Do You Agree With This Republican State Representative That A Person Should Not Be Allowed To Speak

How can i talk to a LIVE person/representative at the unemployment dept. in Washington state?

I found the answer so I wanted to share it with others. Hope this helps!
First call 1800- 318-6022
press #1 for English
then enter your SSN and press #1
then press #7 for unemployment insurance/benefit info
then press #8 for other questions

Does it seem to you that the Republicans want the dumbest and most obnoxious people representing them?


Count Acumen

It's not that it seems, they do want the dumbest most obnoxious people representing them. Unfourtionaly for most of them they are less informed then there Democrat counter part which is sad.

I'm was really surprised to find your question for I have gave this a lot of thought over the last couple years. In the last few months Ive read thousands of political answers with responding too just few of them. Trying to find a reasonable explanation for this very strange following in our country.

The Following Defined: Believing in opinion that suit them, Not able to rationalize, Like members of a cult

Would like to mention in my research the word nitwit came up hundreds of times referring to the Democrates.Thought if the nitwits have the Presidency, the house and one seat away from super majority in the senate whats that make the Republicans?

This is what I have determined there are three factors involved.

1. Individual geological location: Such as the big red state where the left wing radio is not available. So they only hear one side of a story that's been taken out of contents. This is a fact the republican base is less informed its the only way to keep there members from declining.

2. Individual personality: Hard headed we've all met the type they will never admit there wrong no matter how obvious the truth is.
This is were you will find the "Blue Collar Conservative" a term that's contradictive.
What can you tell a person with two black eyes a fat lip and holding a foreclosure notice? Nothing because hes already been told three times.
The Timid: Blind believers these people will bend over touch there toes because they were told it's not going to hurt at all. There afraid to make a decision or form a opinion on there own.

3.The Just Plan Stupid. This can also be the person with 10 years of college. When it come to certain subject they don't have a clue what there talking about but think they do. This particular person is a follower.

Why does it seem to me that many Republicans ignore the separation of church and state?

Why does it seem to me that many Republicans ignore the separation of church and state?This falls into a category of question we see often here on Quora:“Why do [these people I disagree with] do [this bad thing]?”In most cases, including this one, [this bad thing] is something not exclusive to [these people I disagree with].Many Americans, probably mostly Republicans, ignore or misunderstand the phrase “separation of church and state,” because they believe the nation is a Christian nation, founded on Christian principles. While that is not entirely incorrect—since most of the founders of this nation were either Christian, Universalist, or at least deists—their main motivation was to create a place where everyone could worship (or not) as they see fit, free from a state-established religion. Many if not most of the first European colonists to this land came explicitly and primarily for that reason.Many Americans, probably mostly Democrats, think the phrase “separation of church and state” is a quote from the US constitution and means that no one is allowed to express their religion in a public place. Separation of church and state is not the phrase that speaks to that, and even if it did, there is no state involved in individuals speaking their mind, in public, even if the content of that expression is “religious.” It’s the First Amendment which addresses this:Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.So if one says no one is allowed to express religious beliefs in public, is that more like congress “making a law respecting an establishment of religion,” or is it more like “prohibiting the free exercise thereof?”So the fact is, many Americans from both sides either misunderstand or outright ignore the phrase “separation of church and state.”

Do you think California can ever go Republican again?

Only if the national GOP substantially changes its message, or the state GOP expressly divorces itself from the national party. Californians tend to be socially liberal and somewhat fiscally conservative, and there is a substantial Hispanic voting minority. The national party is seen as socially conservative and anti-Hispanic, and there are a few areas in California which will elect representatives which hold such views. However, state-wide that message will not sell. That is why you see GOP governor candidate Neil Kashkari supporting abortion rights, marriage equality, and a path to citizenship. He also rejects the GOP position that there is no climate change or, if there is, it is not man made. His stance on cutting Social Security and Medicare will NOT resonate with Californians, and he stands almost no chance against very popular Governor Brown, but he represents the kind of model California Republicans will need to emulate if they ever wish to regain relevance in state-wide electoral politics.

Why is it considered by some to be unpatriotic to speak out against the war?

Could someone please show me the place in the Constitution where it says that, as an American, I have to pretend to agree with everything my government does and I am never, ever allowed to speak out in criticism of that government?

The minute someone points this out to me, I promise, I will stop criticizing Bush.

Whether a Democrat or Republican elected official, do you think in the end they are both the same, entitled rich people?

NO, although within the bizarre American system of funding campaigns all elected officials are subject to the same constant pressure to raise absurdly large amounts of money every day that they are in office.It is that exigenty that forces office holders and seekers to adopt the same approach to fund-raising and to appeal to the same parasitic class, despite the fact that the parties work to achieve quite different political results.

Is there a middleground between republicans and democrats?

I guess I have to say that I don't think it matters which party you belong too. Many states don't require that you state it anymore when registering to vote (and I realize that you can't...), and truly, I never voted party line anyway. If you really know what you believe and you know what the candidates supposedly will work for, you choose accordingly no matter their affiliation.

If you are invested in labels, choosing Independent makes the most sense.

Republican Georgia Rep. Bobby Franklin Proposes Doing Away With Driver's Licenses?

Driving is a Privilege not a Right and if you want to travel you don't have to drive.

You can walk, Ride a bike, Ride a train, Fly, or Tumble.

I don't care how you get there but driving is not a RIGHT.