Do The Stupid Things People Say And Do To You At Work Bother You During Your Personal Time

How do you not let stupid things bother you?

think about what you're worrying about. every time you think about something negative, or get worked up about something, count to ten. then, try to look at the situation from an outsider's eyes. If you're angry at someone, try to see the arguement from their point of view and don't be biased about situations. its really important to learn how to control your anger. don't let small things bother you and be happy about your life because i'm sure it's a great one. all the best honey xx

Why do people think women with large breasts are stupid?

I am working on my MFA currently and there seems to be a stereotype, even among college grad students that women with large breasts are dumb. I am a 36 G and I can tell you there are just as many dumb small chested women as dumb big chested women. I've met them! :) I wanted to know where the myth comes it because dumb women tend to get enhancement surgery and therefore, seem superficial and vapid? Or is there some other theory behind it? I personally take offense to it. It is so hard to want to work all the way through your PH.D and know that some people around you will see you as a walking pair of breasts and dimwitted without even getting to know you. And yes, I have thought about a breast reduction, but my breasts don't sag and fit my body, I am a size 12/14, muscular. But I see these surgeries having a long recovery time, so I am not sure if I have 3 months to recoup and I think, why should I do this because a few ignorant people are making snap judgments.Thoughts?

Why do people buy Apple Computers? My understanding they aren't that good and you can't repair them etc?

For those in media creation, Apple computers have factory color calibrated monitors, so what you see on their screen is what most people will see on their screen. You have to pay a ton of money to get that on other monitors, or by equipment to calibrate your own monitor. When you factor in the monitor, Apple computers really aren't that much more expensive than a Windows computer with the same hardware.

A lot of media software is designed to run on Mac OS, and has a lot of quirks in the Windows versions. If you've ever tried to use Microsoft Office on Mac OS you can see what I mean.

Having the hardware and OS designed by the same people eliminate a lot of compatibility problems, and make the OS a lot lighter to run.

The OS is also intended to be simpler. Apple prefers to just have one way to do something, so users have to adapt to how they think things should be done, but it makes for simpler interfaces.

On the other side though,
Personally I hate how hard they are to repair. It wouldn't take them a lot of effort to make their hardware a lot easier to deal with, especially if they stopped using tape and glue to hold so many things together.

Their products are actually designed to fail with time, such as laptops having the exact same design flaws through generations. The designers know the flaws are there and don't bother to fix them.

They drop support for hardware pretty quickly, trying to push users to upgrade rather than keep their devices.

The thing I hate most though is if you Google ways to fix problems, usually all you find is forums filled with people saying "I have this problem too, I hope Apple fixes it"

I cant stop moaning at him and taking things to heart?

What is going on in your life that keeps you so focused on his problems and faults? Or are you complaining about things in general? I've found that stepping back and asking for some "personal time" away from him really helps me to appreciate that he's a person too and not just a walking sack of annoyance.

When we get so wrapped up in other people's problems, it also starts a really nasty cycle because we can't actually affect those problems at all, and that's frustrating. And the frustration has no outlet because you're creating it yourself by ramming your head against a brick wall, trying to do something you know is pointless.

"I just can't seem to stop myself" usually means that's exactly what you have to do. Stop thinking bad thoughts about him. Instead distract yourself with things YOU like to do alone.

As a plus you'll also likely miss him in the meantime, just a little, and that's always good for forgetting the annoying BS. But, it's true that boys, like anyone else, do say some damn stupid things sometimes. He'll probably admit to that one openly.