Do We Need To Educate Kids More About Us Geography

Why don't American kids learn geography any more?

I am an American and learned Geography very well. By the 3rd grade, I could point out abput 92% of the countries. Those little island countries like Vanuatu and Tuvalu, I skipped those (hence the 8%).

Regardless, I wish I could say it was just the "no child left behind" program where the speed of the class is at the lowest learner's abilities. But Geography hasn't been in the forefront for a long time.

In 3rd grade we learned all the US states. In 9th grade we learned the countries. And only 1 Geography class is required in college. That's it. If you don't have US geography down in the 3rd grade your finished, unless you take the initiative to go back & learn it.

And some people just aren't good at memorization.

Why are Americans so bad at geography?

First of all, my intention is not to insult anybody here who happens to be an American. I know that this question might offend some people anyway even if I didn't write this in that manner.

The truth is, I've never met an American who knows much about the rest of the world. I'm 15 years old so I suppose the younger ones are a little more ignorant than the older ones. (But I've seen a lot of the same from the older ones). A lot of people are able to recognize my Russian accent when they meet me. I tell the people that I'm from Ukraine and the response I get is "Wow, you are? You sound very Russian!" and then I tell them that I consider myself Russian. "But Ukraine is a completely different country, isn't it?"

It's amazing to me that they wouldn't know that. Of course I don't expect anyone to be an expert on my country, but I at least expect them to know that it's a country in Eastern Europe where Russian & Ukrainian is spoken, and also where to find it on a map (it's one of the largest countries in Europe). At my high school there are also no geography classes but I just assumed they learned when they were younger but I guess not.

Why are some Americans so bad at geography?

I don't know what students in the USA are studying in classes these days, however, in my career and socializing with young adults--many with college degrees I have heard many remark "where is that country?" And when you dig into their knowledge of geography--I am shocked by what they don't know. I started school in the mid 50's and graduated from high school in 1968. In the fifth grade we had American History. In the sixth grade it was Latin American, Mexico and Canadian History. In the seventh grade it was World Geography. In the eighth grade it was American History and European History. In ninth grade Geography. Tenth grade it was not required. In eleventh grade it was American History. Twelfth grade it was US Government. In college I had to take World History, World Geography, American History and three other courses in history to get my BFA degree.By the way, I went to school in California and I was in the honors program which meant that I had to have an overall B average in my high school courses. The honors and college prep courses in high school offered very few electives. We had to take a schedule of history/geography, math, science, english/literature, physical education (PE), and one course of our choosing each year.Someone mentioned making maps--in seventh grade World Geography I had a wonderful teacher and she had us make very detailed handmade maps of every country in the world. The samething with my World geography college professor--tons of handmade maps with every report on each country. I am really happy that they required us do this because it really helped me to understand the world today--even though many countries have changed.I also have been lucky, because in my career I have traveled all over the world (about 75+ countries) and have been to every continent (including Antartica--which was for a vacation). That travel has very much affected my understanding of world culture and the people in need on our planet.

How come most Americans suck so bad at Geography?

They aren't even that good when it comes to Canada and Mexico. Come ot think of it, many of them are pretty shaky when it comes to US geography as well. I guess they don't have atlases there =)
Okay - serious answer to a serious question.

US is greatly concerned with itself. It teaches US politics, US law and US geography - but in the poorer schools (and some schools have terrible standards) the teachers themselves know little other than their immediate areas, when it comes to geography. So there are serious difficulties when it comes to teaching anyone about the other nations in North America, much less the rest of the world.

Why don't our schools teach geography?

The schools do teach geography, its the students who don't care to learn it coz its 'too hard' and the reason y every1 has strong opinions about Iraq is because they think they have to as it is all we see in the news/media and also coz its a sorespot for almost every1-be they for it or against it!!

Now i dunno whether or not ur stats are correct but i do know that the US is the most ignorant country i've ever been to and i believe this is largely due to the fact that it has the largest pop. of egocentrics! Kids are basically taught at an early age that the US is the greatest country in the world and that all other countries are backward and inferior and so they get the idea its not worth knowing so they don't bother to learn about them in class.!

It is my sincere belief that if it weren't for all of these gameshows that require general knowledge smarts and awareness, the entire nation wud wade and eventually be overcome with their own lack of inteligence...(okay i know that was kinda harsh,but u gotta admit that its pretty accurate as well!)