Do You Think I Have Anorexia

How can I tell if I have anorexia?

I can’t tell you if you have anorexia, but I will share with you my past behavior, which developed into a condition that almost killed me, which was in fact anorexia. Perhaps you can relate - this is in chronological order, as the condition worsened:I added more fruits and vegetables to my dietI removed excess bread from my dietI removed fried foods from my dietI overindulged in fruits, vegetables and some fishI only consumed low carb fake food, in addition to fruits and vegetablesI avoided most things, other than fruits and vegetablesI avoided most things other than fruitI avoided food in favor of alcoholI avoided social functions centered around foodI avoided eating in front of peopleI ate only fake, low calorie food, stayed indoors, became a recluse, rejected my family and friends and became both physically and mentally sickMy heart shrunk, my husband was told to prepare to lose meUntil:I recoveredI eat anything I want, in front of anyone around, at any time I pleaseIf you can relate to the content listed within the first block of bullet-points, please consider that many remain gripped within the confines of an eating disorder and don’t make it to the second phase, because they wait too long. I encourage you to find a treatment team or therapist who specialize in eating disorders, today.

I think I'm developing anorexia. How do I stop?

I'm sorry for apparently attention seeking. HAH. I just had no where else to turn tbh. I'm not going to load my problems off to my friends, 1 because they won't know what tto say. and 2 because I care about them. you should have even bothered making an account, what thee point if you're just going to say, 'I have my own problems to deal with blahblahblah'.

I think I Have Anorexia Nervousa?

Heyyy there.
For the past year or so now, I have been struggling with my weight. About a year ago today I was almost 150 pounds. After a year of struggling and hard work, I reached my goal weight of 135.
But it wasn't good enough.
So I lost another 5 pounds or so... and that brings me to my issue today.
Im still not happy. No matter what number I see on that scale or that body I see in the mirror, I won't ever get the body I want.
I never eat above 1000 calories. I'm always below. I burn 500-1000 calories everyday. Here are my "symptoms" that is making me think I have this disease.
-Obsessively reading nutrition labels
-Fear of weight gain
-Constantly going to the bathroom after a "meal" and seeing if my body image changed
-Been missing periods for months now
-Cook deserts for others and not have a bite
-Think about food, weight loss, and how to get rid of the calories constantly
-Skip social events to exersize
-Lately I have been having muscle soreness
-Not caring how I lose the weight, even if its unhealthy
-Thinking of weight loss will be how to make me achieve happiness
-Shrinking of breasts
-Denial of hunger
-Hide eating habits from friends and family
-Sticking to the same very strict low calorie and carb diet
-Complaining of being fat
-Very tired
-Constipation and diarehea
There's more but I felt that'd give you a pretty good idea.
I'm 14 years old and 5'4 or 5'5 and since my last weigh in (next weigh in is on Tuesday) I weigh 129-130 pounds. My legs are very muscular and Im a very muscular teen, but now my weight loss is one of my main priortities... I constantly think about it and I won't listen to anyone.
Help me... do I have Anorexia Nervousa?
Thank you!
And also no mean comments. Thanks.

Do you have to be skinny to be anorexic?

I don't think so. While being dangerously underweight is very common in people with anorexia, the definition of anorexia is pathological dieting and an unnatural fear of gaining weight. Symptoms of anorexia include obsessive calorie counting, following extremely restrictive diets (about 1000 cals a day or less), cutting up food into tiny portions, and viewing their body in an unrealistic way (thinking they are fat when they are actually extremely thin.) Often there are also physical signs (missing three or more menstrual cycles, for example.) Having a low BMI is one of the symptoms and could possibly be part of the criteria for diagnosis - however, I would assume that in the early stages of anorexia the person may be an average size, as they have not had the disorder long enough to expiereince the harmful weight loss typically associated with anorexia.Remeber that there are other eating disorders as well, and if you think you have anorexia then I would advise you check the symptoms of bulimia. If a person is not skinny but has an eating disorder, then it would be more likely to be bulimia, or the binge eating/purging type of anorexia, but it would still be possible for the, to have the restricting type.If you do have an eating disorder (or anything else, really) then I hope you recover from it, remeber you can always message me if you need someone to talk to :)

What can I do if doctors think that I'm anorexic, but I'm truly not?

Ok, so you know. You may not want to admit it, or not be ready to give it up yet, or maybe not even understand everything about it, but if you are an anorexic - you know it!I was living in another state, 900 miles from my mom and dad, not realizing they were also receiving therapy for the stress of having a daughter who was starving to death. I would challenge myself as to how many days I could go without eating a single morsel of food, of course I knew I was anorexic, but I wasn't going to openly admit it because then my doctor would force me to eat.I was seeing two doctors who were gently ‘massaging’ my feelings until one got pushy and decided it was time for an admission. I bolted, went home, to mom and dad. That pushy doctor called, he talked to my mother telling her she had two choices, send me back for hospital admission OR buy me a coffin with a graveyard plot.That was definitely a turning point for me because I saw my mom suffering horribly. She would not survive this disease much longer, never mind me.Fifteen years later, I still struggle. I have a poor relationship with food, a terribly unhealthy diet, and can still easily go a few days without food. Sometimes, I cry before going to the grocery store. And my cleaning lady found a spider web in my oven, a sign that maybe I should be cooking more!!If it's not true, why do the doctors believe it to be true? Weight loss? Persistent vomiting, diarrhea? Low albumin? Decreased muscle mass? Decreased immunity? Anemia? Persistent fatigue? Fainting? Dehydration? Tachycardia? Shortness of breath? Depression? Decreased mental acuity/focus? Lack of menstruation? Or a combination of the previous symptoms?If it's not true, prove it to them. Tell your doctors what is really going on with your body. Why are you having symptoms of anorexia, and if you don't know why, then start keeping a food journal. There are plenty of apps that can help with that. Have you had any further testing? What are your family members, the people who know you best saying?If I can survive and make it to the other side of an eating disorder, trust me when I say, anybody can!!Chin up young person.

I am thin and i weigh 104 lbs. Would you say im anorexic? My friends tell me im anorexic.?

Check this height/weight chart. This is a guideline... keep in mind that there are always exceptions, but if you find that you are out of the range you may want to consider that you might be underweight.

Also ask yourself... Do you hate to eat? Do you eat ice cream? Potato chips? Pizza? Anorexia is more than just being skinny. It is a way that people relate to food and eating. If you eat when you are hungry and don't worry about it, I would say you are just naturally skinny.

When you start refusing to eat certain foods because they have too much fat, when you look at yourself in the mirror and think you look fat all the time, when you obsess about your figure... those are danger signs. If you don't really think about what you are eating, and don't ignore your hunger, you are probably just skinny.

Its ok to be skinny unless you get there through unhealthy means.

Anorexia - losing weight through not eating,
Bulemia - throwing up after you eat
are both unhealthy. If you think you have one of these tell your doctor. These can have severe consequences including interefering with your ability to have children later.

Do you think I am anorexic? (13,5"4,77 pounds) Help Please.?

There are 3 types of anorexic behavior; Nervosa (refusing to eat, or micromanaging food intake), Bulimia (binging and then purging) and Athletica (excessive working out). In your case, it sound like a combination of Nervosa and Athletica.

You thinking you're fat is not worth the problems it gives you. You will not develop properly, your hair will turn gray and fall out, you'll stop, or never receive your period, etc.

You are not a freak for having this issue. I myself battled it for a number of years. I am now at a healthy weight, and have maintained it and my health. Be strong. It takes a lot of will power to get out of adolescence alive, but it's not impossible. It mainly stems from a need to have control over your life. Try picking up a passtime, like gardening, or get a pet.