Do You Have Such Creepy Friends

Is my best friends boyfriend creepy?

My best friends boyfriend and I have been texting lately, and he asked me if I'd ever had a daydream about sex. And yeah, I'm a teenager, so said yeah I've thought of it, but not like a daydream. And he kept asking about it, and who it was with and everything, but I told him I didn't want to talk about it >.< then today he was at one of his friends houses' and he texted me saying "Tell me about your fantasies:D". And I said what do you mean? Lol:) my phones gonna die/: sorry. , cuz I didn't want to go there..If that's where he was he being creepy? Or just a guy? /: probably just a guy, right? Help me -.- Im not gonna answer his texts now.. And p.s he always tells me about how much he likes his girlfriend and he wishes they had gone out sooner sooo...

How to deal with a creepy "friend"?

There's this girl who sits next to me in my art class and she is freaky and I swear she's bipolar. I'm not a total jerk or anything towards her. I'm respectful. The thing is she can be super sweet and funny some days, while other days she is a total ***** and yells and insults me for no reasons. She's tried taking stuff from me before, and sometimes while I'm working on my art projects, she will pull her cigarette lighter out of her pocket and just light it infront of my face and laugh while I flinch. She often calls me "too sheltered". She ALWAYS has something to complain about and it drives me beserk. She often talks about suicide and really disturbing topics that I shall not mention. She always manages to work the word "dick" or "penis" into the conversations my friends and I are having.

Her and I are both sixteen years old. (Yes, I'm a girl too). She has short hair and dyes it bright pink, sometimes jet black, or blood red which is cool I guess, and dresses like a scene kid. She smokes, drinks, has probably had sex multiple times. She plays for the other team if you know what I mean. I swear, she's even tried hitting on me before class one day. She's even snuck up behind me and given me a super tight hug, and while hugging me, she was feeling up my boob. (-_-). Which was very disturbing. I was spazzing out.. She hugged me for five minutes while she continued to feel it up with her hand. I couldn't pry myself away from her. She thinks we're close friends and has tried inviting me over to her place on multiple occasions, where each time I would politely decline and give her an excuse for why I can't make it.

I don't want to get on her bad side because she has a violent temper and likes to hit people and swears at them all the time. Her locker is like 5 down from mine too. I just can't take it anymore.. I don't want to rat on her for what she's done to me in past classes, but I want her to give me some personal space..

Today I acted kind of distant whenever she spoke to me, and remained polite and such, but didn't really follow our conversation. She got REALLY mad and violent. I JUST DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO ANYMORE. I CAN'T TAKE IT! PLEASE HELP ME..!

Getting rid of a creepy friend?

It took three years and I didn't really tell them flat out. I just stopped (finally) answering their calls and they finally understood. They called and told me that they knew I wasn't answering their calls and wouldn't return them. They even returned some boxes they'd borrowed, and left them outside when I wasn't here.. They didn't leave a note, so I assume they wanted no return call...

Anyway, go with instinct. If you feel discomfort AT ALL don't continue the friendship. Friendship is like working in a right to work state. You don't need to give a reason for termination.

What can I do about my older brother's creepy friend?

One of my brother's friend is really creepy towards me. He's either 17 or 18 and I'm 14. He wants sex from me. When he comes over he will always find a time to be alone with me and try to kiss me and touch me. One time he came over and gave me a hug and then picked me up (I'm 5'1 100lbs and he's like 6'3 and a football player) put me on the couch and got on top of me trying to make out and touch me. I kept telling him to stop but he wouldn't until he heard my brother coming back. One time I was out with my friends and he saw me and told me he knew I wasn't supposed to be out, which I wasn't supposed to. Then he told me to come back to his house and "do some things" or he would tell my brother. I didn't go an he never told my brother. I try to always stay away from him. He scares me because he is so big and all muscle and I'm really small and petite. I don't want to tell my brother or parents it's embarrassing. Is there a different way to get him to stop besides leaving the house when he comes over? I've asked this before but people tell me to tell someone but what can I do besides that I don't think he would rape me so I'd rather not tell my parents or brother.

Is it creepy to keep showing up to my friends' school events?

I don't think it's creepy. Moreover, if the event is your thing! You like it and have been a while looking for opportunities to ne at such an event. But, yea I think you need to explain why you want to be there. If I were your friend, I would love to give you access there because this could help you with your interest.

Is it considered to be creepy for a friend to follow your Facebook without any interaction?

I don’t know. I don’t care. Do whatever you want. Comment if you want, not if you don’t. I wouldn’t notice if you don’t. I know the people who interact with me, not the ones who don’t.The only people I find creepy are the ones who friend request me and then message me “hai!” (10/10 times a dick pic follows a misspelled hi)

Why does my female friend of 4 years now think it's "creepy" if I end my texts to her with "take care" or "stay safe"? I say this to all my friends! What should I say instead?

Not everyone is raised with the same ideas about “common” courtesy.I feel as though most people in the US (I presume you are in the US) will understand that “Take care” and “Stay safe” are nothing more than habitual pleasantries. That said, it should be clear from the answers you are receiving to this question that is not a universal understanding.You probably don’t think about it… why would you?… but both “Take care” and “Stay safe” come from a time when the world was largely seen as a very dangerous place. They still carry that connotation: that you need to be on your guard at all times. Some people will find that clashes with their worldview that the world (at least their part of it) is fundamentally safe, and so your thoughtless pleasantry strikes them as discordant. Insofar as it may provide a window to your worldview, it may introduce ideas of fundamental incompatibility into whatever relationship you have.I’ve worked with the general public for several years now. While I was raised to ‘keep my head on a swivel’ and be prepared for anything to happen, it has become apparent that most people are not raised with that attitude or those skills. Many, many people wander through their daily lives completely oblivious to what is happening around them. I believe this to be utterly irresponsible and foolish, but their lives are their own to treat as casually as they please.Such a person, who doesn’t have the skills to take note of the risk around him or her and has been lucky enough to never have this nonchalance backfire on them, may very well find that “Take care” and “Stay safe” are incomprehensible and paranoid things to say to a friend.I would seriously question the wisdom and safety of remaining friends with such a person; you may simply try ‘Bye’ instead.

I like creepy things?

I really really love creepy things, I am 14 and most people my age back away from that kind of stuff and think it is weird. I also am interested in a lot of other things people my age aren't, such as cartoons, games... But I am here specifically about the creepy stuff. I love Tim Burton, everyone I know hates his movies because they are too "weird". I don't look like the kind of person to love that kind of stuff, I don't wear makeup and my clothes are pretty neutral colors though I prefer wearing dark because I think it looks best on me... I don't know where to find people my age who like the same things I do, because it seems like everyone is a carbon copy (though I know that isn't true, and everyone has something weird about them that they most likely just hide). I have always been interested in the creepy and mysterious side of things, I love being scared and everything like that. I guess I feel like I am the only one in my area who likes this kind of stuff, and I feel a little alone. Advice?

Help am i a sadist or is my friend the sadist?

well me and my friend and twin sister lilibette are having an argument and i say yes here is why

i am normally quiet just like my best friend*which to myself i think people are more afraid of me*
and i love hanging upside down and big explosions as well blood does not bother me i also love to be creepy and stick out my tongue i also make creepy smiles so am i a sadist*i think i am*

my friend for the most part likes to see others in pain it does not matter if there is a scene on a movie where someone blows their brains out or if someone in real life is badly injured she gets off by it she also laughs at them.she also likes the idea of torturing people who abuse kids and animals.she also apparently played a dominatrix role in her past relationships