Do Tea/baggers Realize How Their Movement Got Started

Why don't Tea Partiers realize that they would have an exponentially greater following if they stayed true...?

Yes they know, but they DON'T care. Think of you belonging to an elitist group that only allowed members like you in that group. Where everyone is of like mind, you must hate Obama. Well that's the tea baggers. "Obama must fail! Maybe we can't kill him, but we can sure try to block anything that he does. Anything! If he cures cancer,turn his cure down! Don't use his cure! Refuse it! Obama must fail! We must continue with war! Don't let Obama stop war, it's un-American! Fellow tea baggers unite! Obama must fail! Set your clocks to 0800 hrs when we meet at the Fox headquarters to get Dunkin Donuts to go with all this tea! Obama must fail!"

Why do liberals use the term "tea bagger" to refer to the Tea Party?

I have no report of anyone calling themselves tea baggers so that's just a lie. The Tea Part is about lowering taxes so that's another failure of a statement. And I can take a joke when it doesn't refer to something as disgusting as that. I don't care if I'm called contard or something of the like but you people take it way too far.

Do the tea party protesters realize the irony of their name?

The real "tea party" was an effort to gain representation in government. The current tea party movement stresses limited or no government.

Today's tea party wants to pay no taxes- they can't be protesting higher taxes because not one American is paying a higher tax rate than they were under Bush...
But the real tea party did not oppose taxes- they asserted that if they were required to pay taxes to a government, they should have a representative voice within that government.

Last I checked we can all vote, whether we think paying our taxes is a good idea or not. What more representation do the tea bagger's need?

What was the original tea party movement in the early 2000s about?

OutrageAnd no it wasn’t fake grassroots, it was the real thing.The US economy was in crisis. Unemployment was high, homes were being foreclosed so fast that the law firms couldn’t even follow the laws for foreclosure properly in many cases because there was so much pressure to get those bad debts off the books and converted into an asset.Congress and two presidents made the decision to save the Wall Street banks and the automotive companies and let capitalism do it’s thing for the rest of the world.Mr. and Ms. America were scolded for borrowing too much money for the house they could afford when they were employed and then realized Uncle Sam was handing them a $12,000ish bill a piece to insure that those investment banks and auto companies did not fail and they got no scolding.What happened after that was people with money and agendas took it over. Find a local leader, flatter them, help them get some TV time, maybe even pay them “expenses” for their excellent work all the while guiding them on to other agendas like cutting taxes, immigration, gay people, abortion, whipping up fear of gun control and most amusingly, advocating that the government increase spending for the military and heading off any attempts to make Medicaid more fiscally sound.In short order it had been hijacked into an advocacy group for higher spending and a number of social issues.Suddenly brown Muslims favoring small government were not welcome, nor were people who were pro-choice on the grounds of the government had no business making personal decisions. Also unwelcome was anyone who wanted to see the US less involved militarily in world affairs.In short, the people who helped cause the Tea Party outrage took it over. Just another merger and acquisition.

Why is the term "Tea Bagger" offensive if it`s used to describe the tea party movement?

I`ve noticed complaints about the term and have yet to figure out why it`s deemed offensive. Can`t proud tea baggers use it to boost their movement? I`m from an older generation, so forgive me for my density on this matter.

What did the tea party members mean when they said 'let us take the country back'?

They are facist and deconstructionist in orientation and wish to change the country into what it once was - a vast wasteland covered by sand.If the tea baggers get to implement their plans this country will look like Honduras. Abortion is so illegal even spontaneous abortions (miscarriages) are prosecuted. There is practically no middle class. Just a few wealthy people who control all the commerce and the vast majority of people are poor and live in squalor. Education is reserved for the elite. Everyone carries a gun openly due to the high crime rate (due to the poverty mentioned earlier). The largest type of employment is security guards who are armed with automatic weapons. Murder rates are very high. Corruption is rampant.Heathcare is reserved only for those that can afford it. The life expentacy is very low as a result with high infant and maternity mortality rates. It is Ayn Rands dream come true but a nightmare for the rest of us.I will not mention the racist overtones to the tea baggers but that is inherent in their outlook as well.May God help us.

The term "Tea bagger" has long been a insult toward gay men. Why do Democrats and Liberals use this anti gay term?

Mockery, of course.The term "teabagging" was originally slang for a particular, not very satisfying, sexual act. When early partisans of the Tea Party movement began using this term to describe themselves, a significant number of people found it hilarious that members of a right-wing movement that had shown itself to be anti-gay were using this word to describe themselves.So, mockery. It works best when its targets set themselves up.

Why do Teabaggers and FAUX News constantly conplaign about everyone making generalizations?

"NO ONE on this network, or my show, EVER said you would go to jail if you didn't enroll in the the health care program!"

BIll O'Reilly

How many Republicans are supporters of the Tea Party?

There are several reasons this can't be directly answered.  There were a few polls done on the question, and the answers were all over the map for some combination of all the reasons listed below.  I'm saying, in other words, that if you find some poll numbers, realize that whatever number is given varies greatly depending on the month and the wording of the question.So the answer, even if it were known, would change constantly and substantially.  It would be fair for you to stipulate that you mean right now, today, but the other factors would still make it impossible to say.  The concept of Tea Party is amorphous at best.  There is no platform.  There is no list of things that someone has to buy into before thinking of themselves as a Tea Party movement voter.  There have been some local committees that have used the name Tea Party, but national efforts to unify the movement have ironically only emphasized how disorganized and decentralized the movement is.  See the website ; it serves every purpose for which it was intended, but it is hardly the type of website that a centralized organization with a budget of more than $500 would put up.  Again, that's fine; the Tea Party movement is an idea, not something with a street address or officers. On one end, you could just simply say that the Tea Party movement is for lower spending, and by that definition a large majority of Republicans support that idea.  On the other end, you could define the Tea Party as the people who are so angry at the Republican Party that they spend most of their time trying to defeat incumbent Republicans, and so by definition you'd say someone is either GOP or TP, and can't be both.The Tea Party has been successfully branded as kooks by those who disagree with their insistence on reduced federal spending.  That's fair enough, since people who believe that federal spending is way off the rails definitely think that those who are willing to spend money that they are borrowing from their children are kooks.  Everyone who agrees with you in politics is a genius, and everyone who disagrees with you is insane, as a rule.