Do You Have Any Mnemonics/ Study Notes For Usa History

Mnemonics/Memory systems?

Buy the book Mega Memory by Kevin Trudeau. It does take some training, especially for numbers, but it works!

What can i do to help my memory? I am Studying for an AP European History Final Exam?

Some people don't like being given a list of links to look at, (No matter how relevant they are.) if you are one of them, just ignore the answer I've given, you are in no way obliged to look at the links. Good Luck.

2 parts to the answer: Part 1 is a link on the subject. Part 2 is how to remember what you have studied.

A P European History Topics and Web Links Page.


Basic mnemonics

These mnemonics can be applied immediately, although it certainly pays off to practice them first. All of these mnemonics are based on elaboration and association, which why we start out with these. Elaboration adds more meaning to a word, while association makes sure that two words are thoroughly linked together in memory.

Mnemonics (pronounced "ne-mon'-ics") is the art of assisting the memory by using a system of artificial aids - rhymes, rules, phrases, diagrams, acronyms and other devices - all to help in the recall of names, dates, facts and figures.

Amanda's Mnemonics Page.

What are some mnemonics for Indian Polity?

Schedule of constitutionLi Sa took the Oath of Rajya Sabha to get the Administration and control of tribal areas and Powers to rule them.Schedule 01 =>Li: List of State and UnionSchedule 02 =>Sa: Salary of Presi, governor, CJI of SC/HC and CAG.took theSchedule 03 =>OathofSchedule 04 =>Rajya Sabha: Allocation of Seats in Each state in RSto get theSchedule 05 =>Administration and control: Administration and control of tribal areas and TribesofSchedule 06 =>Tribal areas: Provisions for Administration of Tribal Areas(5) inMAhTMA M: Mizoram A: Assam h T: Tripura Ma: MeghalayaandSchedule 07 =>Powers: Division of Power Between Center and Stateto rule them.Lalan is Disqualified from Panchayat and Municipality ElectionSchedule 08 =>La: LanguageSchedule 09 =>lan (Added by Ist amendment in 1951. Contains acts & orders related to land tenure, land tax, railways, industries.{Right of property not a fundamental right now}isSchedule 10 =>Disqualified (Contains provisions of disqualification of grounds of defection)fromSchedule 11 =>Panchayat (Contains provisions of Panchayati Raj.)andSchedule 12 =>Municipality ( Contains provisions of Municipal Corporation.)Election2) Sources of constitutionCANADACan i know FED's Add-RessCan: CANADA i knowFED's: Federal StructureAdd:- Advisory Jurisdiction of SCRess: Residuary Power to centerUSAPresident Needs Fund for Removable Present to Vice President and Judgesin USAPresident: President of India (Executive head, Supreme Commander)NeedsFund: Fundamental RightforRemov: Removal of JudgePr: PreamblewithVice President: Vice PresidentandJudges: Judiciary in USAIRELANDEle's DP Is No1Ele's: Election method of PresidentDP: DPSPIs: IrelandNo: Nomination of Members in RS by President1UKSin Bi is a Complex Law.Sin: Single CitizenshipBi: Bicameral Parliamentary Systemis aComplex: CAG of indiaLaw: Law making procedure and equality before LawGermanyEmergency: HitlerFRANCERepublic System 1789, French revolutionRUSSIAFundamental DutiesFive Year PlanRemember it was a socialist country and they introduced these planning and other concepts through Russian Revolution, you can relate it with that.SOUTH AFRICAAmendment Of ConstitutionElection of members of Constitution based on proportional RepresentationJAPANLaw on which SC functionsAUSTRALIAConcurrent listProvision for Trade and Commerce.Enjoy.Will update more.

What are the better ways to remember years in history?

Mnemonics is the way to go.When I used to study history, I would usually construct some funny relations between the events and the date. Sometimes, I'd associate the date with dates that I am already aware of. Let's take a example. So, if I have to remember the date of the First World War, which was fought between 1914-1918, I'd make something relatable or funny.I can say 1914, where 14 sounds like 'Fought it'. 1918, where 18 sounds like 'ate it'. So, I could come up with a world war story where everyone was hungry for power, and in the end some of them ate it. It's just random, but it will help you remember, for sure.Let's take another example. World War II. Starting year 1939, where 39 can be made to sound like dirty time. Ending year 1945, where 45 sounds like fought it fine.This works, because in the process of memorizing, you are using both sides of your brain. You are using your logical side to remember the dates, while you're using your creative side to make associations. This will lead to better retention.Don't forget to revise from time to time. Better retention does not mean indefinite retention.Thanks for the A2A, Vishnu Theja Reddy.