Do You Get Prettier As You Age

Do you get prettier as you get older?

As you become more confident and wise, you will become more attractive. But if a pretty child is a brat, she will become more and more unattractive as she gets older.

This nun is still beautiful at age 75.

Do girls get prettier as they age?

I always considered myself to be very plain but at the same time I never worried about my appearance, then around the time I turned about sixteen a lot of people started telling me I was very pretty and people were constantly remarking to my parents about how "beautiful" and "stunning" I had become. I still would never consider myself beautiful but I concede that most people grow out of their awkward stage. That being said beauty is not the be all and end all, a lot of my friends who admit that they envied my beauty (ha, sounds weird to say) are a lot more self-confident and happier than I am and most people I meet are stunned to learn that I'm actually very shy. STILL. (also a TOTAL nerd, hell I'm studying to be a biochemist)

I'm in college now btw...So to answer your question maybe, maybe not, beauty isn't everything, you're probably very pretty right now but just don't realize it, most people find it easier to spot their flaws than their positive attributes

EDIT: a lot of people seem to suggest that when you reach 16 you will be pretty (me, too I guess if my anecdote can be taken as a suggestion) this might NOT happen, also don't expect to become suddenly and dramatically changed overnight, people aren't butterflies (:D) and if someone had told me when I turned eighteen that I wouldn't suddenly become an adult and have all the answers it would have saved me a lot of grief and humiliation, so basically if you take nothing else from this remember that NOTHING changes overnight.

Did you get prettier as you got older?

I know exactly what you're talking about! As a child i was considered very ugly, i was really skinny, buck teeth, and didn't look anything like my other siblings (the black sheep). To top it off i also had the darkest complexion.You may or may not be aware of this, but black people are more discriminating against dark skinned blacks than any other race.

Now that I'm older (I'm 17), everyone is looking at me as if i had plastic surgery and i don't blame them. My features just changed and i have no idea how. I get prettier everday and i can't leave my house without someone telling me i eithter look like or should be a model. The ugly duckling is basically the story of my life, it's like i just magically changed into a swan.

Do you get prettier as you get older?

Im 15 now, i look a whole lot different than i did when i was 11,- in a kind of better way:/ But i think im weird looking. Im really insecure about my looks. My parents espeically my dad were both really good and interesting looking and had really nice voices. I feel like I look weird and i hate my voice, its all limpy and has a big annoying twang like Miley Cyrus's (not the accent, i mean the actuall voice) I dont think i look normal! I mean im not mega full on ugly but..i dunno. Do you get prettier as you get older? When i was younger i had light brown hair and chubby face, but now its getting thinner and almost-cheekbones and dimples. I have really dark eyes. and my hairs turned really dark. Is it ever possible for me to turn from kind of unusuall and weird looking to really pretty?
I know this is a really vain question but whatever:P

Do you get prettier when you mature?

sometimes the plainest janes turn out to be the hottest as they age.
and most of the time it has nothing to do with their perfect cheekbones or clever eye make-up or glossy hair cut.

Does your face get prettier?

From my experience as I am growing my skin is changing. When I was young my skin used to look really dark and I didn't used to think it would ever change I used to be worried about my skin. My skin hadn't been looking as good when I was younger because I had anemia and I took a lot of stress. Stress makes your skin look darker and anemia keeps you tired all day and makes your skin look pale. Now that I am growing my skin is changing and everyone says to me your becoming prettier as your growing. My advice is to look after yourself and DON'T take stress. And yes you do become prettier as your growing.

Do you get prettier as you get older?

Because you are. Pretty is mostly healthy and happy . . . and for many people, the older they get the better they are at making themselves happy and the better they are at taking care of themselves.Most of the 40 year old women I know are much happier than most of the 20 year old women I know . . . and to my eye, they really are prettier as well. They look as good as they feel.

Do you get uglier or prettier as you get older?

That's ridiculous! Everyone is different and it depends on how you take care of yourself, what you wear, your diet and exercise, makeup, etc. And of course, your genes. But I do think you grow into your looks when you really start to get to know yourself around your late twenties and in your thirties. For sure no one looks as good at 80 as they did at 30. That's just a fact of life.

Will I get prettier as I get older? I am 13 now.

You may or you may not get better looking with age but most people doNote I said age not puberty lolI FOR SURE did (with age) what a drastic difference what 3 years can beI'm 15 btwMoving onI'm glad you have something you love about your self and it's AMAZING you have an hour glass figure (I'm more on the slim curvy side) but I would still kill for bolder curves. screw all the skinny models, curves are the best. Btw have you tried clothes that's compliment your shape?It really just sounds like you haven't grown into yourself yet give it some time , get older to really identify what you may think is wrong with your appearance, you never know those features you hate will start to become beautiful to you :)Don't focus too much on being pretty, ever heard of the saying “ a watched kettle never boils?” Well it's the same thing. if you keep over analyzing your self your gonna start to have unrealistic Goals and instead to learning to love your self you start to loath yourselfDON’T COMPARE YOURSELF TO OTHERS: there will always be someone prettier than your, and you will be prettier than others. Don't let the fact that some people are prettier than you bring your down and don't use the fact that's your prettier than someone to bring you up. I know easier said than done, but practice this to learn to love yourself cause that's really is the best thing you can do for yourself. Learn to embrace your flaws for what they are.Hope this helped :)Edit: Oh silly me I forgot to tell you although it seems like it, beauty isn't everything, bueaty eventually fades, but what will matter are your character and you ability to draw/help others.But I mean, no reason you can't be both :) I think everyone is beautiful in there own unique way, some not always looks wise but beauty could still be in their hearts and brains