Do You Know Women In Cities Earn More Than Men Isnt That Cause Balack Men Are Too Lazy

Why are some white people so insensitive to Black America's problems?

white people should not be held responsible for the short-comings of black people.

black people should expect more from themselves the way east indians expect their children will be doctors and lawyers and they should continue to work to better their communities the way calvin butts has done with harlem.

my reasoning has nothing to do with obama "breaking through" or the playing field now being "level". it has to do with my own experiences with both races and realizing that the problems come from within. the way the two races react to eachother within their own communities is vastly different. when grown white people see a white person being somewhat "different", they usually chuckle and go on about their and let live. when grown black people in inner cities see someone being somewhat "different", the reaction tends to be vocal and/or hostile as i've experienced...being continually demeaned by people that seem to be just like you is crippling to the psyche and detrimental to aspiration.

it is not white people's responsibility to come in and babysit and make things better.

fyi: black people tend to chuckle at people that bring up slavery and africa as a reason for modern-day problems. try not to mention that or the term "african dispora" if you decide to become a black rights activist.

How do Mexican men feel about Marrying or being in a seroius realationship with American women??

I can tell you from my experience(married to a mexican man) that mexican men love american women because we are so different. We have brown hair, blonde hair, red hair, green eyes, blue eyes, hazel eyes, brown eyes, different builds, etc....So they find american women very beautiful...but, they also believe that american women are more promiscuous. In mexico, if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend you don't have sex until you either are married or are sure you are going to get married. That's just the way it is. The men are very dominant and can be very macho. If you are an independent woman, that won't sit well with a mexican man because they want the perfect biblical version of what a wife should be. Someone that cooks and cleans, and takes care of the children....while they can do as they please because they are men. So I think to marry a mexican man you need to be willing to compromise a lot...My husband was such a macho at first but we when I wouldn't let him boss me around completely then he finally let up on a lot of things. Just remember, you both have to be willing to accept each other's culture and to work with it if you want it to last in the end...

Do all black people deserve$$$ because slavery happened???

Actually the government does NOT want to get into this mess! But some lawyers sure do. Imagine the mess of figuring out who has a qualifying ancestor and who came to this country after 1865 or who's ancestors died fighting AGAINST slavery. The machinations would be endless and every thirty years it would start up again as each lost generation claims to be "hurt" by the offenses so many years ago. But to the LAWYERS, it's an endless stream of billable hours, so they're lovin' it. I sincerely hope is fizzles because at this point it is unjust to take money from some people and give it to others when NONE of them was involved in the event. I would challenge any award as a violation of my civil rights.

Do Chinese people like black people?

I think it is just a preference. Dark skin in Asia is seen as less attractive than White skin. Just like in America, being Fat is seen as less attractive than being Skinny.I’ve been living and working in Shenzhen, China for about 2 years now, and I can honestly say that I have never experienced any racism or discrimination.Let me first say that although I am African-American, I do have a lighter skin-tone. In fact, I have come across a lot of Chinese locals who have darker skin than I do. I’ve never experienced the same issues most dark-skinned Africans, or African-Americans have face here. I have heard some crazy stories, though.I know a few dark-skinned guys here who tell me they are judged on a daily basis. Kids scurry away from them in fear, Chinese women avoid them, locals point and say, “Hey look, black person!” in Chinese. These are things I have never experienced, and I’m black (by race). I believe it has something to do with my light-skin tone. According to my girlfriend (who’s Chinese) it’s also because I am handsome, and I have a friendly face (this might be a stretch).A Chinese woman once told me that she preferred African-Americans of my skin tone. “They are usually smarter, friendlier and more cultured.” Most job postings prefer White European or American teachers, but a large majority of them also say “Obama-skin color is also okay!” Most Chinese locals are not used to seeing black guys, whites, sure. So, when they see a black guy, they are a little taken back. Some don’t know how to react. There are plenty of videos online with Chinese locals staring and taking pictures with black people, simply because they are not used to seeing them.The important thing to remember is that not all Chinese people are like this. Most are open and friendly and appreciative of all cultures. I have had some great times here. Drinking with locals, playing basketball and soccer with locals, traveling with my girlfriend and her friends. China is a beautiful country and you should never allow a small minority of prejudice, close-minded individuals to discourage you from visiting.Thanks for reading!