Do You Agree That We Don

Do you agree that we don't have full control of our lives?

Think about it...we didn't get to choose the day we came into the world and we don't get to choose the day we leave.

The majority of our lives, we live for other people. We have to work, go to school, pay bills, run errands and deal with everyday life's challenges.

We can't avoid what happens to us, we don't choose who we meet or run into. We don't get to choose who we have to deal with. We dont even get to choose our family.

We cant keep it from raining or snowing. We can't avoid drama, sadness or sorrow. When we get sick and we're taken to the hospital, it's not promised that a man made machine could save the spirit.

The point is..its not our life. God gives us free will to design and decide how we live our lives. No matter how much you accomplished, you cant take it with you when you expire. No matter how much money you have, you still cannot buy your life.

Thats how I know it's not fully our life. We're just renting. God's the full owner.

Which one is right, “I am agree”, “I agree” or “I do agree”?

it is case to case n phrase to phrase5 Common Errors In EnglishCommon English Error #1 – AgreeDon’t Say: “I’m Agree With You.”Say: “I Agree With You.”We can say “I agree with you” or “I’m in agreement with you” (more formal).We can also say “agree to” + verb, for the action resulting from the agreement:Michael agreed to help me with my homework after class.My neighbor and I agreed not to play loud music after 10 PM.Common English Error #2 – Very MuchDon’t Say: “I Like Very Much This Book.”Say: “I Like This Book Very Much.” (Formal)Or: “I Like This Book A Lot.”Or: “I Really Like This Book.”“Very much” is an adverb that describes “like.” In English, we usually put adverbs either before the verb or at the end of the sentence. Look at these examples:The new product reached easily 1 million sales.The new product reached 1 million sales easily.The new product easily reached 1 million sales.Common English Error #3 – History Or StoryDon’t Say: “He Told Me A Funny History About His Dog.”Say: “He Told Me A Funny Story About His Dog.”History refers to everything that has happened in the past, especially in the political, economical, and social areas. History is always based in truth and facts.A story may be truth or fiction; it is the description of an event or series of events that is usually told to teach or entertain.Common English Error #4 – ThinkingDon’t Say: “I’m Thinking To Buy A Car.”Say: “I’m Thinking Of Buying A Car.”Or: “I’m Thinking About Buying A Car.”Think is often followed by of or about, but never to. Also, the correct form of the verb is the -ing form.Common English Error #5 – TheDon’t Say: “In The Russia…”Say: “In Russia…”Never use “the” with names of countries, states, or cities.Exceptions: the United States, the Philippines, the Soviet Union, the Roman EmpireYou can use “the” with regions:I’m from the northeast.We’re going to the south of Argentina.source 5 Common Errors in English

We don't enjoy our work, only our leisure?How far do you agree?

Oh, no, if you find the right work, it's so satisfying that you feel like it's leisure. I was just reading in an old Premeire magazine about an actor who felt like acting was just like making mud pies -- easy and satisfying.

And I think this goes for anyone -- even an accountant who is really in the groove gets a big rush out of making things come out right. You need to have the right personality for your job.

Even in leisure, you need to work at it to get the big satisfaction. Is basketball much fun if you suck at it? But if you practice, get good enough you can make some baskets and help your team, it's a lot of fun. But it's also a lot of work!

If you listen to music for fun, that's OK and relaxing -- but it's more fun when you pay attention, compare it to other songs, sing along -- again, kind of work, but you get more satisfaction out of it.

I would say you can only find true enjoyment through work. It's just finding the right match for you.

Do you agree with Rene Descartes?

This all comes from the question 'how do you know?'... There is always an argument for or against. We still don't know the TRUE definition of knowledge. What Descartes is saying is that if we don't KNOW for SURE (and we don't) what then are the options when explaining what something is or is not or that something is or is not? That the only thing we truly KNOW is self. Cogito ergo sum, I think therefore I exist. He simply questions how we can reliably KNOW anything besides self. And how can we? Can you answer that with certainty, with no other possible certainties? I think not, but I don't know! :) Do others see the world exactly as do we? Is the color green interpreted through my eyes the same as that interpreted through yours? Do oranges smell the same to everyone? Is an e really an e and sound like the same e to every ear? There are SO many questions that can never be answered...

I don't think perception is reality. How many of you agree with me?

My perception is my reality. Your perception is your reality. Ultimate truths is everyone's reality.5 tips to minimise perception differences:I am a strong believer that 99% of the problems in a relationship are due to perception differences. I recall an anecdote of few blinds and elephant who found an elephant in a jungle for the first time. They describe the elephant in their own way as they touch the body parts of the elephant.Every person is wearing different glasses as per his past karma, upbringing, education and experiences. One sees the situation and makes opinion about people from his point of view which may be slightly different or totally opposite from what others think. This is the major cause of differences. I have come across cases where you think that you are helping a person while other person thinks you are hurting him.Perception differences are bound to be there. What is important is to minimize them so that relationship between two people gets strengthened. Some times there might be a need to create different perceptions in minds of different people about your personality and style of working.5 Tips on Minimizing Perception Differences :1. Be transparent and clear in communication.2. Do not assume.3.Try to understand the situation from others point of view.4. It is neither necessary nor required to eliminate all perception differences.5.What other thinks is not in your control but what you give them to think is in your control.Www.Hemantlodha.Com

Do you agree that we are getting used to a new way of being alone together?

I don’t really get what way you’re talking about but yeah, to some extent i do agree and that is because of the awesome connections of wireless internet, if u get what i mean. Being busy with our phones all the time is something that is making us isolated from the society and making us alone and we kind of like it, all of us who are alone and busy on the internet. We don’t like being called separately by name or an “Excuse me”, we don’t like to take our eyes off the screens, be it the phone or laptops or computers, all kinds of electronics with a screen and awesome internet connection. I hope I answered your question according to what you were looking for.

"We are what we own", do you agree with this saying? Why or why not?

Absolutely. (within parameters) Our free-will allows us to decide what image we want to project by our appearance; the way we comb our hair, the clothes we wear, the car we drive (you are what you drive was a big 1980’s ad cliche’) all the way up to the partner we marry. Where this always seems to get out of ‘kilter’ is that people exaggerate their own self-being. Their TRUE self-’actual’ being. They tend not to own things that express WHO they are but possessions that represent who they WANT to be. Who they want people to perceive them as being. After my Father retired he had this weird rash of friends his own age suddenly showing up for dinner at the club with strange women half their age. I guess they thought if they divorced their ‘loving’ wives of 30 years an put a blond trophy on their arm they would automatically loose 20 years and 40 pounds and project some….I don’t even KNOW what. The only thing they lost was their house, half their retirement and respect from their children. (then the new blond fluzzy took the OTHER half of their retirement) People are not stupid. They know what boundaries people should probably stay within before getting too ‘glamorous’ or ‘shabby’ for their own good. Down to earth people avoid the pretentious type and vise-versa. Water always finds its own level. “I’ve looked at life from both sides now”. -Judy Collins- At the center of your being you have the answer. You know who you are and you know what you want. Remember the first ‘Vacation’ movie. Clark and his alter-ego every time he say the blond in the sports car. He suddenly became a want-to-be and look how that turned out. It is always good to feel comfortable in your own skin. (or torn, shitty jeans in my case anymore) :)

Why do people agree to disagree?

It is the only way to resolve the disagreement. Acceptance of the truth!People spend too much time discussing based on false fundamental assumptions. Let’s not get our pants mixed up. Let’s make something clear: I am not you. I have a different opinion. Therefore, we disagree, always and by default. I disagree, even if you don’t.And let me make it clear so that you don’t wonder: I will also disagree for the next 10 things you will think of! And that’s a good thing. Every person should aim to be an individual. If everyone realised that we don’t agree, the world would be going forward faster.Wrong!No!Boo!False!But…. No!In short…The only reason why a person has the same opinion is either because:They haven’t thought about that concept enough!They are passive! -> These people disagree to disagree. That is passiveness.They are immature! -> They haven’t explored themselves well enough, and consequently they don’t put their personal mark in everything they do. It is also possible that they are not as smart!They are a**-lickers! -> They think that by being agreeable they will manipulate me. That doesn’t last for long.When I think of something, I make my own mind up about it. And as I am different, my view is different. And it turned out well sofar: I disagree with pretty much everyone and everything.You can only trust a disagreeing man to be disagreeing. It is the agreeing man you should not trust, for you never know when he would disagree!There is only one way to go about this. Agree to that.Also read:What is your personality?What is one lesson you've learned that completely changed your life?