Do You Feel Mexico Should Have The Right To Bear Arms

The Right to Bear Arms!?

4. If the underlying concern that inspired the Second Amendment--fear of an abusive federal government oppressing states and their citizens--no longer exists, should that affect how we interpret the Amendment?

5. Which of the following regulations of firearms is constitutional?: (1) an age restriction, (2) a four-day waiting period for purchase of a firearm, (3) a ban on the carrying of concealed weapons.

6. The Court in District of Columbia v Heller announces that there is an individual right to keep and bear arms for self-defense, but says that this right extends only to weapons in "common use" for such purposes. If many people began using machine guns for self-defense, will the weapons covered by the 2nd Amendment extend to include them?

What does "the right to bear arms" mean?

"A well regulated militia being nessesary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." - Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

It means we the people have the right to own and carry firearms, knives, swords or whatever weapons we want. The founders of this country believed that the people should possess the arms so they could defend their liberty from oppressive government. They were brilliant - they knew that government cannot be trusted. If only the government had weapons then they could push us around and there wouldn't be anything we could do about it. With arms we are citizens, without them we are subjects.

"Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. They are the American people’s liberty teeth and the keystone under independence." - George Washington

"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." - Thomas Jefferson

"Are we at last brought to such a humiliating and debasing degradation, that we cannot be trusted with arms for our own defense? Where is the difference between having our arms in our own possession and under our own direction, and having them under the management of Congress? If our defense be the real object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more
propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands?"

~Patrick Henry June 9, 1788, in the Virginia Convention
on the ratification of the Constitution.

Do your gun rights get reinstated after 10 years in New Mexico?

Not if you were convicted of either a felony or a violent misdemeanor, or of the abuse of alcohol and/or a controlled substance. Under the New Mexico state constitution, you may be restored to your full civil rights (NM State ann. 31:13:1).You may also variously require a pardon by the state governor or make and receive a petition for discharge by the courts. Receipt of a deferred sentence can also help here. Firearms rights are not lost if sentencing was deferred under NM Statute 31:20:9.But in general, at least 10 years must first elapse prior to the restoration of one's right to keep and bear arms. The state governor may pardon an offender either conditionally, and not restore one's firearms rights, or unconditionally which does restore ALL rights, as well as the right to stand for public office.Gov Martinez will not entertain said restoral of firearms rights upon receipt of application for pardon from the NM Corrections Pardon Apps Dept for 1st degree or any violent felony or misdemeanor conviction, or habitual DUI/DWI convictions (more than once), crimes against children or battery against a family member offenders.See the cc resource center dot org Resources Center Project website. They have all this information for you, but it's much better organized. And all the states are pretty much the same. You have to submit an application for the restoral of your rights, and/or obtain a pardon by your state's governor.Interesting to note, your state's govetnor cannot pardon you if your crimes were committed in yet a different state, or if you were convicted in federal court.

Are guns illegal in all of Mexico?

Thanks for all the answers. I'm getting a lot of conflicting replies to the question however. Only if you are 100% certain of the law can you be sure if guns are illegal. Basically, I am concerned about the crime along the US border and feel for the Mexicans getting killed there everyday. The first thing that popped into my head was 'do they have the right to bear arms?' Are laws along the frontier with America different than those in Mexico proper? That is the area of concern. Again, thanks for responding!

Do you believe Mexico's tough Gun Laws are handicapping their citizens in protecting themselves against cartels?

I’ve given this a lot of thought over the last months what with all the gun control discussions in the US and all that.For me the answer is no.The way I see it, while crime is a danger in the cities I live in (which can be said for many other cities around the world) I don’t really have to worry about gun violence.It may seem weird for those who genuinely believe that someone will pop a cap on your ass the moment you set foot on Mexico, but the average citizen doesn’t actually have to worry about gun violence.Does it happen? Sure, criminals are criminals and they’re willing to break rules to commit crimes, but when I think about someone mugging me I think about knives and other bladed weapons.I have a powerful taser for whenever I’m out at night and a steel baton for my day-to day business, as well as a few years of MMA experience under my belt. That makes me feel safe enough to conduct my day to day business, all while being a 5′0 tall woman.Would a gun make me feel safer? Probably.Then again, if guns were readily available, then the chances of me being mugged by someone with a gun would increase.Now, let’s talk about drug related violence for a second here.I’ve noticed some of the people who answered here seem to believe that you can just kill a narco and walk away having proved your badassery to the rest of the cartel.That’s…not really how things work.If you kill a drug cartel member you’ll be signing your death sentence…along your family’s, friend’s and even pet’s. Hell, maybe even your neighbor’s, because that’s just how drug cartels roll.Now, the average person isn’t John Wick, so you can see how defending yourself against drug cartels is more of a fantasy than anything else.Finally, I can’t help but to believe that there would be a lot of gun related injuries, and even deaths, in quinceañeras, weddings, bautizos, etc.Because of their price, a lot of people would have guns as status symbols, which they would take to big parties, which have LOADS of alcohol.You can see where that’s going.Honestly, despite what you’d believe, I’m not entirely anti gun. I fully intend to (legally) purchase a gun once I own my own house or apartment because a)I need that to own a gun b) I’d like the extra protection and c) I really really want to learn how to use a gun (what can I say? I like weapons. I also want to learn how to use a sword), but I overall don’t think it would benefit the population to be able to get guns as easily as, say, the US.

When will the Rights of children feeling Safe and being Safe in schools, be MORE Important that the right of some people to bear arms? AND?

When will the Rights of children feeling Safe and being Safe in schools, be MORE Important that a written 2nd amendment that was written hundreds of years ago, when times were different?


Are we Americans Gun Nuts or What?

You said, "we Americans"!!! I can't believe it! Hooray!!!

You know, judging by what I've seen here at YA, if Americans HAD to read instructions to have a gun, they might have to be just knife nuts. Or stick and rock nuts.

What would happen if Mexico took over Central America?

That’s hard to see happening first the law abiding citizens poor and middle-class. Must arm themselves. And illuminate the gangs the corrupt politicians the corrupt military the corrupt law enforcement and the drug cartels law-abiding people of Mexico must take back their right to bear arms . And stop the government from allowing all the criminals. From killing the innocent. Mexico law-abiding citizens of Mexico need there . Derecho de ponder armas. To relieve themselves from the tyranny of corrupt governments. In the criminal element. Mexico as a full plate. Even though Latin American countries do not think of us. As being Latin And less it only benefits them to do so.which we aren’t we are Mexican. We would never attack central America. Unless they possibly would instigate it first. Forgot to mention Mexico in 1942 Waged war. do to the fact that the Germans took out some oil ships long in the Mexico submarines they sided with the allies and took their army overseas. faja de oro and Potrero del llano