Do You Expect More Policemen To Start Shooting More Unarmed African-americans Throughout The United

How many unarmed black men have been shot by the police in 2018?

There are a number of things this question needs to make any answer correct. First is the realization that a person doesn’t need to be armed to be lawfully shot (thanks to Michael Brian, below, for his excellent explanation). Secondly, one must look at the number of violent crime perpetrated by Blacks if you are going to look at this statistic with any intelligence. That piece of information has been steady for decades. Blacks commit over 40% of the violent crime while their percentage of population is around 13%. Non-hispanic Whites commit far less, but thanks to the workings of the Democrats, PDs don’t all report Hispanic crime separately. In the past, and there seems to be no change where it is reported, Hispanics commit between 35% and 40% (historically) of the violent crime, where reported, and make up about 25% of the population. Non-Hispanic Whites, at about 50% of the population, account for around 15–20% of violent crime. Looking at that, for every Non-Hispanic White person shot, there should be at least 5 or more Blacks shot for those interested in the numbers.Personally, I would hope that no person needed to be shot, but that doesn’t happen anywhere in the world.Finally, this is a race-baiting question and really shouldn’t be allowed here.

With the frequent killing of unarmed black men by the police in the United States, what do you think must necessarily happen for the deeply ingrained racism which is characteristic of that society to come to an end?

There is not an ingrained racism in society. The issue with why it seems like that is perception of the media. The media portrays and reporting all of these incidents in controversial and biased ways to incite turmoil and chaos. You can go back and look at any of these shootings in the past four years and watch media reporting and coverage on them and compare it to the facts of the case and you would be surprised.The media and civil rights leaders (i.e. Al Sharpton) have no issue going out and race baiting and telling people who do not understand all the facts, those who are just plain ignorant, and those who just are not smart enough to comprehend the justice system(Due Process, 5th Amendment, 6th Amendment etc.). Doing this causes what you see on TV, the destruction, the rioting, and uproar. The Media is essential trying to start a race war.As for the frequent killing part, that part is simplest to explain, follow police orders and instructions by doing as you are told, don’t act like a goon, don’t argue, don’t resist, don’t sit there screaming you are doing this cause i’m black or have your friend screaming with a phone saying I am recording this , and for all that is holy do not reach for something or point something at a cop… is really that simple.

In light of America’s race soldiers, i.e. the “police”, shooting unarmed POC with such wanton regularity, what arguments can you make against federalizing law enforcement in the United States?

Category error. Complete lack of facts error. Complete lack of knowledge of the US Constitution error.“In light of America’s race soldiers, i.e. the “police”” - Race soldiers? What does this even mean? Are police supposed to be attacking or guarding a Formula One event? Or are you talking about black and white people? Here’s a hint - we have both black and white cope here in the US. Hispanic and Asian ones, too. We even have a few Muslim cops around the place.“shooting unarmed POC” - A man with a gun is not unarmed. A man with a car is not unarmed. A man with a knife is not unarmed. A man with a club is not unarmed. Also, you seem to believe it’s OK when cops shoot unarmed white people. That’s incredibly racist of you.“with such wanton regularity” - Regularity? Really? Cops shoot white criminals far more often than they shoot black or Hispanic offenders, even though blacks and Latinos are statistically more likely to be violent. And America has over 310 million people. That makes for a lot of criminal activity, especially as we have over 40 million blacks (who commit violent crimes at 7 times the white rate, and 1/3 of all black men are convicted felons) and 50 million Latinos (who commit violent crimes at three times the rate of whites). Are there bad cops? Of course there are. It’s a huge country, with almost a million cops. Some of them are bound to be bad, or make bad decisions. They normally get punished for it, however. Shall we talk about how the British police allowed and enabled Muslim gangs to rape thousands of British boys and girls? How about the Gypsy gangs that abducted thousands of British children? The only people the British police seem to arrest are the white, Christian, English people who complain about it.“what arguments can you make against federalizing law enforcement in the United States?” - The US Constitution. It’s the only argument I need. What argument can you make for nationalizing the zoo keepers, dog catchers, bee keepers and garbage collectors?

Why are school shootings so common in the United States?

The US has little or NO discipline in schools today. Some kids are bullied fro starting school in kindergarten thru 12th grade, Some on into college. This is the stress that makes some go over the edge. MOST teachers do nothing to stop bullying. Principals are worse. I taught school for 30 years. There was some blow-up between some blacks and some whites at the school. Black kids started wearing white shirts with sayings on them to "free the ..." blacks who were involved. White kids were suspended/expelled. The principal started taking the black instigators out for breakfast every monday morning.
Jocks have typically been bullies of other kids. All of this is just poor discipline in the school. Some kids pit up with it for 12+ years and then go on with life. Some are not able to cope with this unfair treatment, either bullying or unfair discipline from the school staff, and some of those kids kind of explode. --- The diversity in this country makes these acts more prevalent than they are in Japan, where there is almost NO diversity. Everybody looks the same, all are treated the same, etc.
==== I had a neighbor who was bullied in every grade 1 - 12, and in his 40's he could not talk about school without great animosity toward coaches, principals, jocks and other bullies. Fortunately he did not take a gun to school, but I still wonder why. (I am about 15 years older that he and did not know him while this was going on.)

Is the media trying to start a race war? More specifically between the police and blacks.

Police officers, as you are aware, are not all white.  Furthermore, the people who dislike or disapprove of their actions are not all black.The media is not trying to start a race war, no.  They're businesses.  They're in the business of selling news and that means they need people to view their news.  So, anything potentially controversial is essentially a dollar sign to their executives.Aside from the for-profit aspect of what news agencies decide to report on, it is also their function to bring to societal problems to the public spotlight.  There's no denying that this is a problem.  Now, there's plenty of debate on what exactly the problem is or who shoulders the burden of responsibility for this problem, but the fact remains that race relations in the United States, specifically between blacks and the police are often problematic.The "race agenda" that you refer to is the idea that blacks still face discrimination in the United States almost half a century after the civil rights movement.  And, as much as some of us may not like to admit it, they do albeit this discrimination has taken on a different face and is no longer quite as eager to make itself known publicly.  The problem, however, goes so much deeper than the manner in which they deal with law enforcement and law enforcement deals with them.  When the media reports on these matters, they always scratch the surface of them just enough to get their views and then they toss them to the waste side and move on to the next issue that they can just barely touch.

So a cop convicted of killing an unarmed black man, Akai Gurley, gets community service...and some wonder why there's a black lives matter m?


Now go on, hurl every racist insult at me you want...or maybe you want to tell me that because some blacks kill each other, that gives cops the right to murder us in cold blood with impunity....or spin your "All lives matter" quote knowing dawn well you're only doing so to mock the movement............fact is a convicted murderer will serve NO jail time for the simple reason that he is a cop and his victim was black