Do You Think Cloudflare Good Enough To Protect A Website

Can cloudflare be used for ecommerce websites?

Yes - STRONGLY recommend Cloudflare.We have used this for a number of clients and would have to dramatically increase our server structure if did not use Cloudflare. One particular springs to mind. Longleat is one of the UK’s biggest attractions, is regularly featured on TV and has some big visitor spikes. Moreover the site is quite content rich with several header videos. Despite visit peaks of 2000+ simultaneous users and upwards of 180 transactions per second we are admirably coping with a single server (admittedly with product managed from our PIM, but the bulk of the traffic was marketing and event based pages).I have reviewed a similar site with slightly less traffic, and despite three servers, Longleat’s Cloudflare/single server is outperforming in response times.There are a number of other benefits to Cloudflare: it is easy to set up redirects, SSL management is made easy, and there are some serious benefits for DNOS attacks.So, highly recommended.(We have no relationship to Cloudflare, other than a happy customer)

Is my VPS web hosting good enough for my website?

I haven’t ever used a VPS Hosting service from Hostgator till now. But the configuration you have said seems good for the website you are having. But the current trend shows that your website will soon be having more real time and for that this package wont be good enough.To know More about VPS Hosting Google Search:I would like to ask you if you are getting these features as well with your VPS package likeRealtime Malware Injection ScanRealtime PHP/Mysql Injection ScanOption to choose Apache / NgnixVarnish Cache server to speed up to 10XSPAM protection, Isolating spammersMySql Query optimization, MySql cache optimizationStorage & BandwidthRoot SSH AccessUnlimited Domain HostingPHP5 SupportSSL Secure ServerIPv6 SupportCanned CGI ScriptsFull CGI AccessNetwork IsolationIf not I would suggest you to go with a better VPS Hosting provider.The main concern while opting for a VPS server is if you are getting a good online Technical support as it would help you to keep your website in good position through a good support if your website faces any problem.

Is Cloudflare a good option for getting free SSL?

You can get Free SSL! Everyone gets Free SSL! That was one of the many headlines announced that Cloudflare is giving out Free SSL Certificates. Cloud Fare is CDN and Security Company. They make your website faster and secure. Cloudflare power many popular websites including Reddit, yelp, stack overflow etc.Cloudflare let you serve your website over SSL without having to purchase and install a security certificate a product called they call “Flexible SSL”. They act as a proxy and serve your website over SSL from their server, while the connection from your servers to their remains unencrypted.The benefits of this site up are:· Easy to get started, no need to install certificates on your web server and deal with periodic renewals.· Provides protection from eavesdropping on insecure Wi-Fi connections and others on your local network or at the ISP level.· Users will see a green padlock in their browser and should not receive any security warnings.Up to here, it seems well but the main problem is Cloudflare doesn’t offer end to end encryption by default:The above diagram taken from their website, this is how their “Flexible SSL” setup works.This is a huge problem because the traffic from your visitors is only encrypted up to the point where it reaches Cloudflare servers. Then its decrypted and sent over plain text to your server. Your visitors may think their data is safe which is actually not. This false sense of security is even worse than no encryption because with at least no encryption you know what you are getting into.The Traffic is subject Man-In-the-Middle attacks where another server can impersonate your server and receive its traffic.So even though you have a Green padlock in your website still visitor data is not really protected.Get a Free SSL Certificate from Certificate Authority instead of Cloudflare.