Do You Agree That Women Have The Power To Make The World A Better Place

If women ruled the world, how would it be a better place?

No war, less crime, more communication.


Would the world be a better place if the agenda-driven feminist-hating MRA's died?

Good question.

The world would be a better place if the MRA's *were* agenda driven. If they had real activists who left their keyboards and went out to organize, petition, change laws, do marches, lobby for social change, picket, had men's rights parades (like the gay-rights parades, and the breast cancer marathons).

It's not that there is a shortage of issues to be found. Men are not treated fairly in family court, they are passed over for jobs by women who are not as experienced (just to fill quotas), they are doped up on ADHD medicine as little boys because they learn by *doing* which is much more work for teachers.

There's a ton of men's right's issues. That's not the problem. The problem is getting the men to take it to the streets and demand change. Just like feminists did. Otherwise, nothing will change and feminists will continue on to the 4th wave of feminism, where women's rights are taken at the expense of men.

Why should I make the world a better place for women (feminism) if I can spend that time making the world a better place for all humans (humanism)?

Your dichotomy, it is false.Feminism is not something that happens in lieu of humanism, it is something that is an integral part of humanism.The first part of making life better for all humans is recognizing that in the world as it exists, there are social, economic, and political power dynamics that mean some sets of humans get treated better or worse than others. If you’re not addressing the humans you deal with in light of where they’re coming from, how do you even know you’re helping?It’s also important to consider the distinction between action and activism - everyone takes actions, but not everyone is an activist. Regardless of your level of activism, your actions matter.If you’re someone who organizes women’s marches and donates to NOW, but runs a company that dumps toxic waste into the waterways, your feminism is being set back by your lack of humanism.If you’re a researcher who is developing new cancer therapies, but also is refusing to hire any women into your lab, no matter how qualified, your humanism is being set back by your lack of feminism.If you’re a emergency room doctor who treats everyone who comes in with kindness, fairness and honesty, regardless of gender, race, or creed, you are both a humanist and a feminist.And of course a great many people manage to be neither.Original question:Why should I make the world a better place for women (feminism) if I can spend that time making the world a better place for all humans (humanism)?

Did the third wave feminism movement make the world a better place?

It did for many people.Although the concept of “waves” only makes sense in the US, the movements that start there have ripples all around the world, and all women, including me, have benefitted greatly from it. The third wave reflected on a wider discussion about women’s reproductive rights, continued visibilizing and fighting against domestic abuse, and made the world realize that not every woman faced the same problems. When the concept of intersectionality was introduced, many issues saw the light that are now being tackled: Racialized misoginy, misoginy and classism, trans misoginy, etc.The third wave of feminism started the discussion about the ubiquity of sexual assault that we are now discussing on a wider scale.The third wave of feminism reappropriated femininity, and stopped demeaning it.The third wave of feminism realized that it was not enough to change the law; culture also needed to be changed. I think the term “rape culture” started being discussed there.In all, the third wave of feminism, and the wave that came after that, made the world a better place because it gave opportunities and choices to many women. We are now swarming the professional environments and raising to positions that used to be monopolized by men. We are now offered more choices to lead al life that is fulfilling for us. The world is benefitting from the previously unrealized potential of women.Some men do not like that in the least because they enjoyed their monopoly on power, and they are the ones that say that feminism is a bad idea and boo-hoo. But traditional masculinity is an exhausting role to play. Some men are being freed from it, so feminism made a better world for them too.Now, whoever thinks that inane things such as manspreading are the central issues contemporary feminism discusses doesn’t really have an informed perspective about it and their opinion lacks validity.

Do you think the world would be a better place without prostitution, porn, nightclubs, and skimpy clothing ?

i am not a religious fanatic or fundamentalist, im just curious if other people think these things contributes to the world problems, im not saying they cause them but they somehow contribute to them.