Do You Ever Take Snack Food Into The Bathroom To Eat While Going Poop

If you eat something and have to poop immediately after does that mean you won't gain weight from that meal?

No. It means that your digestive tract is working as it should. Ideally, we should be “voiding” after each meal. Most people only “void” once or twice a day. What you have gotten rid of, was a meal you ate several hours prior. In fact, you can go with no food for several days and still void.Each intake, the body breaks down what you have taken in. It takes from the food, what the body requires to fuel it by going through the esophagus to the stomach, then to the duodenam, small intestine then the large intestine and finally out the anus.Many people think that when they go to the bathroom right after a meal, they are voiding what they have just eaten. It takes 6–8 hour's for the food to pass through your system.You can also be constipated and have diarrhea at the same time. The liquid will get through the blockage for the body to evacuate what is irritating your digestive system. People with digestive tract issues, missing organs go through this more frequently.

Is it bad to eat while pooping?

I would not think it particularly healthy for food to be consumed in the toilet. The germs released while pooping can get into you digestive track by the food you are consuming causing gastro infections. It would be wiser to reheat the food after you have finished in the toilet or delay the toilet stop until you have finished eating. E coli is one bacteria present in the toilet area that can cause serious problems with your health. hope this helps.

What foods won't make you poop?

Lots of roughage, greens-preferably raw or undercooked, nuts, berries-rasberries and blueberries, dandelion tea, ease off of dairy, prunes, dates, figs, apricots-dried all of them, raisins, apples-fresh, fresh peaches, brown heavy breads, no soda, no supermarket bread, flaxseed cereals, stuff like this. Distilled water. Some say seawater but I dunno, just good foods, oily fish but not fish sticks or that crap. No fries.

Will Banana make you poop?

Hi, first of all I have hard time pooping too...but after eating banana i was in the washroom for and sure makes you poo...there other things that can make you poo :eating green vegetable,eating corn, drinking prune juice and drinking alot of water( 8 cups a day)...hope this help ;)

What foods do not make you need to poo (for camping)?

That's a really dumb idea. If you eat foods that bind you up you will end up with cramps from constipation and probably be dehydrated (you need to drink a lot of water when you are hiking and that also stimulates your bowels to move.) Then when your body can't stand it anymore and you DO have to take a cr@p it will be impacted and take forever, maybe even causing a hemorrhoid or anal tearing. Nothing is worse than having to squat in the woods for 15 or 20 minutes because you are constipated. My advice is to drink plenty of water and eat lots of fruit, nuts and whole grain snacks so you can take a dump quickly and easily whenever you need to. You will be much more comfortable.

A group from my mountaineering club climbed Aconcagua in Argentina many years ago, the highest mountain in the Americas. One of the guys on the expedition decided to take a lot of anti-diarrhea medicine so he would be clogged up and not have to take a dump up at the frozen high camps on the climb. This plan backfired when it made him sick and constipated him so badly he couldn't walk from the pain. When his fellow climbers found out how stupid he had been to do this, they refused to carry him down to the lower basecamp. One guy tied him to a rope and dragged him over the snow until the constipated dummy realized it was better to get up and walk with the cramps than be dragged.

In the same way, you could spoil the trip for other people if you make yourself sick trying this, not to mention making yourself miserable. Going in the woods is no big deal -- humans have been doing it for 100;s of thousands of years, Get over yourself and learn how to do it in a sanitary manner. Bring a plastic trowel to dig a "cat hole" to go in (and to bury it afterwards) and a rain poncho so you have a privacy tent when you are squatting behind the bush. Also some baby wipes to clean up after yourself,

The forest doesn't care if you use it as a toilet. Billions of animals do it every day and the trees and plants use the nitrates from the waste as fertilizer. Just do it where any microbes in it won't pollute any streams or lakes.

On a scientific level: is it actually bad/unhealthy to eat and poop at the same time? And if so why?

Hahahahaha!!! Good One! But you gotta do both, right? That’s your point. Today’s output was yesterday’s input, and today’s input will be tomorrow’s output. Can’t do input without doing output - or you’d die. So why not at the same time, right?OK, I’ll bite. Here’s my answer. On a scientific level there’s nothing unhealthy about it. Nothing whatsoever. Well, except for one caveat … you must make absolutely sure that you keep the two strictly separate … you know, like if you’re eating a bowl of steaming chocolate fudge while at the same time taking a dump of a remarkably similar appearance, color, and consistency. Not to mention steaming as well. Be sure to keep the plate above your waist line - or even above your nips. You definitely don’t want to mistake one for the other.That’s on a scientific level. But there’s more than just the scientific facts of the matter. If you’re like me, your enjoyment of a dish probably incorporates several factors, and one important one is the fragrance. Thus …I am certain that I would find that the pleasing aroma of a hot chocolate fudge desert would be rendered unappetizing in combination with the foul stench of my warm freshly expelled shit.That may be just me though.

Is it bad to eat and poop at the same time?

I don't know why it would be an issue. When you poop, the poop particles go into the bathroom air and, consequently, into the rest of the house. It is not dangerous to keep the window closed while pooping not to have a kitchen where people eat close to the washroom. It is suggested to cover and put away your toothbrush cause of the flying particles but I doubt anyone has died from brushing their teeth with few poop particles.Next, about the internal system. I don’t know much about it but I do know that eating requires teeth, and an asophogas that is connected to the stomach. There are little traps that keep the food from the stomach to not rise back into the mouth and to go down into the intestines I think. So with this, the path is separated in two. When you poop, the food goes from the last parts of the intestines, through some sort of canal and out. When you eat something and poop at the same time, it's not like the food is going straight from your mouth to your but and there is no time for the food to digest. Just because you poop, it doesn't mean that your body has no food inside. Similar to drinking and peeing, it's not like it's a clear passage to the urethra and the cold or hot water might burn or freeze a part of something that's not supposed to be cold or hot. No. And your body is meant to do more than one thing at once. You breathe, your heart pumps, your stomach is contracting, even your diaphragm is constantly moving. I am sure it’s fine.If you pooped and are from the same canal, I would say okay, that's bad but I'm hoping that no or eats with their butt hole or poops with their asophogas. I guess I should say to not eat and throw up at the same time.

Why am I pooping so much? (Seriously)?

If you are saying there haven´t been any change in your diet, than I think maybe you are experiencing an acute gastroenteritis episode, is there changes in the consistency of your stool? The cause can be infectious, maybe you ate something that was contaminated, maybe it is viral, and it will go away in a couple of days. Drink lots of water, some gatorade, to compensate the liquid and the electrolytes you are losing. don´t eat food that is rich in fiber, avoid orange juice, no beans, fatty food.
If you feel weak, dizzy, or have vomits, you should see a doctor to prevent complications.

Why does eating peanuts on an empty stomach make me go to the bathroom?

Peanuts contains high protein and if we eat high protein contained food on an empty stomach it make our stomach upsetSo the best time of having protein contained food is near sun set or after sun setThat is the best time to digest protein intake in our stomachSo next time be carefulStay Happy and Healthy