Do You Believe There Could Possibly Be Any Form Of Life Other Than Us In The Universe

Do you believe there is life somewhere else in the universe, or do you think we are alone?

Until w have a clue how life came from non life, anyone who provides a response to this question is guessing.

Could there be more intelligent life forms in the universe?

It seems pretty obvious that there must be other life forms out there in the universe. But it also seems pretty stupid to assume that we are the most intelligent. When I say "more intelligent life forms" I mean more intelligent life forms than us. Could they be so intelligent that they are aware of our existence? I don't mean "waiting to invade", just that they know about humans? Or is it possible that there is a planet out there with VERY similar conditions to planet Earth and that humans exist somewhere else? I know this isn't really a question, more of a discussion, but please answer :)

Is there other life in the universe?

As it stands now, there is no evidence of life beyond Earth. But it certainly can't be discounted as a possibility.

Do you think that there are other life forms exploring the universe aside from humans?

Well, this question rings up the bells in my mind everytime I see this coz my heart always says yes, other life forms do exist but my mind completely denies it.Here's what happens when I see or hear this question.Heart: Yes. Surely other life forms exist.*Till now mind was sleeping and having a beautiful dream, but suddenly the bells start ringing up and the mind is ruffled and has got to leave it's sleep and wake up. So it is already annoyed.*Mind: Noo… not again.. not this topic please.. why does this question arise again and again.Heart: Woah !!! Look here comes the arrogant non-believer.Mind: Fuck u dude.. you have no idea about the difference between believing and just thinking whatever u want to. Actually I'm sorry.. just because u can't properly think that's why I had to exist. And about the other life forms, we don't literally have positive proofs. Everything some person says about UFOs has no real proof and might just turn out to be a conspiracy theory.Heart: But, people say something because they saw something.Mind: Oh …. U foolish bloody organ.. you don't know the types of people and their different tactics of gaining publicity. And even if someone saw some UFO really, then why did it disappear and didn't let others see it.Heart: Why can't you learn to respect people and believe in what they say ?Mind: Coz I have got you as a partner who believes in anyone, so I have to interfere to judge the thing properly and so I believe in evidence.Heart: But, those movies … they also get their ideas from somewhere … do you ever give a thought on that ..?Mind: Look who is talking to whom about giving thoughts. Yes the movies get their ideas from somewhere and that somewhere is imagination. I'm very strong and that's why I can take our master to different thoughts with my imagination power. And why do you think that aliens always have to be colourful and with very advanced technology as compared to us? Why can't they just look like us, or be black and white without large spiky ears and why can't they be technologically backward? And if they so advanced, then why haven't they given us any proper visits? Why do they not show their presence when we land our investigating robots on Mars?Heart: Maybe, they don't want us to know them.Mind: Blah.. blah.. blah..Heart: But… but … they exist and you will see that one day.Mind: Okay.. till then shut the fuck up and let me go to sleep and don't start this ever again…Thank you for reading this answer :)

Does this prove there is life in the universe other than us?

The sun is a star and there are billions of stars in the universe.

So therefore there are billions of suns in the universe.

And the only reason there is life on Earth is because the planet is the perfect size and distance away from the sun (Not too hot not too cold)

So out of the whole universe and all the suns and planets out there ours couldn't possibly be the only planet perfect enough to obtain life.

whether or not the life is small and unintelligent like animal or smart like us humans.

There still should be some form of life!

What made you believe that there are other life forms exploring the universe?

Original question:What made you believe that there are other life forms exploring the universe?Answer:I don’t. I don’t believe. Of course that depends on the definition of believe, but I rather see the likelihood of possibility. I think you added this question after the ‘do you believe there are other life forms exploring the universe?’ Same answer as there. I understand causality and as we are the result of millions of years of evolution on Earth. A non-distinct, non-unique type of planet around a non-unique star, in a non-unique star system, in a non-unique galaxy, why would I think that humanity is unique? Life on earth to be unique? Or first or last to evolve in this universe?I understand that it is very likely that there are other planets where life has/will evolve(d). I understand that we will soon (perhaps not in my lifetime) start to explore beyond the treshold of our solar system. And that other life forms that might get the chance (or already had) to evolve beyond the possibilities of humans, can too. Why would others not? There is no reason to argument that this would not be possible.Now what is the red line here: Could, possible, likelihood. There is no knowning until we know. We can only assume such thing or accept we don’t know and have an openmind with the chance it could be possible in all likelihood.

Are we a minuscule part of intelligent life in the universe?

With no knowledge of alien beings it’s impossible to gauge our size. We are certainly minuscule in that human beings are likely not the only intelligent beings in a universe of a trillion star systems.We are a minuscule piece of something much bigger. Not necessarily in size but in other ways. To entities who’ve evolved for a billion years and have matured as a species, what would they think of our civilization? If they have fully evolved what might we expect of them?Just consider for a moment the advances in technology we’ve made in the past 100 years. Can you imagine a civilization that has advanced at that pace for a 100 million years?

Do aliens exist? Are we alone in the universe?

Do aliens exist?

where? here? no.

anywhere? what am I, the God of Eternal Scampering to flitter all over the Universe at your command?

ANYWHERE? okay, okay, no shouting... we don't know... that's all i can tell you.

did scientists prove that aliens exist? no.

how do people know they exist? they don't. Some people will believe anything. They don't need a reason, they just need to be told to. Take that talking snake thing...

UFOs are real. In as much as very reliable people see things they can't explain. To make the "Jump at Ludicrous Speed" to "there are Klingons off the starboard bow" seems just a tad silly.

Has anyone seen a UFO? Sure, I have seen two. Neither were Flying Saucers, though I suppose both could have been reported as such by someone other than me.

are aliens smarter than humans? Oh, I get it, now... you are a BELIEVER and you want us to ENABLE your fantasies. Sorry. I only do fantasies for $100/hr. More if you want whipped cream. (dairy is SO fattening, I will be stair-stepping for DAYS!)