Do You Like The Name Tovah

What do you think if the name Tova/Tovah?

•Rate it out of 10, and do you like it better with the 'H' or without?
•I'm not pregnant, just thinking ahead :)
•If I use it in the furture, the surname will be Price, so do you think it sounds okay with this name?

BQ: Middle names?

P.S. I know there are a lot of questions within this question, but I would be so grateful of you could please answer
them all ^_^

Thank you!

What are some nicknames for a girl named "Tova" ?

I know a girl named Tova! It's a nice name and I actually don't really like NNs. In case u didnt know it means good in Hebrew (like mazel tove)

WDYT of the name Tova/Tovah?

It means "good" in Hebrew. It's a nice name. Easy to pronounce but different.

Tova ____?____ Rockefeller (Need a middle name that flows well)?

tova leah rockafellar
tova layla rockafellar
tova shay rockafellar
tova jeene rockafellar
tova skye rockafellar
tova rae rockafellar
tova marie rockafellar
tova dina rockafellar
tova bay rockafellar
tova lynn rockafellar
tova sheera rockafellar
tova alyssa rockafellar
tova bluma rockafellar
tova anya rockafellar
tova ryleigh rockafellar
tova marla rockafellar
tova aliza rockafellar
tova elise rockafellar
tova lenore rockafellar
tova lenora rockafellar
tova elinora rockafellar
tova leora rockafellar

Do you know what "ksivah vchasimah tovah " means?

See this:

And this:

And this:

What does "Shana Tova" mean in Hebrew?

Shanah Tovah - means a good year. Shanah Tovah is a common blessing for the Jewish new year, which usually falls in September.

Girl name suggstions?

We're having our last child and while we don't know what we are having we can't agree on a girl's name.

I like Amelia Tovah (we're Jewish, it's Hebrew for good) but my husband doesn't like Tovah. I'd like some suggestions of alternate middle names or if you like Tovah.

To give you a feel for the types of names we like, if it's a boy we'll name him Silas Nikolai. Our other three kids are named Katherine Adara, Gabriel Declan and Dante Alexander.

How do you write the name "David" in Hebrew?

Most frequently seen in the Hebrew Bible, and used by me, pronounced Duvid in Hebrew is Daled - Vav - Daled:דודHowever, in some spots, the same person, King David, in the Hebrew Bible, is spelledDaled - Vav - Yod - Daled, pronounced DuveedדוידAnd some of the Yeshiva students use this when writing me or putting me on a list.So, take your choice.