Do You Like The Congresional Black Caucus

Who funds the Congressional Black Caucus?

Caucuses aren't funded by anybody.

The CBC is a body composed of all the African American members of the U.S. Congress (43). They were established in 1913 and seek to advance the Legislative agendas as it relates to AA's and other marginalized groups here and abroad. As of late. Here's some of the things they're doing!Combatting Voter SuppressionFighting for more housing for marginalized groupsMaking healthcare more accessible to minorities……Note: Every group, whether Ethnic, Corporate, Religious or whatever, has a group or groups whose aim is to advance their groups agenda in Washington DC.How effective these groups/caucuses/lobbies are is another story entirely!

Never blame someone for telling the truth.Of course, only a President can give a SOTU. But Trump and Pelosi will each have his or her own challenges on that occasion.Trump’s challenge will be to speak for 30 seconds without lying.Pelosi’s challenge will be to keep herself from laughing in Trump’s face.

Is the Congressional Black Caucus a racist organization?

Well, it's an organization that is exclusive to one race, so I guess, by definition, yes. And someday, when this country's race troubles are further behind it than today, I would hope that it would cease to exist. But until then it's pretty natural that a group that's been through what the black community has been through would tend to have a lingering 'us vs them' mentality. Let time heal wounds.

Question: Do you agree with the Congressional Black Caucus leaders calling on Northam to resign because “He’s lost the authority to govern”?Yes. Anybody who is seen dressed up in a KKK Costume or even blackface for that matter should resign. Simple.In this day and age, it’s simply unacceptable to be so racially insensitive. They call the Democratic party the party of tolerance, but where is the outrage calling Northam to resign? If this were a Republican who was dressed up in a KKK costume the whole world would be up in flames. It just truly shows the hypocrisy of the Democratic Party in 2019.EDIT: Thank you for showing me. The Democrats have called on Northam to resign.

You might want to work a bit on your comprehension of what you are viewing.Anderson Cooper is the CNN guy. This Jeffrey Lord guy is a GOP mouthpiece that gets paid to make the false narratives - like the CBC is just like the KKK. You see them make that kind of argument often - they both eat breakfast and put their pants on one leg at a time, therefore the CBC is the same as the KKK. Or the KKK hates blacks and the CBC won’t make room in their philosophy to at least hear the KKK out - same thing. Of course it is not the same thing.

Well, you could formalize the informal one that has been in existence since Congress began; but then why purposely antagonize everyone? Frankly there is really no need for a white caucus. For those who don’t understand what a caucus is try watching House of Cards. Great TV series that does a decent job of bringing a very boring subject (Congress) into context.Caucus’s are formed based on the idea that there are both safety and power in numbers. While they may be formed around a central idea or special interest, the special interest is only a cover story. Say you are a member of the farm caucus, every other member of the farm caucus votes the same way on the same farm related bills. This allows a certain degree of plausible deniability and shifting blame if something goes South. Additionally, if you can direct or influence 10 or so members of Congress to vote a certain way, then you have leverage that can be used. Again, House of Cards lays this out in a fairly entertaining (and evil?) way.A White Caucus would be pretty ineffectual as white people really do not get to have legislation that specifically is designated to help the white race. With no such legislation there is no need to have the safety of the herd. Additionally, there would be too many people with conflicting interests in such a broad subject for it be an effective Caucus. Can you image the Democrats and Republicans of today getting together in a White Caucus and trying to agree on something? They can’t do that now!Furthermore, it’s not like other race related Caucuses weld that much power. The Black Caucus has proven itself to be a bit on the hypocritical(and maybe racist) side of the issue. After all when you motto states: "Black people have no permanent friends, no permanent enemies ... just permanent interests." But you won’t let in a white Congressman from a district that is 60% black because "Mr. Cohen asked for admission, and he got his answer. He's white and the caucus is black. It's time to move on. We have racial policies to pursue and we are pursuing them, as Mr. Cohen has learned. It's an unwritten rule. It's understood." (Rep. William Lacy Clay, Jr D-Missouri) They also seem to favor funding black Democratic candidates over black Republican candidates, and men over women. There is also the growing disconnect between the role of the black caucus for a younger generation of black people.

As much as the Democratic Congressional Hispanic Caucus and the Republican Congressional Hispanic Conference would be.This seriously means that it would be by invitation only, but don’t hold your breath.(Mild rant)America is full of Minority driven orgs that were created because minorities were not represented, or were mistreated as a matter of course.It just strikes me as hypocritical that those who are against these orgs can acknowledge what created them but instead of changing the causes, wants to get rid of these orgs that address the disparity that they who are against these orgs continue to allow.This question is typical of this process.(rant over)