to determine what is missing in a person's life, that has caused them to become violent. A good counselor can recommend mental exercises to help channel frustration, or can just be there to be a sounding board and let you vent your anger in a constructive way. If you are in a violent situation, do whatever you can to get the person into counseling. If you are the violent person, realize you will never be happy until you find inner peace. Please seek help.As far as alcoholics being violent, no not all alcoholics are violent. That being said, if you have anger inside you, you are much more likely to exhibit violence when alcohol is entered into the equation. I was, an extremely violent person, and I have barely had more than a drink or two of alcohol in my life. I actually am afraid to drink because I've always feared I'd kill somebody if I ever got drunk. I've almost killed people while sober and “in control”. I've dealt with a few alcoholics in my lifetime, most were not violent. The ones that did display anger and violence were typically lacking love in their lives, at least what they perceived as love. Other alcoholics are “fun drunks”, who never exhibit any anger or violence, whether drunk or sober. So no, all alcoholics are not violent. Alcohol is an external factor, violence comes from within. Again, only a true professional can help someone determine what is triggering their violent tendencies.

There are multiple causes and factors. Most of what are “causes” are correlations (statistical tendencies).Here are some I have noticed:Has bad coping skills for dealing with anger.Temperament/personalityLow self-esteem.Overly high-self esteem/EntitlementOversensitivity to criticism triggers their bad behaviorLearned it from seeing/ suffering abuse in younger years.Admiration/affiliation from/to peers that are violent.Lack of caring discipline from a parent (parents let the child do mean things and the child ends up with no consequences that teach “respect and caring for others.)Drugs or alcohol inhibiting “barriers” that inhibit people from hurting others.Brain Damage/Severe mental disability that affects impulse control.Some mental illnesses or compliance with medication results in episodes of paranoia, rage in a person with violent tendencies, (most people with a mental illness are at risk of harm from violence than others.The person lives in a culture of violence.Self-defense as a survival instinct.

Why do some people belive that Muslims just want to kill us?

Ok...I agree with you on this one. Not ALL muslims would want to kill us all (and they CAN NEVER do so). I'm sure most muslims are not terrorists, but most terrorists are muslmis, even muslims agree on this!
BUT...their Quran, even if it doesn't DIRECTLY order the murder of all non-muslims (while it does), at the same time, Islam wouldn't want to see us alive. Its not just Al-Qaeda thats an Islamic terrorists organization; there are MUCH MUCH more Islamic terrorists, whether minor or major organizations, everywhere. There's hamas, there's taliban, there's Jaish-e-mohammed, there's mujaheedin, there's abu sayaf, and much more.

And all these Islamic organizations would want to see us DEAD...atleast, suppressed under Islamic law and pay the Jizya as if the world is an 'ONLY MUSLIMS' place.

Muslims must learn to live and let live. If they want peace, they should promote peace and stop killing non-muslims. They should stop insulting and offending others if they dont want to be offended or insulted. The quote 'Muslims want you to make way for them, but Islam will not make way for you' applies to, if not all, more that MOST of Muslims! They would say the bible is contradicted, the torah is contradicted, Christian are three-gods-worshippers, Christians are idolaters, that they will kill all jews in the end, and jews are pigs and apes, etc. and then THEY WOULD EXPECT US TO SHUT UP AND LISTEN. Why? We're more powerful and more smarter than Muslims, so why cant we retaliate? Ok, we understand the UNHOLY book says that; but should they really show it that we cannot fit to the world? Islamic leaders are threatening to wipe Israel of the map and threaten to destroy America. What else do we need?

And for whatever they say or do, its becoz Allah tells them to do so. Why is the bible contradicted? Becoz the Quran says so. They wouldnt even care to look. Why are jews considered the enemies of muslims and were also pigs and apes? Becoz Allah says so. Why would you want to kill infidels? Bcoz Allah commands them to do so. Why would you not take Christians and Jews as auliyah (friends, partners, etc.) bcoz the Quran tells them not to do so. you see, why many think Muslims would want to kill us.

Am I the only one who dosent feel bad for fat people?

well that depends...u can tell why some people are fat

if they are fat because they over eat with a poor diet, don't exercise and sit around all day...i have no sympathy for them

however, if its someone who u can tell just has a medical problem like diabetes at birth, obesity that was hereditary, slow metabolism etc then thats who i feel bad for because they really didnt choose to be like that, many of them try to lose the weight but for some its just not possible and thats who i feel bad for

i also feel sympathy for young children 13 and younger who are obese because it was probably their parents who took them to McDonald's everyday and didn't bother cooking for them...that's really not the child's fault

Yes, I really do believe the movie The Bad Seed wasn't just mere fantasy or fiction. Situations where when all things are considered equal, one sibling ends up worse than the others for no seemingly valid reason. The definition of the term evil can be somewhat tricky, especially among those who reject the concept of objective morality. Personally I can only define evil as negation, where the lack of ability of a person to feel empathy is usually the cause of despicable acts. The real question here isn't whether there's a reason to wrong others, because there's always a reason. The real question here is whether there's a justifiable reason or mitigating circumstances behind one's actions.

The answer is in the question: because someone was willing to reproduce with them. There are a number of reasons why that might be:1) Standards of beauty are not constant and have changed over time2) There's no evidence that physical beauty increases your chances of survival. You have to be alive to reproduce3) There's some evidence of assortative mating (i.e. a tendency - nothing more - for better looking people to mate with other better looking people) - but that leaves a lot of less good looking people who still have an interest in reproducing4) There's such variety in people's looks that it's likely that they're determined by a complex interplay of genetics and epigenetics. Ugly people sometimes have good-looking children and vice versa5) Looks are only one factor in choice of mate and in many cases not even an important one. Where marriages are arranged (still the case in many parts of the world), looks may not enter into it at all. Even where partners get to choose each other, there's plenty to suggest that many people prioritise other things above looks (personality, wealth, power, the ability to provide a good home)Thought experiment: substitute a genuine genetic disorder in the question in place of "ugliness". Let's say "cystic fibrosis". Cystic fibrosis is heavily selected against because until comparatively recently few of its sufferers were likely to reach an age where they could reproduce. And yet it persists in the gene pool. Why? In the main because the genes causing it are recessive: individuals can carry a single copy of the gene without being adversely affected by it. Physical beauty (or the lack of it) is much more complex and much less influential than cystic fibrosis; and therefore much more likely to persist.