Do You Think Letter Writing Is The Best Form Of Communication

What are ten types of written communication?

Chat through internet
Love letters
Drawing sings --like the sign of heart- it tells a person that you love him or her
Reports--this is how teachers comunicate with parents
that's all i can think of. you can brain storm 2 more right?!.

What kind of communication do you prefer?

It truly depends on who it is. For work reasons I love email I don't have to see my boss unless I have too. I go into work check my email if there is something to do "He sends me a list" almost no contact. Besides he has bad breath.

Now my mother lives in AZ and I in WA. E-mail or IM is wonderful because we can turn on the cams and I can see her as we talk. I miss her!

But my sister who is in the same state if we aren't together we are on the phone. We see each often and when we don't its nice to hear her voice.

My hubby sends me e-mails sometimes and its nice to open them up and see stuff like "I'm thinking of you" or "See you soon". He isn't bothering me on the phone but he still sends the message of love during the day.

So depending on the people in your life, most differ.
If you want me to say one or the other e-mail would be it!

Is face-to-face communication better than other types of communication, such as letters, email, or telephone calls? Why?

I believe that there are positives and negatives associated with each form of communication and which one to choose depends entirely on the situation which requires the communication. A few examples:If you're delivering bad news, it's not fair to do that using a telephone or other electronic means. It's a lot more humane to do this in person, even if it's not fun for you.If you're trying to sell something, it's a lot more difficult for a potential customer to blow you off to your face, so selling in person is to your advantage.If the communication needs to take place across different time zones, electronic communication may be more convenient for both parties.If the communication needs to be very short, that's another benefit to electronic communication. If I need to let me daughter know I'm sitting in the car outside of her school, ready to pick her up, I send her a quick text to that effect, and she knows to leave the building.A letter is a very personal way to express deep emotions. Love letters...classic, memorable, able to be kept for years, irreplaceable when lost. (If you break up with the person, they're fun to burn in a final symbolic gesture.)If you're saying something you DON'T want a permanent record of, do it in person. Conversely, if you DO want it documented, e-mail and text is a good way to go.The phone and e-mail allow me to distance myself from certain people in my life (read, certain relatives!). If I call or e-mail my dad once a week, he'll be less likely to drive 900 miles and show up unannounced on my front porch. Mostly.E-mail and social media allow me to send an important message to many people at once, cutting down on my effort.

What is your preferred method of communication?

Depends on who I am communicating with.

What is the importance of writing letters?

Well, the main importance of writing letters is to communicate but if you are also talking about handwritten letters(which is seen very rarely today), they have a special feeling to them.Hand written letters make you feel special, and the contents are palpable  :)Here are some of the importances-It is much more personal than a report.In business dealing, it represents your company's image and your competence.It is also used as an official or legal record of any agreement.You also need to write a letter( C.V, i.e cover letter) if you are a job applicant.You can find more about it on @Letter writing essentials   Thanks for A2A!

Do you think email will ever completely replace letter writing?

No, because email is not a superior form of communication in every conceivable way. That is, there are some ways in which a traditional letter is superior. Such as:A letter does not require an Internet connection to be sent or received.A letter does not require a computer to create or read.A letter does not consume electricity to stay open.A letter cannot be hacked.And so on and so forth (comment if you think of any additional advantages of letters over email).Email is generally considered an improvement over letter-writing, because it eases the process in the ways that most people typically care the most about; especially time and accessibility. But email is not an improvement upon every single advantage that a traditional letter has. As long as there are still scenarios in which a written letter could be preferred, letters will continue to be a thing.

Why is learning letter writing important?

Even in today’s fast-paced society, I think letter writing still holds an important component in our communication. Here are a few reasons why:Letter Writing Requires Thought Opposed to texting or even talking on the phone, letter writing allows the writer to have time to think about the content they are writing. One of the best features when it comes to writing a letter is being able to sit down and process your thoughts before actually putting pen to paper. For someone like myself who is not quick on their feet, writing a letter allows ample time to make sure I am saying exactly what I want to say. If I make a mistake, I can scrap my thought and start over again!Tangible Communication Unlike a text message or a phone call, a letter is a tangible piece of communication. We can actually hold on to the pen and paper, and we can read the letters we have received over and over again without the fear of them being deleted or forgotten. We also have more control in how we communicate with our letters. There’s no frustration spurred from autocorrect or accidentally hitting send when we are not finished with our thought.

What is the purpose of writing a letter?

Put simply, letters are for communication.But there’s more to it than that (assuming we’re not talking about a formal situation).To me, a letter is the most personal form of communication that isn’t face to face.Not only does it have your unique writing ‘voice’, it has your unique handwriting, too. When you write a letter, you can guarantee there’s no letter out there in existence that looks like yours.It is something truly original.You can consider your thoughts properly. There’s no pressure to reveal them sooner than you wish to. You can say something and say it exactly how you want to.And that is what a letter is for.It’s for communicating your thoughts and feelings to someone else in the most personal way possible, without them actually standing in front of you.I always get a little buzz when a letter with my handwritten address on it is in my postbox.

Do you believe we should revive the lost art of writing letters?

I for one, do not. While writing letters may seem romantic, my opinion is that it’s really is a waste of time unless the situation calls for real old-fashioned communication in some special way. What matters is relationships, and communication if to create and strengthen relationships. I personally would rather use that time to talk to the person in question. If that is not an option, a phone call would be more valuable than a letter which is read and then thrown away or put in a drawer.In my opinion :)