Do You Think I Have Chance To Live Into Year 3000

Do you think the world is going to make it to the year 3000?

The world is going to be fine, possibly a little more polluted and the water levels may be a little higher but through thick, thin or nuclear apocalypse the world will still survive.We on the other hand will not.We will continue pollute the planet as we currently do.We will continue to fight each other over insignificant, things like our imaginary friends and the level of melanin in our skin.And we will continue to overpopulate this planet sapping it of space, resources and natural habitat for vital flora and fauna.We are going to lead to our demise as well as the extinction of countless other species.The planet on the other will be fine. Look at the once earthlike Venus. Inhospitable, incredibly hot and still here. This is what people don't seem to understand. In polluting the planet and contributing to climate change we are not killing the planet, just the likelihood that we will be able to safely inhabit it in the not too distant future.

Do you think that living in the year 1632 is better than the year 2001?

Absolutely not. If you weren't a noble, or a rich merchant, or somehow able to attach yourself to one of those, you were poor,  very very poor.Famines happened more often. So people were hungry and not eating properly a lot. Common folk had little to no rights or opportunities. Work was hard and hands on, often resulting in crippling injuries or death.  Diseases or illnesses that today are cured with a simple pill, or antibiotic salve, would oftentimes kill you outright. Medicine was a joke back then. Antibiotics did not exist.Your life expectancy was no where near what it is today. Living into your 40s or 50s was living a long time. Water was often times unsafe to drink which is why wine, ale and other alcoholic beverages were common drinks.Cleanliness was pretty nonexistent since baths were a luxury. So people stink, and the ones who can afford to try and mask their odor with perfume ....... Well it doesn't work too well.There were no retirement plans for workers. No unemployment insurance. When you got old you better hope your children liked you enough to take care of you otherwise you would starve or freeze to death eventually.Travel between cities and countries was a long and slow process that was often extremely dangerous since the roads were filled with bandits. These issues were common the world over.  I would prefer living in this time period over the early 1600s any day of the week.

What are the chances of human existence by the year 3000?

The fate of humanity appears to be gloomy every passing hour, but God has a glorious future for His people. It is widely known that some notable figures have predicted the extinction of man by the year 3000. Physicist Stephen Hawking has even suggested that; "[W]e must ... continue to go into space for the future of humanity," Hawking goes on to say, in a lecture at the University of Cambridge, "I don’t think we will survive another 1,000 years without escaping beyond our fragile planet."On the optimistic side, an evolutionary expert says “humans will grow to an average of two metres, live to the age of 120 and all have brown skin by 3000,” But the fact remains that, humans will continue to exit thousands of years to come if Jesus Christ has not returned back on earth to save His own and establish a new world order. In fact, why He has not returned, is because the Gospel has not reached all people on the earth.And this good news of the kingdom (the Gospel) will be preached throughout the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then will come the end. (Amplified Bible Matthew 24:14)

I'm 18 years old and now living on my own in high school, how do I make it?

So... reality hits. Your best option in any sense is patching things up at home.

You're not going to survive in California making that little a month, period. Sharing an apartment with two 2 roommates in So Cal, I only got by making minimum wage working two jobs at around 60 hours per week. As soon as one of those incomes was gone, I became screwed, and attending school was not a consideration I could make. You don't even make enough to cover rent anywhere, let alone any other living costs.

If you really need a car, shop around for a decent one around $700. They are out there, and do a phone that doesn't require a contact, one of those pay as you go phones. Staying at a friend's is a temporary, never permanent solution.

Financial aid takes into consideration your parents income as well as yours until you are considered independent by their standards or are over 24. Without their information, the most you will be offered is student loans ($5,500) which will not even cover tuition. You'll need ways to cover the rest, be it private loans (need a cosigner for without decent credit), scholarships, or paying yourself. If you can get your parents information, then you'll have the chance at a Pell Grant, but we cannot say for certain without knowledge of their income. If they were willing to pay, I'm guessing they make a good amount and you will not receive anything.

Student are pretty much disqualified from any social programs because continuing education is deemed as a choice, rather than the necessity to support yourself. You may be able to get food stamps, but they require you to be working a certain amount of hours each week, and are based on household income. You're completely disqualified from welfare, and unemployment should you quit or cut your hours for school.

Basically, unless you can get things right with your parents, you have no way of attending UCSC for now. You simply cannot afford to go there, let alone to support yourself. You need to consider attending a community college then transferring, working for a while to becoming financially stable before any school, and/or fixing things at home.

As a Fruitarian can I live over 120 years old?

I read that Fruitarian have only 2% chances to get a heart attack or stroke comparing to somebody who eats meat/fish 40% of chance of getting a heart attack. I only eat fruits , some salad some nuts and NOTHING ELSE I have about 2500 to 3000 calories per day( a lot of bananas and organic dates bring quite a few calories but of course I eat at least 6 different type of fruits per day. Organic avocados bring close to 4% high quality protein per day. I am 48 but look like a 30 years old. I make love to my lady like when I was in my 20s. what are my chances to live over 110 years old?

When did achilles live?how many years ago?

Achilles lived about 1200 BC.
While the story has been regarded as a myth, the Iliad gained a lot of credability about 1830AD when it was used to find many historical sites, including Troy and Mycenae. A lot of very educated and talented people now take it as being quite accurate. The chance that Achilles was a real person is high since much of the rest of the story is correct.
There is no painting because paintings don't survive 3,000 years. Most of the real old ones are less than 500 years old.

If you had the chance in the future to get younger and live forever, would you accept or decline?

I will go for the first one and take the chance to get younger.I am missing my school life very much. I always love to think myself younger than I really am.I will never want to live forever. Because that is not the rule to live in the world. It will be really boring to live forever as I will get older and I shall not have any work to do. So I will want to enjoy today’s life or as long as I am alive rather than living forever.So, I will always accept the chance (except live forever). However, I want to live the past life.I want to gossip with my friends, sitting on the grass on topics like movies, books, songs, sports anand most importantly Harry Potter.I would like to go to cafe with them and share icecreams, snacks, tiffin etc. I would love to visit the forbidden places.Can anyone give me that chance?

Would humanity survive until the year 3000?

Would humanity survive until the year 3000? Yes.
Will humanity survive until the year 3000? Probably.
What will humanity be like in the year 3000? Living underground and in outerspace due to the uninhabitable toxicity of Earth's atmosphere. Also people will probably be shorter and pudgier as a species.