Do You Think Muslims In The East Have An Agenda For A Hostile Takeover Of The U.s.

Why do do most Christians think that Muslims started the wars we have today?

Everything goes back farther than that, It was the sin of Abraham that brought about the Muslim VS everyone else problem. God had promised Abraham and Sara a child that would become the Father of the Jews. But Sarah got tired of waiting. Sara took matters into her own hands by giving Hagar (her slave) to Abram. Like Abram she had trouble believing God’s promise that was apparently directed specifically toward Abram and Sara. Out of this lack of faith came a series of problems. This invariably happens when we take over for God, trying to make his promise come true through efforts that are not in line with his specific directions. In this case, time was the greatest test of Abram and Sara’s willingness to let God work in their lives. Sometimes we too must simply wait. When we ask God for something and have to wait, it is a temptation to take matters into our own hands and interfere with God’s plans.
Cross References:
Genesis 16:3—Genesis 12:4-5
The resulting child was Ismael who became the father of the Arab nations. Soon after Hagar gave birth to Ishmael Sarah became pregnant with the child God had promised. The two women and their children didn't get along so Abram through Hagar and Ishmael out. There has been trouble ever since.

What is the difference between a Neo-Con (new conservative) and a traditional conservative?

Well,since you obviously want to avoid all the insults the right hurls
at everyone(wink wink) we'll just skip over that.

Conservatism-Rule of society by an aristocracy.
Sorry.That is atrocious.

Neo-Con:A heavy slanderer of all non-conservatives who believes we should domesticate the world at any price.Morally and fiscally irresponsible.

Why did european imperialist powers want to take over Ottoman Empire lands?

The short answer is the Europeans used to have trade routes to India and China. The Ottomans shut them off. They tried to defeat them so they could reopen the lucrative trade routes. The Europeans were also working a sea route to get another trade route opened. That was why Columbus accidentally discovered the American continents.

Maybe people haven't answered because these days imperialist is a bad word and they were a little taken aback at the question.

You need to put the empires in question on an equal footing. When you label European imperialist powers (and don't capitalize Europe but do capitalize Ottoman) and don't label Ottoman Empire as imperialists, that makes me think you have a hidden agenda.

As for your question, European powers tried to take over the Ottoman Empire for the same reason the Ottoman Epire tried to take over Europe. The larger the lands you control, the more wealth you have. And it is about wealth and protecting it.

Face it, the Ottoman Empire started small, just like all empires do. Then they grew. They took over lands that previously belonged to someone else - imperialism I think they call it. So just as European powers were imperialist, so were the Ottomans.

The European powers and the Ottoman Empire didn't want to stand pat. Europeans couldn't expand west, there was an ocean in the way. The Ottomans couldn't expand east, mountains and a hostile Indian subcontinent were in the way. So the Ottomans tried to expand west, into Europe and the Europeans tried to expand east, into the Middle East.

Since the Ottomans wanted to expand, the Europeans tried to push them back. And the Europeans tried to expand and the Ottomans resisted.