Do U Make Bagels After Sunday School

Is it true that bagels stay in your stomach for up to 3 months?

LOL, hell no! They have holes in them, which makes them digest faster!

I have an interview with a Talent Agent for Acting on Sunday and I dont know what to wear. HELP PLEASE?!

I've been really into Acting since I was a Freshamn i Highschool and got my first taste of being on stage.I am now a Junior in Highschool and have been in two of the plays at my school since I have been there. I FINALLY get an interview with a very talented hollywood talent agent and I have No clue what to wear. Please help me out!
Like what to wear, what type of shoes, how should i do my hair? let it be the wavy way it is or straighten it?

What are the best ways to collect money in high school? We're 63 students and willing to work as a team to collect money for our graduation.

I have been an high school kid with lots of ideas and motivations too.I had no professional experience other than some summer jobs in bars and car wash shops, no curriculum, a driving license and definitely any business not business idea.But then I found ways to make a few thousands dollars for myself back then.I didn’t follow “digital nomads” who claimed to make a very good living while working from their laptop sitting on a hammock on a beach, I didn’t trust them.I wanted to do something that could serve me in future too so that, when I would turn 18 and be ready to start my professional career, I would have an advantage on many of my peers.So, I started to recommend products on Superble.Superble is a publishing platform for product recommendations and experiences that rewards you every time someone buys something you recommended on it.With a group of 63 people, you could easily publish a lot useful product recommendations that could eventually turn into sales and points for you and your fellow classmates.You friends could help you in attracting a lot of traffic, pumping more points into the system that will end up in your pocket every time one of you answers is liked or one of your products is purchased.After collecting these many points, you will be able to win badges that will define you as an influencer and leader in your domain (whether is sports, beauty, travel, cooking, tech, etc.)Those badges will serve you to build trust, so more and more people will read your recommendations and eventually buy your products!

Is eating a bagel every morning bad for you?

You need complex carbs (oats, grains, etc) in the morning to help you get through the day. High calorie bagels and cream cheese isn't always the best - but, it's better than eating nothing. Whether you gain weight depends on your activity level and what else you eat.

Baking: What flour is best suited for making fantastic bagels?

What recipe are you using? I don't think it's the flour; Gold Medal is a pretty reliable brand, not to mention expensive. It would help if you stated what part of the bagels "aren't right". Are they too hard? Too soft? Too chewy? Not chewy enough? Burned? Are you using malt syrup, malt sugar, or regular sugar for the boiling? If you can, use malt syrup. Also, when baking bagels, a light colored aluminum tray is best (otherwise your bottoms will burn). Are you proofing your dough long enough? Remember, to get that lighter, airy texture, your dough should double in size. If you're concerned about the flavor, proof the dough until doubled, punch down, then proof again in the fridge overnight. Anyways, there are many different factors to be considered when making bread; it would help if you stated exactly why you think the flour is the problem.Edit (vis-a-vis question edits): If you're convinced it's the flour, try switching to high gluten flour. Remember, high gluten flour is not the same as bread flour; it has a gluten percentage of 14-16% as opposed to 12-13.5 for regular bread flour.

Zoloft causing stomach ache?

Side effects of psychiatric drugs, if an individual experiences them are normally most intense during the first 2 weeks or so but nearly always ease or go completley once your body has adjusted to the drug. If it doesnt, or you dont feel like it's helping you you can always ask your doctor to have the dose increased or try another anti-depressant. Some people have to experiment a bit before finding one that's suited to them. Good luck